The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 414 After the game

Chapter 414 After the game
As a competition that represents the highest standard of the Neon domestic competition, all procedures of the national competition are naturally very formal.

After Qingxue officially won Lihai University, the national competition came to an end.

Then in this venue, all the teams participating in this national competition were summoned again, and the audience and these teams will witness the glory of Qingxue winning the championship.

First, there was a cliché formulaic speech by the organizer and the Neon Internet Association, and then came the much-anticipated awards ceremony.

First, there was the awards ceremony for the top four in the country. Sitianbaosi and Bingdi achieved the top four results this year. The organizers awarded medals and medals to each of their players.

After the semi-finals, the runner-up of Lihai University presented awards. The silver medal for the runner-up was heavy, which corresponded to the mood of everyone in Lihai. This was already the second national runner-up medal they had won.

In the end, of course, was the much-anticipated championship award ceremony. This time the award was presented by Kurobe, who was very familiar with him. He personally brought the golden medal that symbolized honor to everyone in Qingxue. It was true that many schools The players are very envious.

"Congratulations, Buer!"

Kurobe handed over the familiar flag that had been placed in Qingxue Tennis Club for a year to Fuji once again, and Fuji raised it high with both hands. The bright red flag symbolized the glory of the top of the country.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

The shouts belonging to Qingxue sounded again at the scene.

This flag that came to Qinggaku from Makino Fuji last year will still be displayed in the Youth Academy Tennis Club this year, and next year Fuji is also confident that this banner will continue to stay in the Youth Academy Tennis Club.

"Cut! What a good show."

At the end of Li Haida's team, Kirihara said with a savored face.

But in fact, Xiao Kelp is very envious in his heart. Such a beautiful occasion is exactly what he once imagined, leading Li Haida to stand on such a stage.

"Let's go!"

Yukimura took one last look at Fuji, and then slowly left with the other schools.

The loser should not stand in the spotlight to humiliate himself, and the rest will be the interview time of Qingxue.

With the end of the national competition, the news that Qingxue won the national championship again sprung up all over the country. Anyone in any school knew that Qingxue's dynasty had been established this year.

And next year, their goal is to launch an impact on Qingxue's dynasty.

Winning the championship again, Kikumaru Oishi and others were not as excited as last year, but Taocheng and Haitang, as freshmen, although they didn't make much effort in this year's national competition, they were still honored.

That night, everyone from Qingxue held another celebration banquet in Kawamura's sushi restaurant.

This is already their old tradition.

"Ah! Damn it! Akutsu, you snatched my conger eel again!"

Kikumaru was furious, and just now Akutsu snatched the only remaining piece of conger eel sushi in front of him.

"Cut! It's your own movements that are too slow."

Akutsu swallowed the sushi in his mouth, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

"No two! Look at him!"

I have suffered a lot from Akutsu, and Kikumaru has already mastered it. If he is alone, he will not be able to get any advantage from Akutsu, so Kikumaru aimed his eyes at the guy sitting next to Akutsu. two.

"Are you a kid? Looking for a parent?"

Akutsu complained with a speechless face, and took away a piece of sushi in front of Kikumaru by the way.

"Ahh~~ I'm fighting with you!"

Kikumaru made a gesture to stand up and fight Akutsu desperately, Oishi hurriedly pulled him back.

"Eiji, why are you always rushing to be bullied by Akutsu?!"

Dashi smiled wryly, Kikumaru didn't have a long memory no matter how bad he was all the time.


Fuji smiled and shook his head, Kikumaru is really a young guy.

a few days later.

After dealing with the affairs of the tennis club, Fuji once again embarked on the road to Heju. He didn’t go back for a while for Qingxue’s two consecutive championships, and he didn’t know how the stubborn Tokugawa was trained in the back mountain. That's it.


The steel door of Hesu was opened again for Fuji. After Fuji won the national championship, Kurobe and others already knew that Fuji would return soon, and it really came.

Walking on the way to the central training ground, two high school students in uniform looked at Buer suspiciously. Many of them were new freshmen in high school and had never seen Buer.

When you walk to a slightly higher-ranked course, the veterans here naturally know each other well.

"Look! It's Fujisuke!"

"I haven't heard any news about him for a long time. I didn't expect him to come back!"

The high school students stopped their training and began to discuss who was the most topical in the dormitory, except Byodoin.

No way, Buer is the only junior high school student in the co-studio, and he is also the No.3 in the first army.

"No two!"

When Fuji arrived at Court No. [-], Irie was walking towards him.

"Senior Irijiang, long time no see."

Fuji smiled slightly, they had indeed not seen each other for a while.

"Congratulations, Buer, I heard that you have successfully won two consecutive national championships."

Irie's exquisite doll had a smile on his face. He had already heard from the three coaches that Fuji's Seigaku won the national championship again, tying the history created by Byodoin in the previous two years.

"Thank you."

Fuji smiled slightly and accepted Irikawa's blessing.

"By the way, where are Oni-senpai and Taneshima-senpai?"

Fuji asked with some doubts, generally speaking, the three people Irie, Taneshima and Oni are inseparable.

"You said them, they went to pick up Tokugawa."


Fuji narrowed his eyes slightly, he really wanted to see what Tokugawa had learned in Houshan for so long.

The words are divided into two ends, on the back hill on the other side.

"Thank you head coach for taking care of me these days!"

Tokugawa bowed respectfully to Mifune, today is the day he goes down the mountain.

"Tons, tons, tons!"

Mifune Nyudao drank himself a few drinks and glanced at Tokugawa.

"You guy didn't learn anything else overseas, but you learned a lot about hypocrisy. Get out of here."

Tokugawa's expression remained the same, he was already used to Mifune's poisonous tongue.

After bowing to Mifune again, Tokugawa turned and left without looking back.

"Hmph! Elite?!"

Looking at the back of Tokugawa going away, Mifune snorted coldly. It took so long for the so-called returnee elite to step into the realm of Asura Shinto, which really disappointed Mifune.

"What do you guys look at? Hurry up and train me!"

Looking back and seeing the high school students slack, Mifune immediately roared.

Tokugawa is gone, and the only toys left for him are this group of useless miscellaneous fish.

(End of this chapter)

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