Chapter 411
"I really didn't expect Qingxue to win in the end."

Yushi Ninzu shook his head, he thought Li Haida was going to win this doubles match.

"Seigaku's think tank, Sadaharu."

Atobe looked at Sadaharu in surprise, he didn't expect that Sadaharu could use his own data to help Tezuka mobilize his talents.

"Enough, you say"

Before Atobe could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Shinozu.

"Do you think there are characters like Gan Sadaharu from Seigaku or Liu Renji from Rikkai University in our Ice Emperor?"

Of course Ninzuzu guessed what Atobe wanted to say, but their Hyotei didn't have any data tennis players, and even Kawachi couldn't replicate the data tennis of these guys, so it was impossible to talk about the brilliance of the duo.


Atobe thought so too, there is no one like Gan Sadaharu and Liu Lien Er in Bingdi.

On the other side is the stand of Sitianbao Temple.

Yuan Zhe also looked at Mao Li with a lonely face, and shook his head with some regrets. Mao Li still failed to do it after all.

"Don't worry about Yuan Zhe, you and Mao Li will have a lot of opportunities to meet in the future."

Ping Shanzhi's mysterious smile made Yuan Zhe a little confused.

What does it mean to have a chance to meet?
Even if he goes to school, he will only choose the school in Osaka like Hirazenyuki, and Mori will basically enter Likai University High School.

I'm afraid there are not many opportunities for the two to meet, right?
"Now Qingxue is two victories, Qingxue's next match is almost certain to be Akutsu's appearance."

Shiraishi leaned back in the chair gracefully, Qingxue's attitude was very clear, that is to end Li Haida in the first three games, so they sent Fuer in the third of the singles, Tezuka in the second of the doubles, no doubt it must be the second in the singles Akutsu appears.

"That's right, now it depends on who Li Haida's number two singles is. Is it Liu Lian two or..."

Golden Xiaochun nodded, he also agreed with Baishi's opinion, and like Qingxue, Lihai University seemed to have the idea of ​​deciding the winner in the first three games.

Sanxingmura in singles, Nisanada and Mori in doubles, these three can be said to be the pillars of Li Haida.

It's just that now it seems that the chess is missing, and the calculation is wrong.

"The final of the national competition is about to begin. Kanagawa represents Lihai University High School against Tokyo's representative Youth Academy No. [-]. Masaharu Nio from Lihai University High School will play against Youth Academy Akutsu Ren. Both players should be prepared!"

After waiting for a while, the voice of the staff came from the horn.

"As expected, Aigaku sent Akutsu, but why did Li Haida let Nioh Masaharu play in singles?"

Ichishi Yuji was a little puzzled. Their impression of Nioh who was far away in Kansai was still in his doubles with Yanagi Renji.

"Masaharu Nioh? What the hell is Li Haida doing? No matter how you look at it, it would be better to let Liu Lianer play?"

Golden Xiaochun also looked puzzled, Li Haida's formation made him very surprised.

"King Masaharu!"

Qingxue knows the strength of Nioh, and this year's Nioh is definitely not inferior to Liu Lianer.

"Aren, you have to be careful, don't capsize in the gutter."

When Ajiujin walked by him, Bu Er chuckled and said.

"Tch! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yajiujin paused and said disdainfully.

Capsized in the gutter?He wouldn't allow such a stupid thing to happen.

"Cut! This guy!"

Yakutsu came to the net and looked down at Nioh condescendingly. With his tall stature, he looked obviously much taller than the hunchbacked Nioh.


Nioh had a mischievous smile on his face. If he remembered correctly, this was the first time he played a singles position in an official open tournament after coming to Lihai University.

"Pros or cons?"

Akutsu suddenly spoke.

"I'll just choose the opposite."

The white hair behind Niwang flicked and flicked, and Akutsu's aggressive eyes didn't seem to affect him at all.


Nioh slowly returned to the bottom line after seeing the letters on the handle after the racket landed.


Akutsu was a little surprised by Nioh's performance when facing himself, but Akutsu didn't care too much, picked up the racket on the ground and walked towards the bottom line.

"The match begins! A one-set match, the serving game of Youth Academy Akutsujin!"

The August sun was dazzling and hot, and the wind blowing from the dome carried a scorching breath.

Nioh looked at Yukimura who was sitting on the side, then lowered his head, the bangs on his forehead completely covered his fox eyes.

Suddenly, Nioh's right hand brushed across his forehead, and when he raised his head again, in the eyes of everyone, Nioh had already changed into Sanada's appearance.

"What happened?"

"Ma Sanada?"


It was Shiraishi who saw the phantom of King Ni for the first time, Mu Te and others were all shocked.

"whispering sound!"

Yakutsu sneered disdainfully, took out a tennis ball from his pocket and threw it casually.

He has seen Nio's little tricks before, although it is a bit interesting, he will definitely not be his opponent.

Akutsu bent his knees sideways, jumped up lightly with his feet rebounding, and swung the racket from behind his head.

The strong force and strong rotation outlined a golden curve, flying towards King Ni's feet with a piercing whistling sound.

"Look at my move, Xu Rulin!"

Sanada, who had become a phantom of Nioh, had a solemn expression on his face, and Lin Hai slowly swallowed up all the power and spin of Akutsu's ball.

"What! This is Sanada's Xu Rulin?!"

Yuji Ichishi shouted in shock.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Jin Xiaochun's eyes widened, what happened to Nioh was beyond his imagination.

On the court, Akutsu's vigorous body is like a cheetah. The muscles exposed on his feet and abdomen while running made many professional players and coaches marvel at Akutsu's physical talent.

Akutsu stabilized his body in an instant, swung the racket forward in a nearly smashing posture, and the straight golden curve went straight to the sideline on the left.

"Great! Score!"

Taocheng waved his arm excitedly, the volley shot from this position is impossible to catch up with Nioh's current position.


Stab it!

In everyone's shocked eyes, a dazzling thunder appeared at the landing point of the tennis ball.

"Move like thunder!"

Nioh raised his racket and slashed down. The silver snake bypassed Akutsu, left a winding trace in the air, and then slammed heavily on the bottom line behind Akutsu.

"Game, Nioh Masaharu, 15:0."

Ajiujin looked back at the scorched black marks on the ground, a look of surprise appeared on his defiant face.

"This is! Sanada's Thunder?"

Raising his head, Akutsu met the eyes of Sanada, who had become a phantom of Nioh.

"You're so slack, Akutsu!"

Hearing this, Sanada, who was standing at the forefront of the Lihai University player area, turned dark. It felt a little strange to say this sentence from the mouth of Nioh.

(End of this chapter)

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