The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 397 Singles 2

Chapter 397 Singles II

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 5:5."

"In this game, Sitianbaosi scored, the score is 6:5."

"Both sides change game!"

"Hoo hoo! Damn it! Why are they so desperate!"

Golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji gasped heavily. They thought they had a chance to win, but they were met with a tenacious counterattack by the golden combination at the match point, and finally the golden combination tied the score at 5-5.

The determination of the golden combination to win has greatly exceeded the expectations of Jin Xiaochun and Ichishi Yuji. In the last game, they tried their best to regain their advantage.

"Don't underestimate your opponents. They are Qingxue's golden combination. They are first-class in terms of strength and dedication to victory."

Osamu Watanabe said lightly, Seigaku should not be underestimated, last year's national champion was in vain.

"Yes, coach!"

Needless to say, Osamu Watanabe, Jin Xiaochun and Yuji Ichishi did not dare to underestimate each other. Since they formed a doubles partner to the present, Aigaku's golden combination is the only doubles combination that can push them to this level, and Among them, they also took advantage of intelligence.

The 90-second break has passed and the final tiebreaker begins.

Yuji Kazushi raised his arms and swung his racket without hesitation. As a left-hander, he naturally had a slight advantage in his serve.


Kikumaru shouted, and Oishi behind him immediately got ready.

The sound of the racket frame rubbing against the ground was harsh, but everyone in Qingxue was cheered up.

It's coming, Dashi's trick!
Oishi and Kikumaru still believe that their unique moves will bring them victory even though their unique moves are imitated by their opponents.

"Moon Climbing Intercept!"

The crescent-like brilliance rose into the sky from Dashi's hand, pulling everyone's heartstrings.

"Xiaochun! I leave it to you!"

Ichishi Yuji shouted that the moon-climbing volley is not invincible, and he believed that Xiaoharu would be able to break Oishi's moon-climbing volley.

"no problem!"

Jin Xiaochun responded loudly, streams of data in his mind were constantly arranged and combined.

"Height is the angle of incidence is 75 degrees, ball speed, air variable is."

The terrifying data flow was instantly calculated in Jin Xiaochun's mind, and then he sprinted forward quickly with his back bent.

Stepped on the ground with his right foot and jumped into the air.

"it's here!"

The racket in Jin Xiaochun's hand slammed down heavily, and the tennis ball falling from the front was pinched down by the center of his racket in an impartial manner.

"Game, Sitianbao Temple, 15:0."

Sitianbaosi scored the first goal of the deciding game, and dealt a heavy blow to Dashi's heart by breaking Dashi's Panyue volley head-on.

"The game is over, and the Shitenbaoji Golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji's team won, with a score of 7:5."

In the end, Kikumaru and Oishi, whose mentality was disturbed, still lost the doubles No. [-] match.

Kikumaru sighed on his back, the glare of the sun hit his heart directly, he and Oishi lost again, it seems that as long as he meets a difficult opponent, he and Oishi will lose, is it because they are too weak?

"Are you okay, Eiji."

Oishi seemed to be aware of Kikumaru's state of mind, and stepped forward to comfort him.

"It's okay, let's go."

Kikumaru forced a smile, came to the net and shook hands with Jin Xiaochun and Xiaochun. Although they lost the game, they couldn't be stingy, so as not to lose Qingxue's face.

"Good job Xiaochun, Xiaoyu!"

Shinobu Ken also gave the golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji a thumbs up. Koharu and Yuji, who only formed a doubles team this year, could beat the golden combination of Seigaku, which somewhat surprised Shinozu.

"Ouch! Don't praise people like that! They will be ashamed!"

Jin Xiaochun covered her cheeks shyly, her cheeks seemed to turn pink all of a sudden.

"Ha ha."

Cai Qianguang and Yuta's mouths twitched, originally thinking about whether to congratulate Jin Xiaochun and Ichishi Yuji, but now it seems that there is no need.

