The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 408 Chapter 407 Battle

Chapter 408 Chapter 407 Fighting (two in one)

"In the match between Lihai University High School and Youth Academy's doubles No. [-], it was a one-set match, and Youth Academy played Sadaharu's serve."

As the referee climbed into the high chair and took his place, the game officially began.

Gan Sadaharu looked serious. As Qingxue's think tank, he had a deep understanding of the strength of the two opposing players. Simply put, he was the weakest link on the field, and the most important thing in doubles is to attack the opponent's weakest point .

But this is also an excellent opportunity for Qian Zhenzhi to test himself, to prove that his time has come.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The tall tennis ball that was thrown into the sky attracted everyone's attention. Sadaharu Sadaharu, who was late to serve first, buckled the racket heavily on the tennis ball under the action of gravity.

The smash-style serve is doomed that the speed and strength of the ball will be astonishingly terrifying, and the vertically falling tennis ball even squeezes out the air.

However, Sadaharu's waterfall can only be regarded as good for Sanada.

"Eat my trick, as fast as the wind!"

Sanada's voice sounded, he stood with his backhand and drew his sword, and the racket passed over his chest.

An emerald green gust of wind appeared out of thin air, and pieces of green leaves could be vaguely seen falling, but they disappeared soon.

Tezuka's figure suddenly broke into the court on the other side, and his backhand quickly lashed to intercept the falling tennis ball.

"It's amazing! It's so easy to break Vice Minister Sanada's wind!"

Little Kelp had a dignified face. Although he was a very confident person, after seeing the match between Tezuka and Yukimura, he already understood that this guy with a paralyzed face was a very difficult guy to mess with.

However, compared with Tezuka, Maori's replacement speed is not bad at all.

With a flick of the racket, the frontcourt volley mercilessly shot into the large area vacated by Tezuka's movement.

Gan Sadaharu had already started to make up for the other side the moment Maoli made a shot, and his forehand slammed into a straight golden curve.

Mori Kosaburo turned back quickly, as if he was going to fight back.


Suddenly, Mori Kosaburo showed a weird smile, and lay back on the ground directly.


Gan Sadaharu and Tezuka were startled, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Move like thunder!"

The tennis ball flew over Maoli's head, and the silver snake danced wildly with a stabbing sound. Sanada's figure appeared on the trajectory of the tennis ball, holding the racket high and slashing down heavily.

The strange and tortuous thunder like a thunderbolt passed by Sadaharu and Tezuka, and hit the bottom line directly. There was still a trace of burnt smoke floating in the deep imprint left by the tennis ball after it bounced.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:0."

"Oh? Not bad!"

Atobe frowned, but was a little surprised by Moori and Tezuka's performance.

"I didn't expect these two people to cooperate quite well."

Yushi Shinozu also nodded. He is good at doubles and saw a clue from Sanada and Mori. Maybe this is the reason why Li Haida arranged for these two people to play doubles two.

"In this game, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University scored, and the score was 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Sanada and Mori directly broke serve and won the first game.

Compared with Sanada and Mori, the tacit understanding between Tezuka and Miki Sadaharu is much worse. After all, Tezuka has never played doubles.

“What a nerve wreck”

Bu Er was also a little surprised, in fact, he didn't expect that Sanada and Mori would be Sanada and Mori in Li Haida's doubles, and he didn't expect that Sanada and Mori, the two most difficult guys to deal with, would be so compatible.

In comparison between the two, Tezuka Kogan looks a little ordinary.

It's not that Tezuka's performance was bad, it's just that their performance was average, and the opponent was clearly above them.

The most troublesome point is that Tezuka's domain cannot be activated during doubles, which is undoubtedly worse.

Tezuka naturally thought of this too, he hesitated for a moment and then said: "Fuck"

Before he finished speaking, Gan Zhenzhi replied with a smile: "I understand, I will not intervene in the game except receiving and serving."

From Tezuka's expression, Sadaharu already understood what Tezuka wanted to say. Although it was a bit cruel, he could only drag Tezuka down when facing Sanada and Mori.

"Sorry, I'm doing it for our victory."

Although Tezuka felt that this was inappropriate, he was really not sure about doubles.

"It doesn't matter, being able to silently collect your data from the sidelines is enough for me."

Qian Zhenzhi didn't feel anything, as long as he could win.

After the 90-second break, the two sides set foot on the court again.

"Hey, hey! Tezuka, is he going to fight two against one?"

"Is this all-or-nothing?"

The audience was a little surprised when they saw Gan standing on the sidelines, leaving only Tezuka on the court. This is a doubles!
"Hahaha! I'm afraid this guy has lost his mind!"

Xiao Haidai laughed, even though he knew that Tezuka was very strong, Kirihara didn't believe that Tezuka could do such a thing as one against two.

"Don't underestimate Tezuka, Akaya."

Liu Lian said in a deep voice.

