Chapter 406
"Is it touch again this time?"

Taocheng exclaimed.

"Terrible tennis!"

For Haitang, he has never heard of Yukimura Seiichi's tennis that can capture other people's five senses.

"Good job, President Yukimura!"

Little Kelp waved his arms and shouted excitedly.

In his mind, the omnipotent president of his family is finally about to start fighting back.However, compared to his optimism, Li Haida's other people still had serious expressions on their faces. They knew that for Fuji, there was still a way to counteract the existence of Yukimura Mie's five senses.

On the field.

Fuji bent down to pick up his racket. He didn't expect that Yukimura's five senses of extinction had reached such a proficient level that it could affect him so quickly.Now that I think about those unusual performances before coming to Yukimura, I am afraid that they are paving the way for the achievement of eliminating the five senses.

Yukimura's pupils exude a frightening light, and Yukimura, who is in a state of zero sense, is like a god, which makes people daunting.

With a heavy swing of the arm, the tennis ball shot out from the top of the head hit the ground in front of Fuji, and when it bounced off, it was jittering left and right.

Just when Bu Er was about to take a step, the signal of stiffness from his body made him frown slightly.

call out!
The tennis ball flew past Fuji surrounded by air waves, and fell from the wall to the ground after a dull impact.

"ACE! Seiichi Yukimura, 40:0."


"It's amazing! He can even launch his mental attack while serving the ball. His talent in mental power is simply terrifying."

As the spiritual coach in the camp, Saitochi paid even more attention to Yukimura than Fujimura, and Saitozhi was very satisfied with Yukimura's performance. This is a good seed.

"It's a pity that his opponent is Fuji. After stepping into the high-level field of Asura Shinto, Fuji's resistance to mental power moves is enough to smash Yukimura's five senses."

Kurobe shook his head. If Yukimura hadn't faced the same opponent in this game, his five senses would probably help him win the game, but it's a pity that there is no if.

On the field.

Bu Er also regained the control of his body, the frozen feeling of stiffness just troubled him for a moment.

"It's really impossible."

Fuji shook his head. He still underestimated Yukimura's five senses in the state of zero sense. He didn't expect that Yukimura had improved to the point where he could activate the five senses while serving the ball.

That being the case, Fuji closed his eyes. This scene also surprised many new viewers.

"What's the situation? Why did Fuji Zhousuke close his eyes?"

"Can I still play like this?"

"This game really refreshed my cognition!"

The audience talked a lot, whether it was Yukimura's five-sense elimination or Fuji's current method of closing eyes, many people have never seen it before.

"What the hell? Playing with your eyes closed?"

Ping Guchang also looked puzzled, is this an attempt to fight against Lihai Taixing Village Seiki's extermination of the five senses?But even if he could fight it, wouldn't that mean breaking his own arms?

"Do you think he can't think of anything you can think of?"

Mu Shou glanced at Pingguchang, he didn't think so.

After seeing Fuji's demeanor in the World Championships, he didn't think that Yukimura could win Fuji. Since Fuji chose to fight back with his eyes closed, he would definitely be able to do it.


Yukimura, who was in a state of zero sense, didn't have too many doubts, he waved his arm and buckled it down heavily.

A louder sound wave shocked Siye, and the terrifying whistling sound came towards Fuji with an unstoppable momentum.

Bu Er closed his eyes tightly, and his vigorous body was not affected in the slightest. He took two steps to stand on his feet, and swung his arms slightly sideways to sweep out.

Return to the market!

The strength and spin of Yukimura's ball were instantly eliminated, and a cyan light re-wrapped the tennis ball and pushed it back into Yukimura's court.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:40."


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 30:40."


"This game was scored by Fujisuke of Youth Academy, and the score was 3:0."

"Both sides change game!"


In the state of mind and eyes, everything will be given to him by his instinct, which truly shows his strong side, unparalleled physical fitness, perfect tennis foundation, solid skills, all of these combine to create a powerful and zero-sense state The next Yukimura also encountered Waterloo.

"how come!"

Little Kelp had an unbelievable expression on her face, how could there be such a strong person!

Sanada has a close heart, he and Yukimura already knew how strong he is, he is a guy who has already made his own reputation in the world.

After switching sides, play continues.

When it was Fuji's turn to serve, the hunter instinctively launched Fuji's offensive even more fiercely, hitting Yukimura's court with one ball after another.

"This game was scored by Qingxue Fuer Zhou, and the score was 4:0."

After the referee's voice fell, Yukimura's pupils regained their original brilliance.

Yukimura raised his head and glanced at the scoreboard. Did he fall behind 4-0?

After just a glance, Yukimura's pupils returned to the state of ignoring everything. If he didn't enter the state of zero sense, Yukimura knew that he had no way to compete with Fuji.Compared with last year, Fuji's leap in physical fitness has simply exceeded Yukimura's imagination. I really don't know what kind of training can make Fuji's physical fitness improve to such a degree all at once.

The game is still going on, but anyone can see that Yukimura's defeat is set.

"Why! Doesn't Minister Yukimura still have another way to seize the future? Why didn't he start it?"

Xiao Haidai asked angrily.

"It's not that it doesn't start, it just doesn't work!"

Nioh Masaharu said lightly.

Yukimura's attempt to seize the future Nioh has long been analyzed. It was a targeted attack based on the data subconsciously revealed by the opponent. As far as the current situation is concerned, Yukimura has no way to find any flaws, nor can he collect Unique data.

The disadvantage of data tennis is that it will appear particularly weak when facing an opponent whose strength is far superior to its own.

"This game was scored by Fujisuke of Youth Academy, and the score was 5:0."

"Both sides change game!"


During the intermission, Yukimura also exited the state of zero sense, and the exhaustion signal that had been isolated suddenly surged up again. In order to fight against Fuji, Yukimura had to use full firepower. The consequence of high-intensity exercise is physical strength. Amplitude consumption.

Yukimura sat silently on the sidelines, looking a little lonely from his back.He didn't expect that after a year, the gap between him and Fuji had not narrowed, but had become wider and wider.

Inside the small black house.

"It seems that this big defeat has dealt a big blow to Yukimura."

Kurobe naturally also saw Yukimura's lonely back, he shook his head and said.

"Isn't this better? If you haven't tasted the bitterness of failure, you are not qualified to embark on that path."

Saitozhi smiled slightly, now Yukimura is standing at a fork in the road, in the future, he only needs a little guidance to let Yukimura embark on the road that can make him stronger.

After the 90-second break, the two sides set foot on the court again.

"No two, can you let me feel what the world really looks like!"

Yukimura knew very well that he had no chance of winning this match, and he knew that Fuji hadn't shown his true strength. Putting aside many moves, the behind-the-scenes that Fuji showed in the World Championship The cyan phantom is enough for Yukimura to understand the gap between him and Fuji.

But Yukimura is not afraid, he will definitely become stronger, but before that, he needs to feel how far the gap between himself and Fuji is.

Fuji opened his eyes, and from Yukimura's eyes, Fuji could see the burning fighting spirit.

"it is good!"

Faced with Yukimura's request, he will naturally not refuse, because next year they will become a comrade in the trenches and play together in the Australian U-17 World Cup Open held in Melbourne.

It is not a bad thing to let Yukimura feel the real power in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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