The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 387 Advance to the Semifinals

Chapter 387 Advance to the Semifinals

After the 90-second break, the two sides set foot on the court again.

Infected by Fuji, the flame called ambition in Tezuka's heart also became more and more high.

A golden arc blasted at Mushou's feet, facing Tezuka's high-speed serve with all his strength, he was helpless at all.

"This game was scored by Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu, the score is 2:0."

"This game was scored by Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu, the score is 3:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Mushou's footsteps were already a little frivolous, and being easily defeated by Tezuka continuously made Mushou start to examine his tennis in his heart.

"You bastard! Aren't you amazing? How did you get beaten up like this!"

Seeing Mushou in such a mess, Zaotome Harumi felt secretly refreshed, he could finally put on the airs of a coach and reprimanded Mushou severely.

"Hey! Wood hand, are you listening to me?"

Seeing that Mushou didn't pay attention to her, Saotome Harumi's face darkened, is it still so dragging at this time?
Kite didn't want to pay attention to Saotome at all, this coach is just a tool, his mind is now full of Tezuka and Tezuka's seamless brilliance.

"This game was scored by Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu, the score is 4:0."

Although Mushou is very resilient, facing Tezuka who is in a seamless state, he is still not good enough. This may be the last game he has a chance. If Mushou loses his serve in this game, then the When it was Tezuka's turn to serve in a round, he couldn't break Tezuka's serve at all.

Others in Higa may not know it, but Kiten knows it very well. Tezuka also has an unsolvable technique called zero serve.

clap clap!

The wooden hand patted his cheeks lightly a few times, trying to dispel the timidity in his heart.

"You can, Yongshiro, cheer up, Tezuka's physical strength must have almost bottomed out!"

Mu Shou kept imposing psychological hints on himself, until this moment he still had the hope of winning.

Wooden sent the ball to the outside corner furthest from the center line where Tezuka was standing, and he had to mobilize Tezuka's run anyway.

However, the air wave from Tezuka's powerful volley rolled past Mu Te in the next second, shattering his hope.

"Why! Why is this! Why hasn't his strength weakened! The realm of selflessness will obviously consume Tezuka's physical strength in a big way!"

Mu Shou's heart was overwhelmed, he didn't understand the limit of seamlessness at all.


Facing the serve that was hit back again by Tezuka, Kite yelled loudly.

At this time, Mushou was in a state of distress, with sweat mixed with dust hanging on his body. In order to be able to hit Tezuka's hitter, Mushou did everything possible, and there were many gaps on his body due to friction with the ground at any time.

The wooden hand used the ground shrinking method again, and the racket was gently drawn out in a large arc.

"Yongshiro, he put the short ball!"

Kai was shocked when he saw the movement of the wooden hand.

"Is he going to do it!"

Chinenkuan blurted out that such a short ball is the beginning of the wooden hand ultimate move.

Tezuka straddled his feet, and he had already judged the movement of the wooden hand the moment he swung it.

The racket was inserted into the bottom and lifted upwards, and the tennis ball just bounced was instantly picked up by Tezuka and flew over the net.

"He caught the ball!"

Kawamura was a little shocked when he saw that Mushou had arrived at the ball's landing point in one step.

"The method of shrinking is really difficult!"

Kikumaru's face was solemn, the technique of "shrinking the ground" was the most troublesome for a player like him.

Chi Chi Chi!
The wooden hand lowered the center of gravity, and the violent friction between the racket head and the ground brought up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"here we go again!"

Haitang's eyes were fixed, and the other party's president was about to play that dirty little trick again.

There was a sneer on the corner of Mu Shou's mouth, as long as there was a chance, he would not show mercy.

"Now it's up to you what to do! Tezuka!"

Feeling the touch from the racket, the wooden hand flung it away vigorously. In the cloud of dust and smoke, the tennis ball flew towards the front of Tezuka mixed with a large piece of small stones.


This ball seemed to have exhausted all the strength in Mushou's body. He gasped heavily and stared at the court in front of him.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the court in front of Mu Shou was empty, and there was no tennis ball at all.


Mu Shou's heart sank, and he raised his head to meet Tezuka's eyes.

"You won in this way, is it something your members really look forward to?"

Tezuka said coldly, and then a small mustard yellow ball lightly hit Mushou's left foot.

"Zero style. Short ball!"

A few drops of cold sweat flowed down Mushou's forehead again, and he didn't see Tezuka's zero-style short ball at all.

Mushou raised his head and glanced at Tezuka, Tezuka was looking at him with a serious face, and Mushou hated that old-fashioned look.

"Stop talking nonsense Tezuka! We climbed all the way by relying on this method! We will do anything to win! As long as it is to win, no matter how difficult the special training is, we have survived all of them , how can the so-called proud sons of heaven like you understand the feelings of us people!"

Until this moment, Mu Shou still insisted on the belief in his heart.

Unlike those who received elite tennis education since childhood, in the remote and backward place of Okinawa, Mushou couldn't even find a decent tennis court, and Mushou's tennis was all figured out bit by bit by himself.

Mute's goal is to be able to show everyone their Okinawa strength in the national competition!
"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 40:0."

"Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu's match point!"

The referee's voice fell, and there was a burst of passionate shouts at the scene.

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

"One more ball! Another ball!"

With just one more goal, Qingxue can beat Higa Junior High School with a perfect record of 3:0 and advance to the semi-finals.


"Come on! Yongshiro!"

Ping Guzhang and others heard the voices of cheering for Qingxue all around them, and they were also cheering for Mushou loudly at the moment.

No matter how Mute treats them, in their hearts, Mute is the well-deserved leader of the Higa Junior High Tennis Club and their spiritual pillar. It is also Mute who brought them from the backward place in Okinawa to the national competition. .

"The lost dog!"

Saotome Harumi stood up and silently left the coach's bench by the sidelines.

"The game ended, Seigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu won, the score was 6:0."

Soon the game came to an end. After Tezuka played, the end of the game was already doomed.

"Youth Academy defeated Higa Junior High School with a record of 3:0 and advanced to the semi-finals!"


Afterwards, all the players from Higa Junior High School and Youth Academy came to the tennis stand and saluted each other at the order of the referee.

"Thank you for your advice!"

Although the process was a bit unpleasant, everyone in Qingxue was very happy, after all, they had already advanced to the semi-finals.

The wooden hand arched his waist, and suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder.


Mushou raised his head and looked suspiciously at Kai beside him.

"Let's start all over again, Eishiro!"

"Yeah! Next year will definitely be our time!"

Jiafei, Pingguchang, Chinenkuro and others all looked at Mushou with worried faces. They all knew Mushou's pride and were deeply afraid that Mushou would give up tennis because of this.


Mu Shou gave a wry smile, he didn't expect his fellow members to care so much about him, he was really laughing to death.

(End of this chapter)

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