"Pfft, if it's Tezuka, maybe he can really do it."

Nioh Masaharu rubbed Kirihara's kelp and said.

"I do not believe it!"

Kirihara was already stubborn, and Kirihara knew the strength of Vice Minister Sanada and Mori Senpai. How could such two people work together to lose to a Tezuka.

On the field.

Tezuka took a deep breath, and then the selfless power surged in his body, and in an instant a dazzling light shone in all directions centered on Tezuka.

This is the last game on their way to win the Qingxue championship, and Tezuka will naturally not hold back.

The seamless cyan light turned into dots of light dotted around Tezuka, Sanada and Mori's faces were solemn, and they could feel the surging power from Tezuka's body.


The eyes of thousands of years and thousands of miles revealed full of longing, this is the power he dreamed of.

Tezuka Kunimitsu!

Inside the small black house.

Kurobe and the others also sat up straight.

"I didn't expect it to be used so soon."

Kurobe sighed. They knew that Tezuka had already mastered the seamless technique. Tezuka, who was able to master the seamless technique at this age, was undoubtedly one of the strongest and most promising players in the country.

"There are so many monsters this year, even compared to the Byodoin Institution. We will be busy next year."

Saitozhi smiled, please be busy.

"Eat my trick, as fast as the wind!"

Sanada settled down, and his firm will prevented him from being affected by too much seamless brilliance. He only had Tezuka in his heart, and revenge to Tezuka!

In the seamless state, Tezuka's speed increased greatly, and every step he took left a faint cyan glow on the spot.

Tezuka's arm pressed down, and the racket cut across the surface of the tennis ball and sent a violent spin.

Mori's face was serious, and the blue light continuously coming from Tezuka's body made him feel a bit of discomfort, but it was just discomfort.

Many people think that Maori is best at speed, but in fact, the most powerful of Maori's five dimensions is his mental power.

The tennis ball kept trembling in Maori's racket net, and the continuous impact like a whirlpool made Maori almost lose his grip on his racket.

"What a terrible young man!"

Maori gritted his teeth and threw the ball away.

At Tezuka's feet, a white cyclone rose slowly.

Pulling the tennis ball to a position in front of him, Tezuka took his left foot as the axis, stepped out with his right foot, and swung his arm.

A golden curve is about to pass through the defense line of Mori and Sanada.

Stab it!

Sanada turned into a thunderbolt and disappeared from the spot, leaving a trace of charred breath in the air.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada had a fierce look on his face. He would never let the tennis ball slip away from his hands.

The sound of hitting the ball like a thunderbolt sounded, and the audience in the frontcourt couldn't help covering their ears.

"Out of bounds! Youth Academy, 15:0."

However, the roaring thunderbolt light seemed to have lost its aim, and regrettably fell out of bounds.

"What happened?"

Kirihara looked puzzled, Sanada's Lei... went out of bounds?
how can that be!

In Xiao Kelp's heart, with Vice Minister Sanada's strength, it is impossible for such a low-level mistake to happen.

"Phantom of Tezuka!"

Liu Lian'er said solemnly.

"Phantom of Tezuka?"

Little Kelp tilted her head, not knowing why.

"That's a trick Tezuka used against Sanada's Lei last year. You can understand it as a reverse use of Tezuka's domain."

Nioh Masaharu's eyes were burning, and while speaking casually, he firmly remembered Tezuka's actions at the moment.

"To put it simply, it is to use the super spin to make the opponent's counterattack out of bounds, so do you understand?"

Seeing that Kirihara was still a little confused, Marui Fumta shook his head and said.

".Is he a monster?"

Now Kirihara was a little shocked by Tezuka, he can do such inhuman things, what a terrible guy.

"Out of bounds, Youth Academy scored, 30:0."

"Out of bounds, Youth Academy scored, 40:0."

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 1:1."

"It's really powerful and terrifying!"

In the auditorium, Mamoru Inoue put down his camera and said with emotion.

Even when Echizen Minamijiro was at Tezuka's age, he didn't have Tezuka's strength.

"Yes, yes! And so handsome!"

Shibasaori's eyes were full of peach blossoms, and she kept snapping pictures of Tezuka's heroic figure.


Inoue Mamoru shook his head speechlessly, the good atmosphere was completely ruined by Shiba Saori.

On the field.

Tezuka's serve in the third game.

Tezuka wrapped up the momentum of a big victory in the previous game, and ended his serve with four zero-style serves.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 2:1."

"Both sides change game!"

Sanada and Mori, who returned to rest on the sidelines, did not communicate at all. They were all thinking about how to deal with Tezuka who was fully fired.

After the 90-second break, the four stepped onto the court again.

"Sanada, I'm about to start!"

Molly chuckled, then closed his eyes.


"Is he planning to imitate Bu Er Zhou Zhu to play with his eyes closed?"

"These Kanto guys are all fancy."

