The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 384 Wood Hand VS Tezuka

Chapter 384 Wood Hand VS Tezuka
"You guys are disgraceful! What the hell are you doing? Why is everyone like this, it will only embarrass me!"

Saotome Harumi looked at Heiguba and Chinen Kan who had sadly left the stage, and suddenly became angry.

"One by one, you can only talk big, and you still want to create your own era? It's ridiculous!"

Saotome Harumi spat in disdain, then got up and was about to leave.

Kai, Heiguba, Chinenhiro and the others' expressions darkened. Although Saotome's words were hard to hear, it was true. It seemed that this year they really could only end here at Higa Junior High School.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a mustard tennis ball hit Saotome's huge belly straight.

With a plop, Saotome's body that had just stood up suddenly fell back on the chair.


The onlookers looked up from the direction the ball was coming from. Yoshiro Mute held a racket in his left hand and walked slowly to the guardrail.

"Please sit down until the last moment of the game, Coach Saotome!"

Kite Eishiro glanced at Saotome Harumi and said lightly.

"Wooden hand, you bastard."

Saotome Harumi's abdomen was overwhelmed, and cold sweat could not help but form on her forehead.

Mu Shou didn't hold back that ball just now, he really wanted to let the tool coach understand who is the real master of Higa Country.

"The game is not over yet!"

Mushou tilted his head, and the fierce light in his eyes caused Saotome to swallow the words that were already on his lips.

"What a ruthless guy!"

"What an arrogant guy, treating his coach like this!"

The players from other schools looked at Mu Shou with surprise on their faces. In Neon, a society that pays attention to seniority, it can be said that people like Mu Shou are very rare.

"Eishiro Kite! The biggest contributor to leading this Okinawa Higa country to the national competition for the first time. His strength as a player is naturally beyond doubt, and as the president, he is also deeply trusted by the members. In this year's Kyushu area He has never lost a single game in the competition, and he has wiped out all the ace players in each school, his nickname is Assassin!"


On the other hand, Mamoru Inoue was also talking to Shiba Saori about the deeds of Eishiro Kite, the strongest player in Higa country. In fact, after Kite led Higa country to rise suddenly this year, many people have noticed that this player from Okinawa He even ranked him with the Kyushu Shuangxiong as the top three national players in the Kyushu region. It is a pity that in the finals of the Kyushu regional competition, Higa Kunzhong failed to make it to the stage. He also failed to play against Tachibana Yoshihira who was the singles No. [-] of Shizile Middle School at that time.

"Yeah, not only his boldness but also his style of hitting the opponent's weak point quickly earned him this nickname."

Watchman Inoue looked at Mushou and said calmly.

"That's not the nickname a tennis player should have, it's too much for an assassin or something"

Shiba Saori glanced at Mu Hand strangely, is this contestant really that dangerous?

"The third round of the national competition is about to start. The representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy will face the No. [-] singles match of Okinawa's representative Higa Kuninaka. Youth Academy Tezuka Kunimitsu will play against Higa Kuninaka Kite Eishiro. Players from both sides are invited to play!"


Mushou walked down the steps and walked down the court. Although he had expected it before the game, Higa Junior High School suffered two consecutive defeats, which made Mushou a little unacceptable.

Mu Shou is a player who worships the strong. He has seen the strength of Budu in Paris. He admires Budu very much. He also knows that he is not the opponent of Budu at all, so he arranges himself in the second position of singles. The purpose is to avoid the duel with Fuji.

He will win this game for Higa!

As for Qingxue, Tezuka returned from warming up from a distance calmly, and also walked off the court with the racket in hand.

Watching the two walk to the net and shake hands with each other, everyone in Qingxue lay on the guardrail and watched the field.

"It's called an assassin, what a scary nickname!"

Kikumaru also heard about Kikuto's nickname from Kan, and he immediately became curious about Kikuto.

"I heard that in a match against him, no matter how strong the player is, he will not be able to retreat unscathed."

Gan Zhenzhi said lightly.

"There is no way to get out of the body?"

Hearing this, Dashi was slightly taken aback, what does this mean.

On the court, Tezuka and Kite are old acquaintances, so naturally they won't be too polite.

"Tezuka, although the outcome of the team battle seems to have settled, you'd better not keep your strength in this match!"

Kito looked at Tezuka Road.

"Don't worry, that's exactly what I mean!"

Tezuka looked flatly at Mu Te and said lightly.

The two hadn't played against each other yet, and a sense of murder had already permeated the audience. The referee on the high chair beside him suddenly felt a chill in his neck and hairs all over his body.

"In the match between Youth Academy and Higa Junior High School's No. [-] singles match, it was a one-set tiebreaker. Higa Junior High's wooden hand, Eishiro's serve."

The wooden hand took out a tennis ball and tossed it lightly, then leaned forward and poured down his arms.

With a flash of golden light, the tennis ball had reached Tezuka's right serving line.

Tezuka's gaze was fixed, and he stepped forward with a powerful backhand kick to quickly draw the ball to the opposite corner.

The wooden hand also stepped sideways, swung the backhand forcefully, and the tennis ball shot toward the opposite corner of Tezuka like an arrow off the string.

As soon as this came up, Mu Te and Tezuka launched a fierce confrontation on the bottom line.


"What kind of confrontation is this between the two of them!"

"Are they really middle school students like us?!"

The surrounding players from other schools looked shocked. The fierce confrontation between Kite and Tezuka made them dazzled, and they couldn't even see the shadow of the ball.

Facing the tennis ball hit again by the wooden hand, Tezuka lowered the head of the racket slightly and then pulled it obliquely downward.

"Here it is, it's the zero-style short ball of Vice President Tezuka!"

Momoshiro looked excited, no matter how many times he watched, Tezuka's zero-style short ball still shocked him so much.

"Zero short ball!"

Tezuka's signature zero-style short ball pose is naturally seen by Mu Te, but the zero-style short ball can't trouble him!

Shrink the land!
In one step, the wooden hand seemed to span the distance of the entire court, and suddenly appeared in front of the net. With a lift of his arm, he lifted the ball that was about to hit the ground into the air like a goldfish.

"No way! He will catch the ball before it hits the ground."

Qian Zhenzhi's eyes narrowed slightly. If the ball cannot land, the zero-style short ball will not be a threat.

"No, that short shot was just a bait!"

Akutsu laughed lightly, Tezuka was naturally aware of the fact that the opponent would shrink the ground, and there was only one reason for him to do this, to lure the enemy deep!

Tezuka sprinted forward, then stepped on his feet and jumped up, the muscles on his arms suddenly exerted force and slammed the tennis ball flying into the air.

"Beautiful! Hit to the other side of the door opening!"

Kawamura exclaimed excitedly, he remembered what Fuji said, there is no way to move left and right by shrinking the ground.

The wooden hand swept away from the corner of the eye, and while the upper body remained still, the feet stepped out to one side.

The falling tennis ball was hit straight in front of him by a beautiful volley in front of the net by Mu Shou.

"Game, Kite Eishiro, 15:0."

(End of this chapter)

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