The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 392 The Evolution of Shiraishi

Chapter 392 The Evolution of Shiraishi

"President, you said you would make a huge dissonance with all of us, and now is the time for you to show it."

It was the first time that Cai Qianguang yelled loudly in front of so many people. It has been a semester since he entered Sitianbao Temple, and Caiqian had already regarded Sitianbao Temple as his own home.


It was also the first time for Baishi to see such a restless Caiqian. Baishi understood that this was a way for Caiqian to express his concern for him.

There is a kind of pressure called responsibility in Baishi's heart. As the president of Sitianbao Temple, he absolutely cannot lose the game like this.

The game entered the sixth game, which was also Shiraishi's serve. This round can be said to be Shiraishi's last chance.

The mustard-colored tennis balls kept hitting Shiraishi's palm, and Shiraishi took a deep breath to adjust his state.

Jin Suo shot towards Tezuka's feet, Shiraishi's movements were always so perfect and smooth.

Tezuka stepped forward in two steps, and a little bit of Qinghui shone in the air accompanying his movement.

Under the seamless blessing of Tezuka Wuwei, he has undoubtedly stepped up to another level, surpassing Shiraishi in terms of speed and strength.The power of selflessness surged in the left hand, and the violent explosion like a mountain roar and tsunami brought a terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

As soon as Tezuka's movement fell, the tennis ball had already come in front of Shiraishi, and the ball wrapped in the milky white brilliance of selflessness was astonishingly fast.

Baishi could only reluctantly organize a counterattack. Under the influence of the brilliance of selflessness, Baishi had to allocate a lot of mental power to fight against it, which also caused Baishi's concentration to become somewhat insufficient.

Faced with Shiraishi's frivolous ball, Tezuka naturally would not let go of such an excellent opportunity to attack, leaped forward, and the midfielder smashed the ball mercilessly towards Shiraishi's feet.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 15:0."

Even though Shiraishi saw Tezuka's movements, he couldn't react in time as his concentration dropped significantly.


Shiraishi clenched the racket in his hand. Sure enough, with his current tennis skills, he couldn't compete against Tezuka.

"In that case!"

Suddenly, a strong aura came from Baishi's body, which attracted the attention of everyone present.

"This is?"

On the sidelines of the coaching bench, Fuji felt a strange fluctuation of spiritual power suddenly appeared on Shiraishi's body, and he immediately became interested. He also wanted to see whether Shiraishi could complete himself under the pressure of Tezuka. breakthrough.

Tezuka was naturally aware of Shiraishi's change, and became more cautious at the moment.

After switching to the left end line, Shiraishi swung the racket in his hand heavily, and the strong force was transmitted through the racket to the tennis ball, and the tennis ball shot out like a cannonball in an instant.

"The strength of this ball?"

The sound of hitting the ball was heavy, and many people present frowned slightly. Could this guy Baishi hit such a powerful ball?

However, pure strength naturally cannot defeat Tezuka. Tezuka's selfless power surged to his left hand like a tide, and he easily countered Shiraishi's ball.


In the eyes of everyone, Baishi burst out with an astonishing speed, and afterimages appeared behind him, making people dazzled.

"This speed!"

Ki Te Yongshiro frowned slightly, even his ground shrinking method might not be able to cope with such a speed.

"Take it, Tezuka!"

Baishi shouted loudly, and afterimages disappeared before everyone's eyes, leaving only a yellow-green figure at the landing point of the tennis ball.

A powerful blow from the side elbow brought about a howl.

"Siraishi, when did he have such a strong strength?"

Chitose Qianli was a little puzzled, Baishi's performance always gave him a weird feeling.

Everyone was surprised to find that Shiraishi was able to fight back and forth with Tezuka who was in a seamless state without knowing it.

"What's the situation, Shiraishi?"

Even the people in Sitianbao Temple are a little confused, so they don't know what happened to Baishi.

Shiraishi himself is playing more and more smoothly, this time he will definitely not be terminated by Tezuka like last year.

"Game, Kuranosuke Shiraishi, 30:15."

Shiraishi clenched his hands excitedly, he finally did it.

"What a joy!"

Shiraishi's body was covered with sweat, the contest with Tezuka made him try his best, but now he is extremely satisfied, he finally took that step.

In the small black room, Kurobe and Saito looked at each other, the surprises these little guys gave them were really heavy.

"If I'm not mistaken, just now Baishi's five-dimensional seems to have broken through his own limit?"

Kurobe smiled lightly.

"Now I really regret not bringing out the computer in Hesu, otherwise I would have been able to get the five-dimensional data of these little guys by now."

Saitozhi shook his head, this time he really made a mistake.

"But how did he do it? You should know that with his current physical fitness, he should not be able to do this."

Regarding physical fitness, Tuozhi Longer has the most say. The training received by these players in the junior middle school is not enough to support them to reach a higher five-dimensional, unless they are personally talented, but Baishi No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a player with talent in this area.

"There is only one person who can do this, and that is Ashura Shinto!"

Kurobe tapped lightly on the table with his fingers. Although he didn't know much about Shiraishi, he knew very well that spiritual power is one of the indispensable conditions in order to achieve some kind of supernatural ability, and Asura Shinto is right. It is an excellent way to temper spiritual power.

"What an amazing player."

Saitozhi's eyes were full of appreciation. He knew very well that Shiraishi had not received the training of Asura Shinto, and he was able to do this because of Shiraishi's own talent in spiritual power. He couldn't be more fond of the spiritual coach.

"In this game, Sitianbaosi Shiraishi scored, the score is 2:4."

The game entered the final game, and Shiraishi finally won a round from Tezuka, which greatly boosted the morale of Shitenbaoji.

"Come on, Xiaozang!"

"Four Heavenly Treasure Temple! Four Heavenly Treasure Temple!"

Jin Xiaochun and the others finally had a smile on their lips, and they kept cheering for Baishi.

In the seventh game, Tezuka's serve.

Although Tezuka admires Shiraishi's spirit of never giving up, Qingxue's two consecutive victories are unstoppable.

The rapidly falling tennis ball touched everyone's heartstrings. Tezuka used four zero-style serves to defeat the morale of the Shitenbaoji people who had finally reunited.

(End of this chapter)

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