Chapter 386
"Is that the last door of the legendary no-self realm, the limit of seamlessness!"

The wooden hand put down his arm to block the strong light and muttered to himself.

As the radiance dissipated, dots of cyan light particles emerged from Tezuka's body, forming a series of halos, engulfing Ki Te's vision.

The hairs all over Kizuka's body stood on end, and the powerful aura emanating from Tezuka had already frightened Mushu.

"This powerful aura! Let me open my eyes, Tezuka!"

Mu Shou yelled loudly, slightly dispelling the timidity in his heart.

Unlike Yukimura, Kite has no way to resist the effect of engulfing the five dimensions brought by Tezuka's seamlessness. The negative effect brought about by the passage of mental power is a significant weakening of the spiritual will, so he has to use this way to boost your morale.

The ball was thrown high by the wooden hand, and the onlookers looked at the mustard yellow ball flying into the air in surprise. What did the wooden hand intend to do at such a height.

"big Bang!"

The wooden hand served first, and when the tennis ball reached the highest point, he jumped to catch up. The solid muscles in his arm suddenly exerted force, and the racket was buckled down heavily.

The sound like a big bang shocked Siye, and the tennis ball shot out from the smoke was filled with all the strength of the wooden hand.

"What a powerful force!"

Kawamura's face was solemn, he naturally had the right to speak in terms of strength, and even he had to be cautious about the force of the big bang from the wooden hand.

"Cut! You can't beat that paralyzed face with brute force alone!"

Ajiujin curled his lips in disdain. If brute force was useful, he would have already beaten his hand to death.

"Get shot and fly out, Tezuka!"

After landing, the wooden hand stared at the court in front of him, and he had high hopes for his big explosion.

The tennis ball hit the court in front of Tezuka, and there was an explosive roar. The power of this ball shocked many people present. If they were facing this ball instead, their arms might not be able to bear it. live.

However, everyone in Qingxue didn't have the slightest worry. In terms of the power of hitting the ball, Akutsu with all his strength was only above the big explosion of Kite. Even Akutsu's strength could not defeat Tezuka, let alone Mute.

Tezuka's left hand stretched across, and the cyan light all over his body shone with it. In just a moment, the tennis ball that hit Tezuka's face was easily thrown away by Tezuka.

The tennis ball sucked the surrounding air into the bottom of the ball, and the whistling sound made Mushou's pupils shrink slightly. Mushou knew very well that the power of this ball must be terrifying, but he couldn't back down. He wanted to show everyone the power of Okinawa. strength!
The tennis ball was spinning violently on the racket surface of the wooden hand, even if the wooden hand held the racket with both hands, it could not stop the racket from moving backward bit by bit.


The tennis ball finally shook the wooden hand's racket and sent it flying.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 15:30."

Kite Eishiro felt the tingling from his own hands, and a few drops of cold sweat involuntarily flowed from his forehead.

"This power!"

Mu Shou's heart sank, was that his own big explosion?How is this possible!
"It's easy to call back!"

Tian Renzhihui couldn't believe what she saw in front of her eyes. The big explosion hit by their president Eishiro Kite was easily counterattacked by a guy who looked extremely thin.

In Higa country, Tian Renzhihui is the strongest except for Mushou, so he was also taught the big bang as a killer move by Mushou. Tian Renzhihui is very clear about the power of the big bang.

Such a powerful smash serve was broken by Tezuka so lightly, which made him, who had studied the big bang, how could he accept it.

"How is this possible! If I'm not mistaken, the opponent is still using a big bang?"

Kai Yujiro was also shocked, what's going on?

Use his way to return to his body?

Mushou knew that he could imitate other people's tricks in the realm of selflessness, but what shocked Mushou was that the power of the big bang hit by Tezuka was more than twice as powerful as his own, which made Mushou a little unacceptable .

After all, no matter how you looked at it, Tezuka didn't look like a player who was good at brute force.

"In that case!"

Mu Shou took a deep breath, suppressing the waves in his heart.

"Big rice spoon Qian!"

The meandering golden streamer hovered in the air and flew towards Tezuka. Since the strength of the big bang was no match for Tezuka, Mushou could only try to spin the ball. Fan Shaoqian.

"This time it's Dafan Shaoqian serving!"

"It's faster than the Dafan Shaoqian played in Pinggu Field!"

Taocheng and Haitang looked at Mu Shou in shock, is this the strength of the president level?
"Engishiro's Dafan Shaoqian is the strongest!"

Pingguchang seemed to have heard Haitang's shock, and smiled faintly.

Everyone in Higa Kingdom was trained by Mu Shou himself, including him of course. His Fan Shaoqian, Dafan Shaoqian and Shudi method were all taught to him by Mu Shou. There is no reason why Mu Shou played it. Dafan Shaoqian will be weaker than him.

However, Tezuka lightly backhanded everything, and the tennis ball flew back in an instant, and the golden curve that was also meandering was impressively Dafan Shaoqian!
"Tezuka Kunimitsu, 30:30."

Mu Te stood up straight, Tezuka's Dafan Shaoqian just changed lanes so fast that even he couldn't react.

"Is this the strength of Tezuka Kunimitsu, one of the three giants of Seigaku!"

Mushou was silent in his heart. If it is said that the match between Akutsu and Kai Yujiro was too different in strength between the two sides, Mushou could not really appreciate Akutsu's strength.

Then this contest with Tezuka made Mu Te understand the gap between himself and the top players for the first time.

Even if he is as proud as him, he has to admit that Tezuka's strength is far above him.


Mu Shou remembers that while the state of selflessness allows the body to exert its extraordinary capabilities, its side effect is that it will consume a lot of physical energy rapidly.

"In this case, let you run as hard as you can!"

Musue served again, this time with a regular high-speed topspin serve, aimed directly at the outer corner of the baseline on the right side of Tezuka.

Tezuka caught up with the ball with a few strides, the racket flew across, and the rainbow light brought by the powerful backhand swipe knocked off the wooden hand's racket again.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 40:30."

"This game was scored by Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides switch sides!"

Mu Shou's strategy seems to have no way to work, Tezuka's one blow, he can only hate on the spot.

"Tezuka, it looks like you're really angry!"

Fuji smiled and looked at Michi Tezuka who was sitting beside him.

"What are you talking about, Budu!"

Tezuka, who was in a seamless state, added a sense of coolness, and Tezuka, who was already a little cold, suddenly became even more untouchable.

"Come on Tezuka, I'm a little hungry!"

Bu Er rubbed his belly and smiled.

"Why don't we use the club's funds to have a group dinner later, and take it as a celebration of our second consecutive national championship!"

Hearing this, Tezuka was slightly taken aback.

Raising his head, he met Fuji's slightly opened eyes, and Tezuka read a lot from Fuji's eyes.

"Okay, I have no opinion!"

If it was in the past, Tezuka might have dismissed Fuji's suggestion. After all, with Tezuka's character, he would never do such things as opening champagne at halftime, but this time is an exception.

(End of this chapter)

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