The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 416 Black Hole

Chapter 416 Black Hole
In the following days, Tokugawa has been training with Fuji and Oni and others. In addition to daily training, Fuji and others will also take turns to compete with Tokugawa. This is an excellent opportunity for Tokugawa. experience.

Under the guidance of several people, Tokugawa's accumulation from the back mountain was fully released during this period, and the speed of progress can be described as visible to the naked eye.

"The game is over, Fujisuke won, the score is 6:0."

Tokugawa had another defeat, and the constant failure even made him get used to it.


Tokugawa waved his arm unwillingly. Although he also knew that he was making progress, when would he be able to defeat that man at such a speed of progress!
The man who left a nightmare in his heart.


Oni Jujiro followed Irie to Tokugawa.

"I'll give you a choice, which one do you want to choose between life and victory?"

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

"Life and victory?"

Tokugawa looked at Oni suspiciously, not knowing why he suddenly said such a thing.

"Of course I choose to win! I just want to win now! Keep winning! Keep winning!"

Tokugawa said solemnly, as he said, now he has tasted the taste of failure, and he can't wait to welcome a hearty victory.

"Okay! From today onwards, I will teach you a forbidden move!"

Oni Jujiro hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke up.

"Forbidden trick!"

Tokugawa's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and from the expressions on the ghosts and Irie and the others, Tokugawa could see that this move was no small feat, which was exactly what he needed now.

"This trick is called a black hole!"

"Black hole?"

Tokugawa was slightly taken aback, just hearing the name, he felt that this move must be a very powerful move.

"It's a trick where you swing the racquet before you hit the ball and cut the space."

Oni Jujiro glanced at Fuji and said, this trick was inspired by Fuji's wind.

Fuji smiled slightly, and accepted Oni Jujiro's gaze.Destiny is really wonderful, Buer created Fengyao from the principle of black holes, and Gui comprehended black holes in advance from Fengyao, it's really a turn of events.

"Cut off space?"

Tokugawa's eyes widened, can this kind of thing really be done?

"That's right! It may help you defeat Byodoin. No matter what kind of ball the Byodoin hits, this cut-off space will make it completely still."

Oni Jujiro looked at Tokugawa and said word by word.

"The Court of Equality!"

The figure of that man suddenly appeared in Tokugawa's mind. It was a nightmare he would never forget, and it was also the reason why he has been working silently until now.

"You have both a strong body and soft muscles. These two points are your advantage and also a necessary condition for learning black holes."

Irie said lightly.

"But what I have to tell you is that this trick will put a considerable burden on the body. If you really want to learn this trick, it will definitely shorten your sports life."

Oni Jujiro stared into Tokugawa's eyes, he wanted to see how deep Tokugawa's consciousness was.

"Please pass it on to me, Senior Ghost!"

Tokugawa took a deep breath and said without hesitation.

In order to be able to defeat Byodoin, Tokugawa can block everything he owns, including his life.

Shorten your sports life?Tokugawa doesn't care about these, as long as he can win, as long as he can beat Byodoin is enough.

Oni Jujiro nodded, he had already understood Tokugawa's awakening.

"I can teach you, but because this trick is too dangerous, and your body can only last 30 minutes at most, so I want you to promise me that you can use this trick only when you have hope of winning. If not Disable this move if necessary!"

Oni Jujiro said solemnly that he did not want Tokugawa to rely too much on black holes, which would have unpredictable consequences for Tokugawa.

"Yes! I understand!"

Tokugawa nodded, but who knows if he will do this in the future.

After the national competition, the second semester of the second year of junior high school will start soon.

In the next few months, there will be no other official open competitions in the middle school except for a rookie competition. Naturally, Fuji will not participate in the rookie competition, so he has been soaking in the dormitory, thinking about Echizen Nanjiro's past With what he said, he is now one step away from being the real top in the world.

At the same time, Byodoin and Duke, who left the camp, are also challenging masters from all over the world.

The route of Byodoin Temple starts from Xiaguo, which is the closest to Neon, and sails all the way.

The final destination is Switzerland!
Autumn and winter come.

Soon Fuji ushered in the last semester of his second year in middle school.

The third semester of each year is the busiest and the busiest academic semester.

Although Fuji still has to take care of the tennis club, his cultural courses have not been left behind at all.It is worth mentioning that the Big Three of the Qingxue Tennis Club are not only talented in athletic ability, but also talented in learning ability, including Yakujin.

Akutsu's grades are second only to Fuji and Tezuka in the class.

Inside the office of the tennis club.

In front of Fuji is a pile of applications for quitting the club. These are the applications for quitting the club submitted by the seniors in the third grade because they want to go to higher education.

"It's really nerve-wracking, the tennis club quit so many people at once."

Fuji smiled slightly, such a situation had already happened last year.

"It doesn't matter, there will be many people joining next year anyway."

Kikumaru waved his hand nonchalantly. As Qinggaku, who has won two consecutive national championships, there is indeed no shortage of players who want to join.

"I'm not worried about that, just forget it."

Fuji stood up with a smile on his face, he just thought of one person.

Looking back at the pennant displayed in the tennis club again, Bu Er signaled that everyone should leave, today is the school holiday.

"Next year! We must win the three consecutive national championships!"

Locking the door of the tennis club, Bu Er's eyes glided over everyone.

"That's inevitable, no two!"

Tezuka pushed his glasses, this is the promise he made with Fuji and Yudai at the beginning, and now this promise is only one step away from being fulfilled.

"Cut! Boring!"

Yajiujin tilted his head and complained about these two people, but the excitement in his eyes betrayed him.

"That's right! Three consecutive championships!"

"Dashi, next year we must become the number one doubles team in the country!"

"Eiji! We can definitely do it!"

"Next year, I will definitely defeat you, you stinky viper!"

"What did you say! You idiot!"

Under the setting sun, bursts of laughter came from Qingxue.

(End of this chapter)

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