Chapter 441
"In this game, Akira Kamio of Fudomine Junior High School scored, the score was 1:1."

Akira Kamio's feet kept moving lightly, for him, speed was everything to him.

"Hurry up and catch up with me, kid!"

Hearing this, Long Ma pulled the brim of his hat and turned to leave, but the corner of his mouth slightly raised when he turned around.

It feels really good to be back in Neon. You can see so many different styles of play and conquer them!

This is what Ryoma is thinking at this moment.

"I was turned against the general so soon!"

Kikumaru was so nervous that he was about to bite his fingers. Watching Ryoma's game was even more nervous than his own.

"The opponent's footsteps are so fast!"

Dashi was also a little worried. The speed shown by the opponent in the round just now was really amazing.

Ryoma throws the ball, leans back and bends his knees and hits an outspin serve again.

"Your trick is useless!"

For Akira Kamio, such a serve is no longer effective for him. His dexterous movements allow him to change the angle in a short time to hit back.

However, what Ryoma wants is just to buy time for himself to surf the net. Facing the ball that was hit back by Akira Kamio, Ryoma volleyed the net without hesitation, heading straight to the diagonal. side.

"you are too naive!"

Akira Kamio laughed, this brat really looked down on his own speed too much.Touching the ground with his toes, Akira Kamio turned back quickly, every step he stepped on the ground would bring up a trace of fine water droplets.

Even the ground after the rain couldn't stop Akira Kamio from showing his speed.

"Look at my sonic bomb!"

Kamio Akira, who caught up with the tennis ball with a trace of afterimage, clapped his hands sharply, and the tennis ball burst into a sharp and piercing whistling sound and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

"Game, Akira Kamio, 15:0."

"Hit the ball so fast!"

Kikumaru looked at Akira Kamio in surprise, even with his dynamic vision, he could only see the ball just roughly.

"Keep up to the beat, beat!"

Akira Kamio's feet tapped the ground back and forth, like a tap dance step.

"In this game, Akira Kamio of Fudomine Junior High School scored, the score was 2:1."

Although Ryoma was able to serve and hit the net in his own serve, all of his volleys were returned by the opponent in the face of Akira Kamio's speed.Ryoma's rear empty field exposed by the net volley has become an Achilles' heel.

"Oops! The little one has been broken!"

Kikumaru glanced at Ryoma worriedly, but found that Ryoma was not depressed at all, on the contrary, his eyes became more and more sharp.

"Don't worry, the game is just beginning."

Tezuka said lightly, he believed that Ryoma, who could be so valued by Fuji, definitely had more than this level.If this is the case, Ryoma is not qualified to be the next pillar of Qingxue.


Under Kamio Akira's surprised eyes, Ryoma's toes kept tapping the ground lightly, but his heels couldn't touch the ground.

"Hey! I just learned a new kind of gait recently, and I wanted to keep it until the national competition."

The dragon horse arched its back slightly, its toes tapped on the ground continuously, jumped up, tapped, jumped up.

"The little guy really dares to say it! National competition!"

Kikumaru smiled slightly, it seemed that Ryoma had a plan in mind.

"What a big breath!"

Ishida Tetsu didn't understand where the first-year came from being so confident when he was clearly at a disadvantage.

"I really envy him! You can participate in the national competition in the first grade. When we were in the first grade, we could only pick up money off the court."

Ibu Fukashi looked at Ryoma and murmured, he knew Qingxue's strength very well.No matter how there are Fujisuke, Akutsuhito and Tezuka Kunimitsu, Aigaku will have a place in the national competition no matter what.

"Who doesn't know how to talk big, brat!"

Akira Kamio chuckled, flicked the ball upwards and then swung the racket out quickly.The half-throwing high-speed serve like him pays attention to surprise, and the ball is thrown relatively low when serving, so the ball can be hit earlier.

Longma's super dynamic strength successfully captured the landing point of the ball, and then he quickly ejected and started with a light tap of his toes.

The powerful backhand pumps the ball in a slightly curved arc.

"I'd like to see what the hell you're up to!"

Akira Kamio quickly chased after the tennis ball, and then shot forward with a straight curve with a flick of the racket.

"So fast! The little one's movements also change so fast!"

Kikumaru let out a soft cry, and the moment Akira Kamio made a move, Ryoma had already tapped the ground and turned back, the movement was not a bit faster than before.

This time Ryoma actually kept up with Kamio's movements, even Kamio's sonic bomb was followed by Ryoma and hit back.

"That is! Basic broken steps?"

Ibu Fukasa looked at Ryoma's feet and suddenly said.

"Yeah! But it's different from the general basic broken steps. It's a basic broken step that lands on one foot."

Tachibana Jiping nodded and said, he had already discovered this.

"Basic step with one foot"

Iwu Shenji muttered to himself, if it was him, I am afraid it would be impossible.

"Basic step with one foot? Although it seems easy to connect to the next action, isn't it impossible to act if you don't know where the ball will land? If the opposite foot lands on the ground, it will cause a lack of pace. Disorder isn't it?"

Sakurai Masa also asked suspiciously.

"Yeah! How did this kid do it?"

Ishida Tetsu was also a little puzzled.Kamio moved so fast, how did this brat react in advance?
"Probably made the judgment at the moment he jumped up! In other words, he is not only half a step faster than Kamio, but a step and a half."

Tachibana Yoshihira crossed his arms and glanced at Tezuka not far away, Seigaku is really lucky to have such a strong first grader.

Not to mention the first grade, even in the third grade, there are not many people who can learn this kind of pace.


Akira Kamio has also found that he seems to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to break free from the pursuit of the kid on the other side.

Akira Kamio hit the ball with a backhand, and the tip of the racket touched the tennis ball.The position of the dot deviated from what Akira Kamio expected, and the tennis ball flew out obliquely under the action of force.

"Out of bounds! This game was scored by Echizen Ryoma, the score is 2:2."

"Okay! The little one has won the round!"

Kikumaru shouted happily.

"Not only that, the opponent has already fallen into Echizen's trap!"

Gan Sadaharu pushed his glasses, and discovered Echizen's little trick when he was collecting Echizen's data. This kind of detail hidden in the game will be the last straw that crushes the opponent.


Only halfway through the match, Kamio's panting began to become more rapid, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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