The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 405 Extinguishing 0 senses under 5 senses

Chapter 405 Extermination of five senses under zero sense

"It's perfect! Whether it's strength, speed, skill or mental strength, it's all better than last year."

Kurobe sighed in admiration, what he said was naturally the same.

Compared with the one in Paris, today's one has grown more mature.

"I really don't know if it's Buer's own efforts or that one's credit. If it's that one, it would be too scary."

Saitozhi shook his head, if only a few words of advice from that person made Fuji go further, then these coaches would be ashamed.

"No one will become stronger just because of a few words. It must be his own sweat and hard work behind it."

Tuozhi Longer's point of view is naturally that everything is the result of Buer's own hard work, and he will not believe that someone can easily make a player who is already at the peak a step further with a few words.

"Who knows!"

Kurobe stared at Fuji with burning eyes, this was the treasure of their night together.

On the field, Fuji's defensive skills showed their unique charm in front of everyone one by one. Even if he was as strong as Yukimura, he couldn't break Fuji's defensive skills within a period of time.

Two dragon-shaped air waves, one green and one white, pushed the tennis ball towards the sky, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, they swooped down rapidly and hit the bottom line impartially.

"This game was won by the youth academy Fujisuke, with a score of 2:0."

The referee's voice broke the silence of the scene, and there was applause in the stadium.

"Fuer is really terrifyingly strong! Even Li Haida's Son of God is helpless under his subordinates."

Yuan Zhe also sighed, it seems that this year's national champion is very likely to be Qingxue.

"Yuan Zhe, he is far scarier than you imagined!"

Ping Shanzhi didn't leave. I don't know why Heshu gave everyone a two-day holiday this weekend, so he had the opportunity to come out to watch the game at Sitianbaosi.

Ping Shanzhi was selected by Hesu's coaching staff to join Hesu after this year's rookie competition.

After coming to Hesu, Ping Shanzhi discovered that there is still such a place in Neon. With Ping Shanzhi's strength, he would not be trapped in the lower-ranked courses, and soon he was promoted all the way to the fifth court.

After coming to the top-ranked stadium, Ping Shanzhi unexpectedly learned about the position of Fuji in the joint camp. Although it was only a few words, Ping Shanzhi also learned that Fuji is also a first-ranked seat in the joint camp, and it is a top-ranked player. Army seat.

This made Ping Shanzhi feel more and more admiration for the talent and talent of this young man.


Yuta's heart was as if the river was overwhelmed, and now he realized how big the gap between himself and his brother was.In the match against him, I'm afraid that my brother didn't even show one percent of his strength.

But this vision is more worth the effort!
After being relieved by Osamu Watanabe, Yuta is no longer afraid of his elder brother. He is still young, and he will definitely be able to catch up with his elder brother.

"That's what it feels like!"

Although he lost another game, a smile appeared on Yukimura's face.This long-lost sense of oppression made the blood in Yukimura's whole body start to boil, and Yukimura, who thought that he would not be able to confront Fuji this time, felt the pleasure of getting what he wanted.

The game entered the third game, Yukimura's serve.

Yukimura suddenly raised his head, his eyes under the white hairband seemed to lose focus and become extraordinarily permeable.

"Oh? Did you use this trick so soon?"

Fuji crouched in the backcourt, and the angle of straddling his feet was slightly enlarged. Yukimura Wuwei, who entered the state of zero sense, would get a certain amount of increase, especially his mental power, so Fuji must also be taken seriously. .

"this is!"

Everyone in Qinggaku also noticed Yukimura's abnormality. Wasn't that the zero-sense tennis trick that Yukimura used to fight against Tezuka's seamlessness when he was fighting Tezuka?

Yukimura threw the ball without the slightest hesitation. His body bent his knees slightly and then quickly stretched out. The muscles all over his body were squirming crazily, and he swung the ball directly over his head without looking at it.

This shot is the best that Yukimura can do. Abandoning all unnecessary distractions and extra senses, Yukimura, who only focuses on tennis, hits a burst that is several levels higher than before.

A golden curve with a slight curvature fell into the field of Budu, leaving a deep mark on the ground and bringing up a puff of smoke.

Bu Er's eyes opened, and the azure blue pupils could see through all the trajectories of the ball.After stepping into the high level of Asura Shinto, Fuji's physical fitness has been improved again.

The moment he tapped his toes, only an afterimage was left on the spot, and he stepped out of the bow-legged racket, and the center of the net firmly caught Yukimura's serve.

With a flick of the arm, it dissipated Yukimura's remaining strength and rotation, and at the same time added his own strength and rotation to the tennis ball.

Yukimura's eyes are as indifferent to everything as a god, and Yukimura in a state of zero sense can be said to have exerted his potential to the limit.

A few dodges came to the landing point of the tennis ball, their arms crossed out without thinking, and the whistling sound brought by the racket was as shocking as waves.

The flat shot hit by the waist, abdomen and wrist at the same time swept towards Fuji's face with a wave of terror that destroyed everything. Yukimura, who was in a zero-sensitivity state, would not think about the quality of the ball. In order to win.

Bu Er's eyes were slightly focused, and when Yin Pai was about to fight back, his eyes suddenly darkened, and his blue pupils lost focus.

With the increase of mental power in the zero-sense state, Yukimura's long-planned elimination of the five senses finally took effect.

Fuji frowned slightly, relying on the memory in his mind to place the racket horizontally in front of his chest, the next second a huge force struck, even Fuji was forced to take half a step back.

It was this gap of half a step back that made Fuji unable to hit a high-quality counterattack. Although he reluctantly pushed the racket in his hand, Yukimura, who had already reached the net, ignored all this and jumped up to dunk mercilessly. Kill, the heavy smash made a loud noise at Fuji's feet.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 15:0."

This is the first time that Yukimura has taken the initiative since the start of the game, and it is the first time that everyone will remember the demeanor of the Son of God.

"Minister, did he make a mistake?"

Taocheng asked suspiciously, even he felt that there was something wrong with Budu's counterattack just now.

"Taocheng, you have indistinguishable eyes!"

Kikumaru said in a solemn tone.

Taocheng followed the trend, and with his exceptionally keen observation ability, he discovered the reason for Budu's mistake.

"Minister, has he been deprived of his vision?"

Taocheng exclaimed.

He knew that the opponent's minister had a trick called "killing the five senses", which could capture the opponent's five senses, but he didn't expect that even his own minister would be hit by the trick.

"Minister, he must have a solution, right? Do you want to be a senior?"

Haitang looked at Gan Sadaharu, he believed that even if Yukimura could take away Fuji's vision, Fuji would definitely be able to get it back.

"Well, Yukimura's win rate against Fuji is 0 so far."

Gan Zhenzhi's words reassured Taocheng and Haitang, and the two returned to the field.

The illusion was disillusioned, and the glare of the sun appeared in Fuji's sight again. Fortunately, Fuji adapted in time without any mistakes.

Bu Er was about to strike back as he drew the racket, and all the touch at hand disappeared in the next second.


The racket was directly shaken off from Buer's hand, and stopped after sliding on the ground for a while.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 30:0."

(End of this chapter)

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