"The semi-finals of the national competition will begin soon. Osaka's representative Shitenbaoji Junior High School will play against Tokyo's representative Youth Academy No. [-] singles match. Shitenbaoji Junior High School Ishida Yin will play against Youth Academy Akutsu Ren. Players on both sides should be prepared !"

Not long after, the voice of the staff came from the loudspeaker.

"whispering sound!"

Akutsu stood up from his seat, but the racket handed by Kawamura walked off the court with arrogant steps.

"Senior Gan, does Senior Akutsu's opponent have anything to say?"

Taocheng asked curiously, the failure of the golden combination made Taocheng and Haitang start to look at their opponents squarely, and they knew very well that Sitianbaosi was by no means an idler.

"Gin Ishida, 189 cm tall, 82 kg in weight, and his unique move is the 108-style wave ball. His strength can be said to be unparalleled, but his weaknesses are also obvious, and he is like an ascetic player."

Gan Sadaharu has a lot of information about Ishida Yin. After all, it was the opponent he and Kawamura faced last year. Ishida Yin’s strength and swing ball gave him a deep impression. Kawamura’s swing ball was also after the match with Ishida Yin. learned.

"In other words, he is a powerful player!"

Haitang's eyes narrowed slightly, it was impossible for a player of pure strength to be the opponent of Akutsu-senpai.

"In the match between Shitenbaoji Junior High School and Youth Academy's singles No. [-], it was a one-set tiebreaker. Shitenbaoji Ishida Silver's serve game."

While they were talking, the right to serve had already been decided on the court. Neither Yakutsu nor Ishida Yin were talkative players, and the two sides had already decided everything without any communication.

"Ayin, you must be careful!"

Shiraishi and others shouted loudly for Ishida Yin from the sidelines. They are very familiar with Akutsu. Last year, Akutsu ended their national tour and defeated their minister at the time, Yoshiyuki Hira.

And this year, the reputation of the Qingxue Big Three is getting louder and louder. Even though they have heard of Akutsu's deeds as far away as Kansai, although they don't want to admit it, they actually didn't report too much about this game. big hope.

In other words, among the three singles games, only the one with three singles is the game that they really have a chance of winning.

Ishida Gin's face was serious, and the oppressive feeling from Akutsu made the hairs on his body stand on end. This is a very dangerous opponent.

"Twenty wave ball!"

Ishida Yin yelled and blasted a bright golden trajectory. The destructive power brought by the extremely violent flat serve made the referee on the high chair a little scared. It would not be a joke if he was hit.

"What! Ah Yin, did he use the twenty-style wave ball as soon as he came up?"

Shinozu Ken also shouted in surprise, you must know that the first ball is usually just a trial, and Ishida Yin's tentative ball is already the power of the [-]-style swing ball?

"I can't help it. After all, the opponent is Yajiujin from Qingxue, and Ah Yin should be more cautious."

Shiraishi took over the words and said, if Yakutsu, one of the three giants of Qingxue, who is the shadow of a famous tree, is not taken seriously, he will definitely die in an ugly end.


Ya Jiujin frowned, and there was a little seriousness on his defiant face. Ya Jiujin recognized the destructive power of this ball.

In fact, Ishida Yin, who has been practicing hard in various places since last year, has put a lot of effort into his own strength. Compared with last year, his strength has made great progress, but this is still not enough for Akutsu. of.

Akutsu slammed the tennis ball with one hand, and the loud noise at the moment of the collision made the audience in the front row feel like their ears were going to be deafened.

"Back to you!"

Ajiujin grinned grimly, and the muscles on his arms showed perfect lines, which was the reward of Ajiujin's painstaking training.

Facing the tennis ball that was hit back, Ishida Yin's face became more dignified.

"Forty-style wave ball!"

This time Ishida Yin directly raised his wave ball to the power of the forty style.

(End of this chapter)

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