The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 417 Echizen Ryoma

Chapter 417 Echizen Ryoma
On a train passing Kakigizaka Tennis Garden.

Ryoma sat on the tram, looking out the window at the scenery that kept receding.

This is his third day back at Neon.

As soon as he returned to Nihong, he couldn't wait to see the tennis level of this country. In his mind, the place where there are players like the best should have a very high level of tennis, so he signed up to participate in the competition every year. It's a youth tennis game that everyone reports, and it's not a 12-year-old group.

"Idiots! You don't even know how to hold a racket? If you want to hit topspin, you should use a Western grip. Hold the racket straight like this, and hold the handle like a handshake. You're all set. "

The sudden discussion caused Ryoma to look away from the window, and saw three guys who looked like junior high school students holding rackets and making gestures in this small compartment.

The whistling sound from the racket was particularly obvious in the quiet compartment, and behind the three junior high school students, Ryugasaki Sakura closed her eyes tightly and trembled.

She even regretted why she listened to her grandma today and came to the Kakigizaka Tennis Garden.

"Wow! Sasabe really deserves to be the ace player of the North High Tennis Club!"

"that is!"

The flattery of the other two companions made Zuo Zuobu a little ecstatic. He kept demonstrating the movements of swinging the racket to the two companions, which attracted other people in the carriage to look sideways. Decide that more is worse than less.

"You guys are so noisy!"

Ryoma couldn't stand it anymore, the moment the sound came out, the tram passed through a tunnel, and the shadow immediately enveloped the three of Sasaki and Sakurano Ryuzaki.


Zuo Zuo turned his head, and it turned out to be a kid in a red coat and a baseball cap!
At this time, the violent shaking caused by the sudden deceleration of the train made Sasabbe suddenly a little unstable. In order to demonstrate how to hold the racket, he did not hold the handrail beside him at all.


Zuo Zuobu let go of his hand, and the racket fell to the ground, which made him somewhat embarrassed.

"Really, I was taught a lesson by a primary school student."

Zuo Zuo curled his lips in disdain, and reached out to pick up the racket that fell on the ground.

"Bing pong! The correct Western grip is to wrap the handle from above when the racket is facing down."

Ryoma lowered his head and said lightly.

"What did you say!"

Zuo Zuo turned around, this brat is a bit arrogant?

Although Ryoma's face was tightly covered by the drooping hat brim, Sasabe still felt a hint of a lesson from Ryoma's voice.

"By the way, the method of holding the racket like a handshake you mentioned just now is called the Eastern grip. These two grips are often confused by people."

After Ryoma finished speaking, he walked out of the opened car door without looking back.

"You brat! Wait a minute! Don't go!".
Sasabbe's voice didn't stop Ryoma's footsteps, what was left to Sasabbe was Ryoma's thin back gradually drifting away.

"Sasabe, what an embarrassment!"

Zuo Zuobu's companion teased and said.

Jingle Bell!
The sudden ringing of the alert bell surprised another person.

"Oops! We need to get out of the car!"

As he said that, the man pushed and pushed Zuo Zuobu and the two towards the outside of the car door.

"I want to get off too!"

Only then did Ryuzaki Sakura stand up as if waking up from a dream, and she would pass the stop if she didn't get off the bus.

Ying Nao, who walked out of the platform, waited for her grandma boredly. She didn't expect that her grandma would be unpunctual one day.

"Hey! Do you know where the Kakigizaka Tennis Garden is?"

Ryoma walked up to Sakurano and asked.

It's not that he's crazy, it's just that he just came back and Nihong is not familiar with this place.

"Ah! You are the one just now!"

Sakura pointed at Ryoma and shouted, the bright red and pink coat on Ryoma's body was too obvious.


Ying Nao quickly realized that she was rude, and quickly withdrew her hand.

"I'm also going to the Kakigizaka Tennis Garden. Do you want to participate in the game? This is the first time I've seen a formal tennis match."

Sakura asked in embarrassment, she knew that this youth tennis match was being reported there, and Ryoma was carrying a tennis bag, so she guessed that Ryoma should be one of the contestants this time.

"Which side is that?"

Ryoma looked at the little girl in front of him speechlessly, and said a lot of things, but he still hasn't told him how to get to Kakigizaka Tennis Garden.


The shy Sakurano also realized that her answer was irrelevant, and quickly apologized to Ryoma.

"Exit the South Exit and go straight ahead!"

"Nankou? Thanks!"

After knowing how to go, Ryoma immediately walked towards the south exit. The game would start in a while, so he had to hurry to the place of report.

Not long after, Sakurano's grandmother, the long-lost coach Ryuzaki, arrived.

"Grandma, that's Beikou over there!"

Seeing her grandma walking towards the North Exit, Sakura said with some doubts.

"Kakigizaka Tennis Garden is just a walk away from the North Exit."

"What! North Exit?!"

Ying Nai was stunned for a moment, then just now...was someone pointing the wrong way? !

the other side.

"I say no, what did you bring me to this kind of place?"

Tezuka looked at Fuji suspiciously, not understanding what Fuji brought him to the Kakigizaka Tennis Garden.

If Tezuka remembers correctly, what is being reported here today is a youth tennis match.

"Could it be possible that you also signed up for this youth tennis competition?"

Tezuka looked at Fuji with a strange look. If Fuji comes to participate, do other people need to compare?
"How is it possible! I'm not the kind of person who would bully people."

Fuji looked speechless, where did this guy Tezuka think.

Long Ya called him yesterday and told him that Echizen Nanjiro's family had returned to Nihong from America.Fuji suddenly understood that the arrogant prince was about to start his first duel in Neon, how could he miss such a wonderful scene, so he called Tezuka, that guy Akutsu wanted to help his mother I didn't come because I was doing something.

"Today I'm here to take you to meet someone special."

Buer turned his head to the side and smiled slightly.

"special person?"

Tezuka was at a loss, what happened to Fuji today, he was mysterious.

Fuji walked back and forth in today's game field, looking for his goal.

Primary school competition?dont see.

If he remembered correctly, the kid Ryoma participated in the 16-year-old group.

"No two, who are you looking for?"

Tezuka watched Fuji looking around, and immediately understood that there must be someone Fuji knew here.

"A very interesting tsundere kid."

Bu Er smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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