The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 412 Phantom Tezuka

Chapter 412 Phantom Tezuka
"Hiss! Is that Sanada's movement like thunder?"

"First it was Xu Rulin, and now it's thunderous again. Could it be that all of Sanada's tricks have been imitated by him?"

The audience talked a lot, Nioh's performance refreshed their cognition.

"Just kidding! Xiaoyu, if it were you, would you be able to do it?"

Golden Xiaochun was really surprised by King Ni this time.

"Impossible! Sanada's unique skill cannot be imitated so easily."

Ichishi Yuji shook his head. As the master of imitation at Shitenbaoji, although he can imitate the skills of ordinary people, it is impossible to imitate Sanada's tennis, which obviously has the core of kendo, without a little bit of knowledge.

"King Masaharu."

Shiraishi muttered softly, but he didn't expect Li Haida to hide such a master besides Yukimura, Sanada, Yanagi Renji and Mori.

"My head hurts!"

Baishi shook his head in distress, what kind of monsters will they face at Sitianbao Temple next year.

"Move like thunder!"

On the court, Sanada, who had become Nioh's phantom, turned into lightning again, and the tennis ball shot out was as fast as lightning, and the angle of bounce was also extremely tricky.

"Game, Nioh Masaharu, 30:0."

Seeing this scene, Kirihara Chi also looked excited.

"Good fight, Nioh-senpai! Use your thunderous moves to teach this arrogant guy a good lesson!"

For some reason, Kirihara had a natural dislike for Akutsu.

Are you moving like thunder?

Sanada's face darkened, and he wondered if he had been too lax with Kirihara recently, and whether he should train Kirihara more.

Kirihara, who was still excited, suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

On the court, Yajiujin, who was scored two points in a row, was obviously a little unhappy, and his momentum was ready to move.

"I said, don't you think that your three-legged cat phantom can beat me?"

There was a disdainful smile on the corner of Akutsu's mouth, even the original version of Sanada couldn't beat him, why did Nioh, a counterfeit, think he could beat him.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

King Ni turned his head slightly, and when he turned his head again, he returned to his own appearance, with a sly smile showing at the corner of his mouth.


Yajiujin snorted coldly, and without saying much, he walked slowly to the end line on the right.

"Go to hell!"

A scarlet aura suddenly appeared around Ajiujin, and under the blessing of this aura, Ajiujin's aura suddenly became terrifying.

With a dull sound, a burst of smoke and dust rose from Yakujin's hand, and a golden streamer flew towards King Ni's feet with a terrifying whistling sound.

The flat serve fully embodies Akutsu's strength, and this body that has been honed for a long time finally begins to show its edge.

Nioh's face was solemn, and he who had seen Akutsu and Sanada match naturally knew how terrible Akutsu was.

Gradually, Lin Hai emerged from the mountains, and out of caution, Nio directly launched Lin Heshan's two great defensive skills.

The tennis ball wrapped in scarlet aura hit the mountains and forests like a cannonball, causing a shocking collapse immediately.

Ya Jiujin broke through the defense line built by Xu Rulin and Fudo Rushan in one blow.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:30."

Nioh flicked his numb wrist and picked up the knocked down racket, his eyes were full of shock.

The strength and impact contained in Akutsu's ball just now far exceeded his surprise. Did Sanada face such a monster at that time?
Although Nioh could perfectly imitate Sanada's Fenglin volcano and Lei, but he couldn't imagin Sanada's body.

"You really are a fake!"

There was a playful smile on the corner of Akutsu's mouth. If Sanada hit the ball just now, he would definitely be able to fight back, but Nioh couldn't.

"It looks like I have to find an opponent that you can't handle."

Nioh smiled helplessly, it really wouldn't work if he phantom Sanada.

"So, how about this!"

In Akutsu's eyes, Nio's face changed into that of another person the moment he turned sideways.

"Is it Tezuka again this time?"

"It turned out to be Tezuka! Indeed, according to the data, Akutsu seems to lose more than he wins against Tezuka."

"I just don't know how capable the Tezuka from Nioh's phantom is like the real one."

The audience was surprised at first, and then heatedly discussed.

"Hmph! Tezuka! This is just right, I've long wanted to smash this paralyzed face to pieces!"

Akutsu suddenly clenched the racket. What Nioh didn't know was that Akutsu had long wanted to fight Tezuka on this occasion.

Ajiujin waved his arms, and a white awn shot out from his hand.The tennis ball bounced off the ground and left a deep mark on the ground, which shows how powerful the ball is.

"That is!"

Qiantui Qianli was a little stunned, he was very familiar with the colorful light emerging from King Ren's left hand.

The limit of a thousand trials and tribulations!
The double-strength counterattack erupted with a piercing roar, and the selfless power burst out in Nio's body like magma.

Akutsu quickly got up to chase the ball, and the backhand raised the racket to intercept the bouncing tennis ball.

In an instant, the racket wailed, and the tennis ball was constantly rubbing against the center of Akutsu's racket net. The force from his hand made Akutsu frown slightly.

Tried and practiced, it's this nasty trick again.

For Akutsu, he suffered countless losses under Tezuka's hard work.

"Go back to me!"

Yakujin pushed the ball with all his strength, and this amazing shot made the referee on the high chair feel a little bit numb.

A ball that was supposed to fly to the opposite corner suddenly flew in front of Nioh when it crossed the midfield. Nioh's left hand shining with colorful lights crossed out without hesitation, and the power of selflessness blessed the entire left arm to play a ground-breaking shot. a ball.

"Game, Nioh Masaharu, 40:15."

"This game was scored by Lihai Darenwang, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Relying on his phantom, Nioh successfully broke serve in the first game.

"What a scary guy! Nioh Masaharu of Rikkai University!"

Kai Yujiro was shocked, he really didn't expect Akutsu to be won the first game in such a way.

"Lihai University! Qingxue!"

Mu Shou looked cold, and there was no doubt that these two schools would be the enemies of Higa High School next year.

"I said Ren, if you can't even deal with Tezuka from Nioh's phantom, it's a bit too unreasonable."

Fuji smiled slightly, he was not worried about the outcome of this match at all.

"Stop chattering!"

Yakutsu said impatiently, lose?How can this be.

Soon, the break time passed, and the two sides set foot on the court again.

"Concentrate on it!"

Tezuka, who became Nioh's phantom, even has the same voice, and the perfect movement of raising his hands is also the same as Tezuka.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

This ball is extremely long, and Akutsu naturally has a lot of experience in how to deal with Tezuka's hard work.

"You fake, why don't you hit a zero serve!"

After winning the first point, Akutsu asked, but he was going to break Tezuka's zero serve.

Nioh did not answer, and hit a strong topspin serve as usual behind the left end line.

"It's not that you don't fight, but you don't know how to fight!"

Yakujin said disdainfully while chasing the ball.

It seems that he overestimated Nioh too much. Since Nioh couldn't play the zero serve he wanted, there was no need to continue this game.

Akutsu straddled his feet, his right hand led the racket, and his left hand clenched into a fist.

The wind blowing from the dome became violent in an instant, and a scene that shocked everyone happened in the next second.

Tennis shines!
(End of this chapter)

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