The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 415 Chapter 414

Chapter 415 Chapter 414
"Oh? Is this a preparation for the game?"

When Irie brought Fuji to a stadium, he happened to see Tokugawa and Oni preparing to play.

"Hey! You're back, brat? I heard that you won two consecutive championships in the junior high school and national competitions like Byodoin. Congratulations!"

Shuji Taneshima's eyes lit up, he put his arms around Fuji's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Senior Taneshima is still so enthusiastic."

Fuji smiled helplessly, Taneshima's temperament really hasn't changed at all.

Oni Jujiro glanced at Fuji, and after not seeing him for a long time, the aura on Fuji's body became more restrained, which made Oni Jujiro understand that Fuji hadn't stood still during these days.

"I gave you the chance to serve Tokugawa, let me see what you have learned in the back mountain!"

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

"it is good."

Tokugawa nodded, and walked to the bottom line with a cold face.

"It's started, it's started, do you think Tokugawa can win the ghost?"

Taneshima asked with a smirk.


Both Fuji and Irie looked at Taneshima with foolish eyes, can Taneshima ask such questions?Even if Tokugawa stays in Houshan for a long time, it is impossible for him to win against the ghost who has already advanced in the world championship.

While speaking, the game on the field has already begun.

Clasping the tennis ball with his fingers and throwing it, Tokugawa instantly entered the state of the game.Bend his knees and turn sideways to lead the racket. This is the first time he has fought against someone near the back mountain.

With a crisp sound, a spiral air wave rushed towards Oni Jujiro's feet.

"Oh? It seems that Tokugawa has made great progress!"

Irie smiled slightly, but the smile didn't seem to be real.

Compared with when we first met, Tokugawa's ball has indeed improved a lot. After all, it was trained from the hands of head coach Houshan.

Oni Jujiro frowned slightly. Although this shot was a bit tricky, it was a little different from what he expected.

The racket in Oni Jujiro's hand hit the bouncing tennis ball heavily, and the momentum it brought was not at the same level as Tokugawa's.

With a ball in his arms, Tokugawa's arm suddenly began to tremble.Oni Jujiro's huge strength combined with his understanding of the sweet zone technique to hit back is not a joke. Tokugawa, who hadn't competed with anyone for a long time, felt the thrill brought by Oni Jujiro Suffocating pressure.

Tokugawa gritted his teeth and pushed the racket out forcefully.


Tokugawa raised his head, his heart sank, and Oni Jujiro didn't know when he had already reached the net.

"Jack Knife!"

The one-legged golden rooster jumped up independently, and the racket slammed across the net and hit the tennis ball heavily. Tokugawa only felt a huge force coming, and then the whole person flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.

"Ghost, this guy is really merciless"

Bu Er smiled and shook his head.

"Ghost Lord has always been like this."

Irie also had a smile on his face. They all understood that Jujiro Oni just wanted to support Tokugawa, a junior.

"Stand up, Tokugawa!"

Oni Jujiro walked to the net and looked at Michi Tokugawa lying on the ground.

Hearing this, Tokugawa seemed to have regained a bit of strength, struggling to get up from the ground.

"Go ahead and let me see what you've learned."

After leaving a word, Oni Jujiro turned and left, leaving Tokugawa with a generous back.

After calming down his physical discomfort, Tokugawa served again.

Although the roaring tennis ball still maintains a good level, it can be seen that it is obviously not as good as the previous ball.

"Do you want to beat me with your limp serve?"

Oni Jujiro's voice rang in Tokugawa's ears like thunder, and then a dark light hit the racket in Tokugawa's hand again.

There is no doubt that Tokugawa was taken out again.

"Is that all you have?"

"Do you still want to beat Byodoin? You can't even take a single ball from Byodoin!"

Oni Jujiro said mercilessly.

"The Court of Equality!"

Oni Jujiro's words instantly stimulated Tokugawa, but he hadn't heard the name Byodoin for a while.

"The Court of Equality!!!"

There were already several gaps in Tokugawa's body when he stood up again, but he didn't care about it at all, roaring the name of Byodoin in his mouth and swiping his racket again.

There seemed to be a black shadow flashing behind Tokugawa, and the ball infused with Tokugawa's anger finally satisfied Jujiro Oni.

"It's not bad, Tokugawa!"

Oni Jujiro grinned grimly, but he was still too young.

"Black Jackknife!"

Only a tragic failure can prompt a person to change in the shortest period of time. What Oni Jujiro is going to give Tokugawa now is a fiasco.

"The game is over, Oni Jujiro won, the score is 6:0."

Tanejima, who was acting as a temporary referee on the sidelines, raised his hands and issued the final judgment.

On the field, Oni Jujiro was sweating a little except for his shortness of breath. On the other hand, Tokugawa's clothes were already in tatters, and blood was constantly oozing from the cuts on his skin, making him look extremely embarrassed.

"Tokugawa, do you know what your biggest problem is right now?"

Oni Jujiro walked across the net to Tokugawa and asked.

Tokugawa looked at Oni Jujiro silently without saying a word.

"It's your obsession with winning and losing, your desire for victory. When you faced me just now, did you give up your pursuit of victory in this match just because I was better than you?"

Oni Jujiro's words were nailed into Tokugawa's heart like a nail.

"Tokugawa, there are too many people who are stronger than you. If you shrink back when you meet someone who is stronger than you, then it is impossible for you to improve at all."

Oni Jujiro was a little disappointed, he didn't expect that Tokugawa in the back mountain was still the same.

Fuji, Irie, and Taneshima looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. I didn't expect Oni Jujiro to have such a hard-working day. It seems that Tokugawa Oni Jujiro really values ​​it.

After hearing Oni Jujiro's words, Tokugawa fell silent.

Tokugawa, who received elite tennis education overseas since he was a child, is naturally not an idiot. After being awakened by Oni Jujiro, he has already understood that Byodoin seems to have become his demon. Didn't think about anything else.

This also led to Tokugawa's inability to fully devote himself to competing with other people. The lack of pursuit of all victories is Tokugawa's biggest problem now.

After thinking about this, Tokugawa wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said solemnly: "I understand! From now on, I will move towards the goal of defeating you!"

Seeing that Tokugawa seemed to have awakened, Oni Jujiro grinned at the corner of his mouth. Although he was smiling, he looked a little fierce.

"In this case, you can train with us during this time."


(End of this chapter)

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