The audience wasn't too surprised this time, after all, there was Budu's heart and jade in the front.

"Senior Maori!"

Sanada clenched the racket in his hand, and then, a burst of black air enveloped himself.

"what is that!"

The black aura on Sanada's body immediately attracted Jin Xiaochun's attention, looking terrifying.

"Looks like the real game is about to begin!"

Shiraishi took a deep breath and looked at the field seriously.

The sleeping Mao Li drew the racket extremely fast, and the tennis ball suddenly disappeared from Mao Li's hands after a crisp sound.

"Maori's serve has become faster!"

Yuan Zhe also took a deep breath, and Mao Li became stronger.

The speed of the ball was so fast that even Sadaharu only managed to hit it back when the tennis ball was about to bounce out of bounds.

Because it was too reluctant, this shot was a good opportunity for Sanada!

"Invasion is like fire!"

Sanada's racket was buckled heavily, and the raging fire spread across the entire court in an instant, and the temperature of the court seemed to rise a lot in an instant.

"Here it is, Vice Minister Sanada's fire!"

Xiao Haidai looked at the field excitedly. He was easily defeated by this move at the beginning.

The fiery breath rushed towards his face. Sadaharu pushed his eyes and exited from the other side. He didn't forget that his task was only to return the opponent's serve, and the rest was Tezuka's business.

The figure that Tezuka stayed in place began to shake, and the summer wind blowing from the dome immediately disappeared into nothingness.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Tezuka Tezuka's blue light suddenly appeared on the bottom line.

Milky white selfless light poured into Tezuka's left hand from his body, turning into a cloud of colorful light and sweeping out.

The power of selflessness was injected into the tennis ball, and the already raging flames instantly became even more raging.Tennis, like the sun, is filled with the atmosphere of destruction and new life, attacking Sanada and Mori.



With one blow from Tezuka, the rackets of Sanada and Mori were directly knocked off.

"Thousands of trials and hardships!"

Nioh Masaharu's eyes were serious, and the double firepower was enough to defeat Sanada and Mori who hastily built a defense line.

A few minutes later, Tezuka was standing on the center line, surrounded by white cyclones that made Sanada and Mori helpless.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 3:1."

"Could it be that Mori-senpai and Sanada can't beat Tezuka?"

Yagyu Hiroshi sighed, he just joined the tennis club this year and he still doesn't quite understand Tezuka's true strength.

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

Akaya Kirihara didn't believe that Sanada and Mori's alliance would still lose.

"Come on! Vice Minister Sanada! Senpai Mori! You must win!"

The hoarse cry of Kombu made Sanada and Mori look sideways at the same time.

"Come on! Sanada! Mori-senpai!"

"Pfft! I'm a bit embarrassed, Maori-senpai!"

"Sanada, I believe you can do it!"

Seeing this, everyone in Lihai University cheered for the two on the field.

If they lose this game, they really have no chance.


Maori's eyes were slightly moist, and it felt great to be able to play with everyone, but unfortunately, this game will be his closing performance.

"Senior Maori! I'll cover your actions later!"

Sanada spoke suddenly.


Maori looked puzzled, to cover his actions?How to cover?

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

Qian Zhenzhi threw the ball so high that he didn't need to think about the opponent attacking him before he landed.

The waterfall formed by the airflow hangs behind the tennis ball, and the ball hits Sanada's feet heavily with an astonishing momentum.

"Look at my move, Xu Rulin!"

Sanada's racket flicked across his chest, a beautiful lob forced Tezuka to the other side, and Sanada sprinted straight to the net.

"Dual Internet access? Sanada can't help but want to do it?"

Ninja Yuuji said with some doubts.

"Hmph! Stupid, how could a tactic like dual Internet access be able to deal with Tezuka!"

Atobe snorted coldly in disdain, if Tezuka could deal with it so easily, Li Hai would not have lost so many times.

Tezuka naturally saw Sanada's movements. The racket penetrated the ball horizontally and then he flicked his wrist vigorously. The tennis ball rose vertically and then fell behind Sanada and Mouri in a huge parabola.

Seeing that Sanada didn't move, Maoli turned around and rushed behind him.

Sanada's racket was raised above his head, and the black aura on his body swept across the audience like a tornado, and finally formed a mountain-like black shadow behind Sanada.

"It's now! Maori-senpai!"

Sanada roared angrily, and seeing the black air rising to the sky in the front field, Maori immediately understood.

A golden streamer ejected from the mountains formed by the black air, and flew towards Tezuka's sideline.

The tennis ball that passed the net was swaying uncomfortably, and it turned slightly to make a gesture to fly towards Tezuka.

"Black Dragon Slash!"

Sanada's murderous voice sounded, and the tennis ball turned again and finally landed on the sideline and popped out of bounds.

"GGame, High School Affiliated to Lihai University, 15:0."

(End of this chapter)

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