The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 410 Winning streak

Chapter 410 Winning streak
"This game is scored by the High School Attached to Lihai University, the score is 5:4, the match point game of the High School Attached to Lihai University."

"Both sides change game!"

As Sanada covered Mori and hit a beautiful lob, Sanada and Mori also won a crucial round and got their own match point.

"Lihai is big! Lihai is big!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

For everyone in Lihai University, the performance of Sanada and Mori is undoubtedly a shot in the arm, dispelling the shadow of Yukimura's defeat in the previous game.

"I really didn't expect Sanada, a serious guy, to play doubles with a decent look."

Shinobu Yushi chuckled, Sanada's performance really surprised him.

"It seems that Sanada really has a chance to get what he wants this time."

Atobe shook his head with a smile, Aigaku was too big, and Tezuka's combat power dared to be used in doubles. Atobe's evaluation of this was reckless.


Tezuka, who had just wiped the sweat off his face with a towel, stopped his movements, and the voice of Sadaharu rang in his ears.


Tezuka looked at Gan Sadaharu with doubtful eyes, and Gan Sadaharu then whispered a few words in Tezuka's ear.

"okay, I get it."

Tezuka nodded, and glanced at Sadaharu in surprise. He didn't expect Sadaharu to have reached such a level in data tennis.

"Let's go, Maori-senpai!"

On the other side, Sanada was full of fighting spirit. He didn't expect that his unintentional move would give him a good chance to avenge Tezuka.

"No problem, Sanada!"

Maori's wine-red curly hair was slightly attached to his forehead. The elegant Maori in the past looked a little embarrassed at the moment, but he was still in a very happy mood.

"Look at my move, it's as fast as the wind!"

The game entered the final game, and Sanada's speed of the ball not only did not decrease, but even showed an upward trend.

Tezuka's figure suddenly appeared somewhere, and with a flick of the racket, a tennis ball appeared on his racket out of thin air.

"Four balls."

While throwing the mustard ball with his arm, Tezuka's cold voice resounded on the court at the same time.


Liu Lian'er's slightly squinted eyes opened a gap. Isn't this posture of playing ball and counting the number one of the three doors of selflessness, the limit of brilliance?

"Useless Tezuka! Your brilliance can't see through my ambiguity!"

Sanada smiled contemptuously, he believed that Tezuka was playing tricks.Tezuka, who has always been strong, was forced into this situation by himself, even Sanada was inevitably a little complacent.

Sanada held up the racket again, and the unknowable black aura pervaded again. Behind Sanada, Mori jumped up with one foot, and the racket crossed out from his side.

A golden light tore through the black mist, and fell straight towards Qingxue's arena.

Tezuka seemed to have been prepared for a long time, he sprinted forward quickly with both hands on his toes, and the speed of Tezuka under the blessing of the seamless state also reached a limit.

Tezuka's body in the sprint stopped suddenly, and while stabilizing his center of gravity, his head dropped slightly.

"Zero short ball!"

The tennis ball that fell over the net landed lightly on the ground, and then rolled towards the edge of the net.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

The referee's voice immediately rang in everyone's ears.

"How is this possible! It was really scored by Tezuka on the fourth ball."

Marui Bunta was shocked, Tezuka's brilliance actually took effect.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Sanada's incomprehensibility will definitely seal Tezuka's brilliance. Coincidence, it must be a coincidence!"

The eyes of Jack Kuwahara's corned egg were as big as copper bells, obviously he couldn't accept it either.

Liu Lian-er was also a little puzzled, Sanada's ambiguity could definitely seal Tezuka's brilliance, there was no doubt about it.

But Tezuka did accurately predict the score on the fourth ball just now. Is it really a coincidence?

"Sixth goal."

"Game, Youth Academy, 30:0."

"Second ball!"

"Game, Youth Academy, 40:0."

After seeing Tezuka directly return the ball and score, everyone has already confirmed that Tezuka's brilliance has really been successfully activated.

"how can that be!"

Sanada gritted his teeth, the yin that he specially developed to deal with Tezuka's brilliance suddenly lost its effect.

"Calm down, Sanada."

Seeing that Sanada's mentality seemed to be affected, Mori quickly persuaded him.

On the sidelines, Liu Lianer looked at Qian Zhenzhi who was standing quietly aside, thoughtfully.

"Qingxue scored in this game, the score is 5:5."

This time, Liu Lianer clearly saw Gan Zhenzhi's movements, and he immediately understood what was going on.

"Sanada! Don't forget that this is a doubles match! Tezuka relied on Sadaharu to activate his brilliance!"

Liu Lian'er yelled towards the arena.

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to the seemingly inconspicuous Sadaharu on the sidelines. It was only then that Yukimura remembered that, just like his winning the future, it was essentially a high-level extension of data tennis. And Gan Sadaharu is not Qingxue's data tennis master.

He may not understand how to activate the brain with the power of selflessness, but Data Gan Sadaharu can no longer understand.And standing on the sidelines without any sense of presence, he can unscrupulously collect data on Sanada and Mori.

After trying to understand this point, the hearts of everyone in Lihai University sank suddenly, because they didn't know how much data was collected by Gan Sadaharu in the previous competition.

The game entered the No.11 round, and Tezuka's body shone brightly, and the seamless brilliance devoured the concentration of Sanada and Mori.

Another four zero-style serves. Under the current situation, Tezuka's zero-style serve has undoubtedly become a deadly weapon that can change the situation of the game.

Mori took a deep breath and fell asleep again. He knew that he could no longer rely on Sanada's dark aura to attack Tezuka, and the rest could only rely on themselves.

Mori, who was ready for the last stand, poured everything into it. The tennis ball shot out like an arrow hit the outer corner on the right side of Tezuka and bounced quickly. However, a racket suddenly appeared to intercept the ball that was about to fly out of the field. ball.

Tezuka's left hand was covered with cyan light, seamlessly elevating his five-dimensionality again.

A backhand power drive hits a straight curve.

Stab it!

"Tezuka! I will never make you happy!"

Sanada, who was transformed into lightning, had a gloomy and frightening expression, and the frame of the racket slammed down heavily as if it was about to split a tennis ball in half.

Tezuka stepped on the rainbow light, and the colorful light in his left hand shone down.

A thicker thunderbolt penetrated the arena between Sanada and Mori.

"The game is over. Youth Academy Tezuka Kunimitsu and Sadaharu Mikami won the game, with a score of 7:5."

(End of this chapter)

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