Chapter 413

"what is that!"

The dazzling light directly hit King Ni's eyes, and the terrifying signal coming from directly in front gave King Ni the mental oppression that made King Ni shed a few drops of cold sweat.

"This is!"

Sanada and Yukimura were shocked. Although the light was a bit dim, they couldn't be more familiar with this breath.

"Nio! Don't catch this ball!"

Yukimura asked his players to give up for the first time on the sidelines, because he didn't want to see King Ni hit a stone with an egg.

Hearing Yukimura's shout, Nioh subconsciously took back the steps he had already taken.In the hearts of everyone at Lihai University, they undoubtedly respect Yukimura, and Yukimura's words are the only factor that can influence them.

It's as if in the original book, for the awakening of Li Hai's juniors, they could choose to follow Yukimura's words and deliberately lose to a group of foreign students. You must know that it violates the spirit of sports competition.

The ball full of oppression was as dazzling as the sun, and the moment the strong wind passed by, Nio felt a tingling sensation on his exposed skin, and the breath of destruction made the hairs on his whole body stand on end.

A huge explosion came from behind King Ren, accompanied by the sound of falling stones and rubble, and a burst of smoke spread from behind King Ren towards the surroundings.

If you want to say who is the most unlucky, of course you have to count the spectators sitting in the front row behind Nioh.

They spent a lot of money to buy a seat in the front row, in order to enjoy the game representing the highest level in the middle school from the shortest distance. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Yakujin's ball hit the wall heavily, and the whole stand shook instantly, and the spectators in the front row began to flee in a panic under the smoke and dust.

"What happened!"

"What the hell was that glowing tennis ball just now!"

Everyone was staring at the half field covered in smoke and dust, and a figure could be vaguely seen standing in the center of the smoke and dust.

Hearing that terrifying loud noise, everyone was sweating for King Ni.

Nioh, is he all right?
Inside the small black house.

The Kurobe trio also stared at the picture from the monitor with solemn faces.

"Light hits the ball!"

Kurobe solemnly said that although Akutsu's light hitting is still at the most elementary stage, such a world-class skill is undoubtedly a dimensionality reduction blow in the middle school.

"What a scary young man! Qingxue really gathered a group of monsters, and the second year of junior high school has mastered light hitting!"

Saito Zhi hurriedly took a sip of the hot coffee at hand, calming down the shock in his heart.

"There is no suspense in this game. It seems that we have to congratulate Fuji for winning the same honor as Byodoin, the second consecutive championship in junior high school."

Tuozhi Ryuji also stopped his exercise, stood in front of the monitor screen and stared closely at Akujindao.

"It seems that Qingxue is not only the champion this year, but he is also very likely to achieve an unprecedented three consecutive championships next year."

Kurobe chuckled, as far as the current configuration of Qingxue is concerned, if there are no accidents next year, Qingxue will achieve an unprecedented three consecutive championships.

"This has nothing to do with us. It's Yukimura and the others who have to worry about it."

Saitozhi smiled slightly, the junior high school affairs have nothing to do with them, if Yukimura and others don't want to be the background board of Qinggaku and be included in the history of the national competition, next year they need to do their best to stop Qinggaku's Three consecutive.

On the field, the wind blowing from outside the stadium cleared away the smoke and dust beside Nioh, everyone's pupils shrank slightly in an instant, and a huge pothole appeared on the wall behind Nioh.

The outer wall skin has already fallen off, and there are spider web-like cracks beside the pit sunken from the center. From time to time, some broken stones cannot bear the temptation of the ground and fall to the ground.

King Ren had already returned to his own appearance, his eyes were wide open, and the sweat was dripping from his temples.

"Then what is that!"

Nioh's mind was still reverberating with the terrifying light just now, if Yukimura hadn't stopped him, he couldn't believe what would happen to him when he caught the ball hard.

Tried and tested?

That thing can't stop the ball at all!
"GGame, Akutsujin, 30:0."

The referee wiped the sweat from his forehead, and tremblingly reported the score.

"whispering sound!"

Akutsu glanced at Nioh disdainfully, the counterfeit is a counterfeit after all, if it is really Tezuka, with the seamless blessing, he can return his light hit.

"This game was scored by Youth Academy Akutsujin, the score is 2:1."

"This game was scored by Youth Academy Akutsujin, the score is 3:1."

After realizing that Nioh's phantom is just a counterfeit, Akutsu also lost interest in competing with Nioh. First, he destroyed Nioh's fighting spirit with a few light shots, and then directly crushed and won with his super-aggressive tennis. Contest.

"The game is over, Seigakuya Kutsuhito won, the score is 6:1."

"So far, Youth Academy has defeated Lihai University High School with a record of 3:0 and won the championship of this national competition!"

After the game, the host's voice spread throughout the venue along the radio, and there was a burst of shouting in the venue instantly.

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

Most of the spectators are cheering for Qingxue to win the two consecutive national competitions. After the collapse of the Mu Zhi Fuji Dynasty cast by Byodoin Temple, they have witnessed the rise of a new dynasty, and this dynasty is younger than Mu Zhi Fuji, full of dominance force.

In the national competition in the coming year, this dynasty will launch an impact towards their third crown.

"Young school!"

Bingdi, Atobu has a dignified face, Qingxue's strength is really frightening, and what's even more frightening is that this team will still maintain a very high level next year.

"Atobe! We will definitely defeat them next year!"

Rijiruo's eyes were filled with a kind of flame called fighting spirit, just thinking about it made him tremble with excitement.

But before that, he needs to take his tennis a step further, at least first to win a stable singles spot in the Ice Empress.

"Very good looking Hiji! If that's the case, then you should work hard to aim for my throne first. If you can't get the number one singles position, you are not qualified to challenge Qingxue."

Atobe burst into laughter after hearing Hijiruo's declaration, that's it, Hijiruo's eyes and heart are what he wants.

Without such courage and courage, how can I be the successor of Bingdi.

"Eishiro, is this the monster we will face next year?"

Ping Guchang said lightly.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Mu Shou glanced at the team members of Higa Country, Qingxue is strong, but the satisfaction that can be obtained from overthrowing such Qingxue will be unparalleled and wonderful.

"Afraid? I'm so scared that I'm shaking!"

Ping Guzhang laughed and responded.

"Eishiro, our time will surely come!"

Kai Yujiro patted Mushou's shoulder and said.

No matter what, this time they have achieved good results in Higa Junior High School, and the school will start to pay more attention to their tennis club after they go back.

Not only Hyotei and Higa, but all the school teams present have engraved everyone in Aigaku in their minds.

Their common goal is to pull Qingxue down next year and not to become Qingxue's background board.

(End of this chapter)

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