The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 440 Chapter 439 Ryoma's First Single

Chapter 440 Chapter 439 Ryoma's First Singles

"Senior Inoue, why did you come here to hide from the rain?"

After searching for a long time, Shisaori finally found Mamoru Inoue who was sheltering from the rain in a pavilion.

"Now the person in charge of the assembly is discussing what to do about the rain."

Shiba Saori told Inoue Mamoru the news she got.

"Yeah, the rain seems to be getting heavier and heavier."

Mamoru Inoue looked up at the sky. The gray sky was covered with black clouds, and the big raindrops hung down like a curtain. It seemed that the rain was heavy.

"Shouldn't the game be suspended?"

On the other side, Qingxue's team is also discussing the issue of the heavy rain.They have two consecutive victories and their morale is high. If the game is terminated, it will still have some impact on them.

"What about Tezuka?"

Kikumaru asked Tezuka, the staff came to call Tezuka and Yoshihei Tachibana away just now, presumably they were discussing the game.

"It is still under observation. If the weather improves, the singles match will continue as usual."

Tezuka said lightly.

"So I don't know whether to continue the game?"

"It all depends on whether the rain stops."

There was no other way, everyone in Qingxue could only wait silently.

A heavy atmosphere like a dark cloud overwhelmed the venue, and the raindrops falling from the sky seemed to dampen the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts.Echizen, who was about to have the next match, was even more sleepy, so he simply pulled his hat and leaned back on the chair to rest with his eyes closed.

Looking back at Fudo Peak, the goal of all of them is to show the outside world their Fudo Peak's strength.In order not to lose the face of Captain Yoshihei Tachibana, they will do their best.Akira Kamio wore a pair of headphones, listening to the music his legs were shaking rhythmically, he was keeping his legs warm and ready to go on stage at any time.

His engine will rev faster the moment the race restarts.

It rained for a long time, and the sky finally cleared up when everyone could bear it no longer.The originally overwhelming rain curtain began to become sparse, and finally completely disappeared.

"Finally stopped!"

Kikumaru stretched out against the warm sunshine after the rain, his body was almost rusted.

"Before, get ready."

Tezuka crossed his arms around his chest, and said to Echizen who had woken up.


Echizen stood up and started the impromptu warm-up.The rest just now completely shut down his engine, and now he has to restart it.

"The finals of the regional preliminaries will begin soon. The singles match between Youth Academy and Fudomine Middle School No. [-] will be between Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma and Fudomine Middle School Kamio Akira. Players from both sides are invited to play."

The staff cleaned up the venue briefly, and then the loudspeaker urging the start of the singles No. [-] match.

"Go Echizen!"

"Come on, little one!"

Everyone in Qingxue cheered for their junior. This was also Longma's first singles match in Qingxue.

"I didn't expect Qingxue to send a first-year player to play singles three, even if Fujisuke and Yakutsuren were not there, it shouldn't be."

Tachibana stood in the crowd and glanced at Tezuka with some doubts. Does Tezuka have such confidence in this first grader?

"Hmph! First grade?"

Akira Kamio crouched on the bottom line. Although the opponent was Qing Xue, he didn't think he would lose as a freshman.He will bring back a victory for Fudo Peak!
"The match has begun, and the match will be decided in one set. Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma's serve!"

Ryoma patted the tennis ball lightly twice, and then his eyes under the brim of his hat scanned the front.

The tennis ball was thrown out of the hand, and the knees and knees were bowed and rebounded with a light jump.

"Outspin serve!"

The suddenly bounced tennis ball hit Kamio Akira's face directly, and Kamio Akira dodged sideways for a moment, and the tennis ball flew past the tip of his nose.

"That was just now!"

"Bounce it up in the face."

There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of everyone in Fudo Peak, the freshman of Qingxue really had two brushes.

"Referee, you haven't scored yet."

Ryoma reminded lightly.

"Uh 15:0."

Only then did the referee report the score as if waking up from a dream. He was stunned by this first-year skill, and almost forgot his own job.

"Our kid is really good, he used his unique skills to control the atmosphere of the whole game from the very beginning."

Kikumaru put his hands on his chin and looked at Ryoma with a smile on the field. For seniors like them, there is nothing more fulfilling than watching their own juniors thrive.

"Outspin serve!"

For Akira Kamio, the outspin serve from the left side was more threatening than the right side, and he was once again scored a point.

"Game, Echizen Ryoma, 30:0."

Akira Kamio's eyes were deep, this move was not the kid's patent.In their immovable peak, some people will play this trick.Although it is a bit different from this kid's, but the same goal by different routes, he will definitely hit him back with the next ball.

Ryoma throws the ball with his left hand, and in order to hit the right-handed Akio Kamio in the face, he has to use his right hand to serve with an outspin.

The whistling tennis ball bounced off the ground and went straight to Akira Kamio's face again.

Akira Kamio focused his eyes and jumped back for half a step, raising his arms above his head and throwing them out.

"Ryoma's Outspin Serve"

"Been beaten back?"

Katsuro and Katsuo looked surprised. This was Ryoma's unique move. Surprisingly, he was counterattacked by the opponent on the third ball?

Longma seemed to have expected it long ago, and at some point in time he had already reached the net, leaping up little by little with the strength of his sprint, and the racket was heavily buckled down.

"Game, Echizen Ryoma, 40:0."

"In this round, Aigaku Echizen Ryoma scored, and the score was 1:0."

"It seems to be gradually catching the beat!"

Ryoma chuckled, he knew that this was the mantra of the other party, and he was actively provoking the other party.

"I didn't expect Kamio to be suppressed by a first-year!"

"This game seems to have only started for more than a minute, right? The first game ended so quickly!"

The people at Fudo Peak were a little stunned. Kamio's strength was also among the top three in Fudo Peak. How could Qingxue's freshman be so strong?

"Oh! It's just a brat!"

Akira Kamio glanced at Ryoma, then tossed the ball lightly.

What Akira Kamio is best at is this half-throwing high-speed serve, and the ball flies towards Ryoma like an arrow off the string.

"Do you serve to the net?"

Ryoma was naturally aware of Akira Kamio's movements, and tactics such as serve and net are indeed useful when facing a short man like Ryoma, but the large gaps exposed by it are also inevitable weaknesses.

The slippery ground didn't affect Ryoma's movements at all, he stepped forward a few steps to the back of the ball, and made a sharp half-volley without hesitation.

"Great, scored!"

Katsuro saw that the ball went straight to Kamio Akira's flank, and Toshiro thought that Ryoma was going to score.

"Humph! You've been fooled!"

Akira Kamio raised the corner of his mouth, turned back and moved quickly to the left, as if afterimages appeared during the running, and with one step, the distance between him and the tennis ball was already shortened by a large amount.

Akira Kamio swung his racket sideways, and a straight curve shot out from Ryoma's front sideline.

"Game, Akira Kamio, 15:0."

Akira Kamio looked up at Ryoma, and said in a provocative tone: "Little devil, hurry up and follow my pace!"

(End of this chapter)

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