The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 396 Imitation

Chapter 396 Imitation
"In this game, Sitianbaosi scored, the score is 4:4."

Kikumaru got up from the ground helplessly, the feeling of being seen through was really uncomfortable.

"Eiji, are you alright!"

Oishi stepped forward and patted Kikumaru on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Dashi, I'm fine!"

Kikumaru gave Oishi a reassuring look, and he has begun to mature as he enters the second grade of middle school this year.

The game entered the ninth inning.

The mustard tennis ball kept bouncing and falling, and Dashi was silently adjusting his affected game state.

There was a crisp sound of hitting the ball, and the strong topspin drove the tennis ball to drop sharply after passing the net, and bounced off the serving line.

Jin Xiaochun was smiling, and the racket made a big difference in the bottom.

Volley at the foot!

The net blown by the air wave brought by the spurting tennis ball bulged towards the court of Seigaku. Kikumaru's excellent dynamic eyesight had a clear view of the ball. After jumping up, he stretched out the racket in his hand, feeling After feeling the touch from the racket, he suddenly exerted force, and dunked the ball back into the court of Sitianbaosi.

The corners of Yuji Ichiuji's mouth curled up slightly, and the eyes under the eyepatch revealed a sly look, and the tennis ball that had buckled Kikumaru down when he raised his hand hit back again.

Kikumaru tapped his toes, rolled to the other side and stood firm, just when he was about to fight back, the sound of Dashi came from beside his ears.

"Eiji, don't hit a diagonal kick, hit a straight-through ball!"

"it is good!"

Out of trust in Oishi, Kikumaru also hit the ball straight forward without hesitation.

"No! Eiji, I didn't say that just now!"

Just as Kikumaru swung the racket out, Oishi's anxious voice came from behind.


Kikumaru was startled, he clearly heard Dashi's voice just now!

Ichishi Yuji smiled heartily, and he had been waiting for a long time, and he scored the goal directly with a beautiful midfield pass.

"Game, Sitianbao Temple, 15:0."

"What the hell happened just now!"

Oishi patted the tennis ball gently, he obviously didn't speak just now, he knew that Kikumaru didn't have auditory hallucinations, because he heard it too.

Not knowing what was going on, Dashi became more cautious, watching closely the movements of the two players on the opposite side while sending out the ball.

"Let me take this ball, Eiji!"

Kikumaru, who was preparing to fill his seat, also stopped after hearing Oishi's words.

"Eiji! I didn't say that sentence!"

Oishi's voice came from behind, causing Kikumaru to be in a mess, and it was already too late to chase after him to save the ball.

"Game, Sitianbao Temple, 30:0."

This time Oishi found out that the opponent's player named Ichishi Yuji moved his mouth just now, and he was pretending to be himself to give Eiji instructions.

"Eiji, you have to be careful. The blindfolded opponent can imitate me!"

Oishi came to Kikumaru's side and patted Kikumaru's shoulder and said.

"Have you been found? That's terrible!"

"Be careful, Eiji!"

Ichishi Yuji smiled slightly, not at all flustered by being exposed, but used Oishi's voice to tease Kikumaru again.


"Yuji's imitation skills!"

On the sidelines, everyone in Sitianbao Temple smiled. Their trump card combination of Sitianbao Temple was finally about to show their full strength.


"Imitation skills!"

Kikumaru and Oishi also heard Shiraishi's voice, imitating the technique!

Unexpectedly, the forbearance was not exposed until this time, Kikumaru and Oishi's hearts sank, the opponent's degree of difficulty was beyond imagination.

"The voices are exactly the same! How is this possible!"

Kawamura was taken aback. There are so many wonders in the Great Thousand World. First, there is Hyodi’s Kawaji’s pure heart who can imitate the skills he has seen before. Then there is Rikkaida’s Nioh Masaharu. His phantom makes Kawamura almost doubt his life.

Now there is another player who can imitate other people's voices. There is no doubt that such a player has a huge room to play in doubles, and it is the mutual trust between the two players that is used.

Once the trust is torn, there will be problems with the other party's cooperation, and I am afraid that what they will face at that time is the thunderous blow from Sitianbao Temple.

"Sound? It's not just sound!"

Osamu Watanabe leaned on the chair with a toothpick in his mouth, his eyes under the straw hat glanced at Fuji sitting beside him.

"Kikumaru beam!"

Kazushi Yuji leaped into the air lightly, and everyone in Seigaku discovered that this blindfolded player had the same skill as Kikumaru.

"Game, Sitianbao Temple, 40:0."


Kikumaru turned his head to look at the imprint behind him, what the opponent used just now turned out to be his own mid-air volley?


Ichishi Yuji raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and the show began.

Kikumaru and Oishi became more careful, but the opponent is still good at imitating?
The figure of Jin Xiaochun broke into Kikumaru's eyes, Kikumaru glanced around, seeing that there was no chance, he just used the racket to pick it up!
The lob passed over Jin Xiaochun's head in a huge parabola.

"You fell for it, Kikumaru!"

The eyes of Jin Xiaochun hidden under the thick glasses flashed brightly, and everything about Kikumaru was in his calculations.

There was a sound of rubbing against the ground.

"this is!"

Kikumaru and Dashi's hearts tightened, they were so familiar with this voice!
"Moon Climbing Intercept!"

Under the shocking eyes of Kikumaru and Oishi, Ichiji Yuji's racket drew a semicircular curve upward from the ground, and the crescent-like golden trajectory rose all the way into the air and finally hung down to the bottom line on the other side of Oishi.

"Sitianbaosi wins this game, the score is 5:4, and Sitianbaosi has a match point!"

"Both sides change game!"

The referee's voice sounded, breaking the silence of the scene.

"How is this possible!"

"That's Senior Dashi's moon-climbing volley!"

"Not only can you imitate the voice of the opponent, but also the opponent's style of play!"

Everyone in Qingxue showed shocking expressions. Is it another master of imitation?

"Although on the surface, Xiaochun, who is more conspicuous, is promoting the whole game, but in fact, there is another person who has been silently observing the opponent's posture, habits, voice, movements and ball skills during this period. The perfect cooperation of these two people will make this group Doubles to perfection!"

Osamu Watanabe raised his head and said proudly.

This group of partners is his masterpiece. It is he who immediately fell in love with the excellent compatibility of these two people and combined them into a pair of strong partners. Those who have experienced things like Golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji.

"Imitation is the basis of being funny, don't underestimate it!"

Ichishi Yuji carried the racket on his shoulders and watched Sitianbaoji lose last year. This year he and Xiaochun will definitely win for Sitianbaosi.

"Damn it! Being played around!"

Kikumaru raised his head and wiped the sweat off his face, it was ironic, he didn't expect to be posed in this way.

"Eiji, we have no way out!"

Dashi's chest heaved slightly, even Dashi's physical strength has been somewhat stretched after the competition in such hot weather.

"Oishi, we will definitely become the number one doubles player in the country, right!"

Kikumaru asked Oishi suddenly.

Oishi was taken aback for a moment, and then met Kikumaru's fighting eyes.

"Yes, that's right! No. [-] in the country!"

This is the oath the two of them made on the abandoned container!

(End of this chapter)

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