The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 409 Black Mountain

Chapter 409 Black Mountain
"In this game, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University scored, and the score was 2:3."

"Both sides change game!"

"Tezuka, Sanada is really tough enough, right?"

Seeing Tezuka sitting next to him, Fuji smiled slightly.

Even Fuji didn't expect that Sanada could use his dark aura to wrap his own mountain. Even Tezuka couldn't break the combined power of the two within a short period of time.

Then use the mountain wrapped in an unknowable black aura to cover Mori's attack, and use the black dragon to smash the shackles of the domain at the moment Tezuka launches the domain. I have to say that Sanada's idea is really bold.


Tezuka nodded, he was naturally aware of Sanada's strength, and he had already felt Sanada's determination to win.

But this way can arouse Tezuka's inner competitiveness even more. In Tezuka's heart, Aigaku's two consecutive victories are unstoppable.

After the 90-second break, the two sides set foot on the court again.

"Look at my move, it's as fast as the wind!"

Sanada straddled his feet, and with his side elbow hit an emerald green gust of wind in front of his chest.

The ball that tore through the air like thorns and thorns was so fast that it bounced off the field after landing.

A racquet intercepted the restless tennis ball, and a powerful backhand lash drove the ball towards the diagonal baseline.


Sanada roared angrily, he was venting the anger in his heart, Tezuka was the opponent Sanada wanted to beat the most since his debut, none of them.

Stab it!

The thunder that pierced the sky passed the outer corner in an instant, and Sanada suddenly appeared behind the tennis ball, holding up the racket in his hand with a ferocious face.

"Move like thunder!"

The racket frame was slashed down heavily, and the rubber tennis ball instantly changed into a golden shuttle, and the streamlined body accelerated the ball's speed.

The silver snake drew a meandering curve in the air, turned its momentum and flew towards the outside of the field.

"Is it the Phantom of Tezuka again?"

Kirihara grabbed the guardrail at hand, the exposed veins on the back of his hand showed his master's uneasiness.

However, Tezuka saw Sanada's racket raised above his head and the black aura covering his body, and he suddenly stepped forward and chased after the tennis ball.

Sure enough, the moment the tennis ball was about to go out of bounds, it suddenly fell vertically rapidly. Fortunately, Tezuka had already arrived, and after inserting the racket into the bottom of the tennis ball, he picked it up in a posture of fishing for moons in a sea.

The lob shot went high over the net and into the backcourt of Sanada and Mori.


Sanada snorted coldly, and the black air instantly enveloped Mao Li's figure like a layer of mist, and the soaring black air field formed a huge black tornado, with an astonishing momentum.

The black aura did not obscure Maori's sight, and the leaping Maori poured all his weight and strength into this smash, and the golden streamer that tore the black tornado hit his hand directly. Tsukasa's feet swept past.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:0."

"Awesome! I really didn't expect the cooperation between these two people from Li Haida to be so tacit."

Chitose Chisato was slightly dumbfounded, this is Tezuka in a seamless state, unexpectedly being suppressed by Sanada and Mori.

"After all, this is doubles. If it was singles, Tezuka would undoubtedly win, but doubles does not rely on personal strength. The key to victory is the tacit cooperation."

Tachibana Yoshihei shook his head, he thought Tezuka was a little too big.If the opponent is an average player, it’s okay. With Tezuka’s super personal strength, it’s not impossible to fight two against one, but the opponents are Rikkai University’s Emperor Sanada Genichiro and Rikkai University’s strongest third-year player Mori Kosaburo. These two people are undoubtedly the same players who stand at the top of the middle school world like Tezuka.

"Now it's up to Tezuka how he plans to break the game. Qing Xue still has someone standing on the sidelines."

Chitose Chisato chuckled. Doubles are doubles after all. Although Sadaharu Mikami is weaker than Sanada and Mori in terms of strength, he still has some things in data tennis. If he can cooperate well with Tezuka, he may not be able to beat Sanada and Mori. .

"In this game, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University scored, and the score was 3:3."

While Chitose Chisato was talking to Tachibana Yoshihei, Sanada and Mori had already won the sixth game, tying the score to 3-3.

"Lihai is big! Lihai is big!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

The performance of Sanada and Mori also ignited the enthusiasm of Lihai's big cheerleaders, and their shouts instantly flooded the entire arena.

However, Tezuka did not let them down, and ended Sanada and Mori's scoring momentum with four perfect zeros in his own serve in the next game.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 4:3."

"Both sides change game!"

Holding the racket, Tezuka walked slowly back to Qingxue's court, he would never make Li Haida happy.

Fuji watched Tezuka silently, it was the first time for Tezuka to be forced to this point by Sanada.

Tezuka lowered his head, silently thinking about countermeasures.Sanada's black aura can be said to have no loopholes in the cover of Maori. In doubles, Sanada's black aura is perfect.

Afterwards, Tezuka stepped on the court again, still looking calm, no matter when and where Tezuka can always maintain a calm state.

There was a cloud over Sanada's body, he never thought that he would suppress Tezuka in such a way.

"Are you ready to fall into the abyss of defeat! Tezuka!!!"

Sanada roared angrily, and the shadow caused by repeated failures seemed to dissipate with this roar.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 40:0."

"Damn! Could it be that Vice President Tezuka really has no way to deal with these two guys!"

Taocheng patted the guardrail hard, seeing that Tezuka was at a disadvantage, he wished he could run on the field and fight side by side with Tezuka himself, even though that would be of no use.

"Tch! Tezuka is too embarrassing!"

Akutsu curled his lips in disdain. If it was him, he would use that trick to send Sanada and Mori to heaven.

"Isn't there still senior Gan, senior Gan can definitely help!"

Haitang has the best relationship with Qian Zhenzhi among all the seniors. He clearly knows what Qian Zhenzhi has paid silently on weekdays.


Hearing this, Kikumaru, Oishi and the others put their hopes on Kane Sadaharu, who believed that Kane Sadaharu's brain would definitely be able to come up with a way to break the situation.

On the field.

Sanada in the frontcourt once again raised the racket above his head, and the unknowable black aura instantly enveloped Sanada's surroundings like a thick fog.

Tezuka clenched his racket tightly and stared straight ahead.

call out!
The golden light exposed in the black mist instantly attracted Tezuka's attention. Tezuka took a few steps to the side, and the racket in his hand came across.

"Fight to death in despair! Tezuka!"

Sanada grinned, and the racket made a false cut, and the tennis ball that touched Tezuka's racket immediately reflected a straight curve and jumped out of bounds.

"In this game, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University scored, and the score was 4:4."

(End of this chapter)

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