The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 391 Powerless Shiraishi

Chapter 391 Powerless Shiraishi

In a small dark room.

"The foundation of these two people is really solid enough."

Kurobe Yukio smiled faintly.

"After all, they can be said to be the first-tier players in the middle school world, and it is only natural that they have this strength."

Saitozhi sipped the coffee in his hand. Due to the news brought back by the head coach from the World Tennis Association, several of them had to come all the way from the co-ed hotel to watch this feast in the middle of the country, just to prepare in advance.

In their capacity, the organizers will naturally provide them with convenience so that they can observe the players from these countries.

"I really look forward to what kind of realm they can reach next year."

Kurobe's eyes were full of joy. In fact, they have been observing the level of the junior high school these days. Kurobe and the others found that there are really many good seedlings in the junior high school this year.

If the head coach's news is true, then next year's U-17 World Cup Open will be the most promising year for them.

"Tezuka, it's time for the warm-up to be over."

At the end of the round, Shiraishi felt that his blood was boiling. Although he successfully won his serve, he knew that Tezuka hadn't taken it seriously yet.

"Hiss! Warm up?"

"Aren't you kidding, is that level of fighting just a warm-up?"

Hearing this, the audience in the front row gasped. If Shiraishi wasn't joking, then these two middle school players were too amazing.

"That's what you want!"

Tezuka nodded slightly, he understood that this was Shiraishi's challenge to himself, and Tezuka would never refuse such a serious invitation to fight.

On Tezuka's body, the milky white aura shone, and a burst of dazzling glare burst out instantly. Even under such a bright sun, the light on Tezuka's body still overwhelmed the sunlight falling from the dome.

"What happened!"

"This light, this breath!!!"

The audience in the front row felt the most profoundly. The dazzling light swept over with a heavy sense of oppression, making their hairs stand on end.

"The limit of seamlessness! What an intoxicating brilliance!"

Thousands of years and thousands of miles stretched his hands, and the power of selflessness really fascinated him.


Eishiro Mute clenched his hands tightly, this scene reminded him of the disastrous defeat a few days ago, this guy Tezuka is really strong and terrifying.

The light dissipated, and Tezuka's surroundings were surrounded by dots of clear light. Selfless power accumulated in his body, and the surging pressure surged toward Shiraishi like mountains and seas.

"Is this the limit of seamlessness!"

It was the first time that he faced the limit of seamlessness head-on, and Baishi felt a sense of awe in his heart. This heavy oppressive feeling almost made him breathless.

"It's coming, Shiraishi!"

Tezuka said lightly, threw a ball, and swung his arm quickly over his head.

A white streak disappeared from Tezuka's hand, and the audience did not see the shadow of the ball at all.

"So fast!"

Baishi's pupils shrank, his body subconsciously gave instructions to his feet, and he rushed to the back of the ball in a few short steps, and the racket in Baishi's hand quickly slashed down.

"Good weight!"

Shiraishi was a little shocked by the strength of Tezuka's ball. He didn't expect that he would still feel difficulty when hitting back Tezuka's serve.

"Is it because of the seamless relationship!"

After hitting the ball back across the net, Shiraishi quickly turned back towards the other side. He knew that the wide-open left wing was undoubtedly Tezuka's best attack direction.


However, Tezuka had already seen through Shiraishi's movements, the head of the racket lowered, and the face of the racket gently slid across the tennis ball.

The tennis ball that passed the net fell to the ground, and after a violent turn on the ground, it slowly rolled towards the net.

"Zero short ball!"

Shiraishi patted his forehead, he almost forgot that Tezuka still had this move.

"What an amazing player. I didn't expect that Fuji would have so many good seedlings this year."

In the small black room, Yukio Kurobe admired, and Tezuka's performance surprised him a little.

Seamless, zero serve, zero short ball, field.

Tezuka's talent is a bit shocking even for Kurobe, and with Tezuka's strength, he may be able to squeeze into the first army of the hotel.

"The little guy opposite him is not bad. It's not easy to maintain his own level in the face of seamless mental oppression."

As the spiritual coach of Heshu, Saitozhi's focus is naturally different from that of Kurobe.

Shiraishi was able to rise up and resist under Tezuka's mental oppression, which means that Shiraishi's mental strength is also quite good. Saitozhi can see that Shiraishi is a player with all-round development. Such a player may not be as good as Tezuka in the early days , these players are outstanding, but once they reach a certain level, such players will be impeccable.

"It's a pity that the five dimensions of these little guys cannot be calculated without the aid of a computer."

Kurobe naturally agrees with Saitozhi's point of view. He regrets why he didn't bring a computer out of the dormitory. Originally, he thought that the fifth dimension of these junior high school students before entering the dormitory was meaningless. So there is no preparation for this.

"What is certain now is that compared with last year, these little guys have made great progress."

Saitozhi looked at the information in his hand, and the five-dimensional record recorded last year can no longer be used to measure these little guys.

"Excellent little guy!"

The eyes of Kurobe couldn't hide their appreciation. They had waited for too long, and now it seemed that the new era started by Byodoin and the others had been perfectly passed on.



"This round was won by Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu, with a score of 2:1."


"This round was won by Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu, with a score of 3:1."


"This round was won by Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu, with a score of 4:1."

"Both sides change game!"

After Tezuka opened up the limit of seamlessness, Shiraishi seemed to fall into an obvious disadvantage all at once.


Kishou spat lightly, after losing to Tezuka, he finally learned the origin of Tezuka's power from others.

That is not an ordinary state of selflessness, but the limit of seamlessness.

Mushou saw himself on Baishi's body a few days ago, and he still can't forget the feeling of powerlessness.

"Coach, I..."

Shiraishi returned to Watanabe's side and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak.

"No, Xiao Baishi! It's not the time yet."

Osamu Watanabe knew what Shiraishi wanted to do, but he would never allow it.

"It's... the coach."

Shiraishi nodded, since Osamu Watanabe didn't allow it, he had no choice but to give up.

"Xiao Baishi, the current situation is very similar to last year, but I believe that you can break through the current predicament with your own ability."

Osamu Watanabe patted Shiraishi on the shoulder. He devoted almost all his efforts to Shiraishi, the strongest newcomer in the history of Sitianbao Temple.

"That's right, Xiao Zang! We all believe in you!"

Above Baishi's head, came the voice of the golden Xiaochun.

When Baishi looked up, everyone in Sitianbao Temple gave him a thumbs up.


The corners of Baishi's eyes suddenly became wet, but he quickly suppressed the warmth. As the president of Sitianbao Temple, he did not allow himself to be so sentimental, even though they were known as the famous funny family.

Shiraishi suddenly clenched his racket, and his exhausted fighting spirit was rekindled.

(End of this chapter)

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