Chapter 439

With Tachibana Yoshihei's permission, Ishida Tetsu decided to give it a go.Regardless of the final outcome, he must show his own strength, the strength of Fudo Peak, in front of everyone.

The combination of power and momentum, the tennis ball piercing through the air roared.

Haitang's face was serious. He had noticed that the strength of his opponent's hitting was constantly getting heavier. If he didn't cheer up, it would be bad luck.

Haitang scooped up the ball with both hands like playing golf, and the dust flew everywhere in an instant.

Sakurai Masaya also had nimble steps, and after a few twists and turns, she came to the back of the tennis ball.The essence of volleying is footwork and judgment, and Masa Sakurai is not bad at this point.

Facing the tennis player Takeshi Momoshiro who was hit back by Sakurai Masaya, he stepped forward in a few steps, and then jumped up in the air with one foot and put the racket horizontally on his waist.

"The center of gravity jumps vertically!"

The tennis ball shot at an oblique downward angle of 45 degrees engulfed the air wave and rolled towards Ishida Tetsu, and the momentum was terrifying.

"Good come!"

Ishida Tetsu glared, raised his shoulder with his right hand, and the muscles on his arm showed amazing textures.

"Waving Ball - Burst!"

There was a loud bang, and an astonishing golden streamer shot out from Ishida Tetsu's hand, and flew towards Qingxue's field unstoppably full of destructive aura.


Taocheng looked at the ball in shock, and subconsciously greeted the golden light with both hands.

Stab it!

A huge impact shook Taocheng's body back half a step, and in an instant the tennis ball broke through the encirclement of the racket net and flew towards the rear again.

"What a joke!"

Haitang's pupils shrank, he witnessed the scene just now with his own eyes.

Stab it!

Even though Haitang was fully prepared, the ball still pierced the racket in his hand.

This is the penetrating power derived from pure strength and speed.

"Game, Fudo Peak Middle School, 15:0."

"Now I can be sure that this guy must have something to do with Ishida Yin from Sitianbao Temple."

Kikumaru stared at this scene dumbfounded. The ball just now was not similar to Ishida Gin's wave ball, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

"Aaron, that ball just now was a wave ball, right?"

Dashi asked with some uncertainty.

"Although it is a bit different from Ishida Yin and my wave ball, it is indeed a wave ball!"

Takashi Kawamura was also a little surprised. It seemed that some other tricks were incorporated into the wave ball just now.

"Good job!"

Ju Jiping glanced at the direction of Qingxue, and nodded silently in his heart.

This move is a new move that he combined Ishida Tetsu's wave ball with his Burst Breaker. He taught Ishida Tetsu only a few days, but Ishida Tetsu has already practiced it well.

"Hey! Stinky Viper, it seems that we have to be careful of each other's strength!"

Taocheng raised the racket in his hand to his eyes, and the gap at the broken string gave Taocheng a new understanding of Ishida Tetsu's strength.

"Tch! You'd better take care of yourself!"

Haitang returned a game noncommittally, and then the two returned to the field with a spare racket.

"Waving Ball - Burst!"

Although Tachibana Jihei only allowed him to use this move once, but in order to win this round, Ishida Tetsu didn't care so much.



This time Taocheng and Haitang changed the way of hitting back with the racket net. Although the racket net did not break, the racket was still knocked off by the huge force from their hands.

30: 0.

Taocheng flicked his numb wrists, silently picked up the two rackets from the ground, walked to Haitang and handed over Haitang's racket.


Haitang glanced suspiciously at the somewhat silent Taocheng, why did she feel that Taocheng seemed to have changed?
The game continues.

Ishida Tetsu clenched his racket tightly, and the soreness from his wrist made him frown. The side effects of this move had already begun to appear.


Tachibana Yoshihira was keenly aware of Ishida Tetsu's strangeness, but he couldn't stop Ishida Tetsu's stubborn temper.

Ishida Tetsu clenched his teeth and served again, still a flat serve with violent aesthetics.


Haitang noticed that the strength of this ball seemed to be weakening, could it be that the opponent was no longer able to do it?
Facing yet another good opportunity, Ishida became determined and raised his shoulders again.

"Waving Ball - Burst!"

The tennis ball was filled with the atmosphere of destruction, engulfing the surrounding air, and smashed towards Qingxue's court with a whistling roar like a surging wave.

Faced with such a terrifying goal, Taocheng clenched his teeth and sprinted for two steps, then stepped on the ground and took off, his figure spinning in the air.

"Black jack knife!"

With the help of centrifugal force, the racket in Taocheng's hand was pushed out against the flying tennis ball with his own weight and strength.

The racket was trembling and whining, but the ball was indeed hit back by Taocheng.


Akira Kamio, Shinji Ibu and others stared blankly at the field.This guy from Qingxue is too scary, he can even fight back head-on with Ishida's new trick?
You must know that Taocheng hit back the ball just before the tennis ball hit the ground, without any buffer.

"how can that be!"

Ishida Tetsu couldn't believe that there was someone other than his brother who could retaliate against his trick.


Taocheng who landed was paralyzed on the ground, gasping for breath, the ball just now had consumed him a lot, but he succeeded, combining the vertical center of gravity jump with his own jump kill Together.

"Peach City."

Haitang stared blankly at Taocheng on the ground, at that moment he thought Taocheng was reckless, but he didn't expect to be beaten back by him.

Although Ishida Tetsu wanted to compete with Taocheng, he couldn't hit the wave ball of the fourth ball-it burst and shattered.

"The game is over, and the Youth Academy Momoshiro Takeshi and Haitang Kaoru team won, with a score of 6:4."

In the end, Taocheng and Haitang still won the victory, but Fudofeng's strength also made the onlookers recognize this dark horse school in black armor for the first time.

"Good job!"

It was the first time that Tezuka gave Taocheng and Haitang a positive evaluation. The performance of the two of them in this game was really good. Whether it was Haitang's roundabout snake ball or Taocheng's rotating center of gravity vertical jump, they all gave Tezuka was quite surprised.

In the next doubles one, Tachibana Jihei sent a pair of Fudo Peak who specialized in doubles, Mori Chende and Uchimura Kyousuke.

Qingxue's side is naturally the golden combination.

Although the sophomores Mori Chentoku and Uchimura Kyosuke performed well, they were quickly defeated in the face of the sophisticated golden combination.

Qingxue took the lead to get the match point [-]-[-].

During the game, there was a moderate shower, which slightly affected the players on the court, but Kikumaru's excellent balance played very well on this slippery ground, even if the opponent's frontcourt The little man tried to attack Kikumaru with a chasing ball, but he couldn't affect Kikumaru.

The sudden shower also made Echizen, who was preparing to warm up, return to the player area to avoid the rain. The same Fudo Peak's Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji also came back from outside. They were just about to start warming up when they encountered a shower. If they got wet It's bad to have a cold.

(End of this chapter)

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