The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 442 Champion

Chapter 442 Champion

Tachibana Yoshihei also noticed this. Although Kamio's stamina was not outstanding in Fudo Peak, it was not so bad that the game would bottom out in four rounds.

After observing the ball for a few more times, Jihei Tachibana nodded thoughtfully.

"I see!"

"Captain, what did you find?"

Seeing Tachibana Jihei suddenly make a sound, the other people in Fudo Peak asked suspiciously.

"Look, Kamio's speed has slowed down!"

Everyone looked at the field. Although Kamio's speed was still very fast, they, who were familiar with Kamio, found that just as Tachibana Yoshihei said, Kamio's speed had indeed slowed down.

"How is this going?"

"That's because Kamio's physical strength is exhausted!"

Tachibana Jihei said with certainty.

"Lack of strength?"

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.The match only started less than half an hour ago, so how could Kamio lose his physical strength?

"The freshman of Seigaku kept hitting the ball close to the baseline and at a very low angle when counterattacking. With Kamio's height, if he wanted to counterattack, he would have to bend his knees and lower his center of gravity. This would invisibly increase the burden on Kamio's knees."

Tachibana Yoshihira stared ahead. This first-year student was not only very strong, but also had excellent on-the-spot response.


Everyone was silent for a while, according to Tachibana Yoshihei, Kamio Akira probably had no chance.

"Damn brat!"

Kamio Akira has also discovered Ryoma's intentions, but he is helpless.The speed he was proud of was no longer able to break through Ryoma's defense line. Ryoma successfully blocked Kamio Akira's speed with his super dynamic vision and reaction speed.

"The game is over! Youth Academy Echizen Ryoma won, the score is 6:2."

"So far, in this regional qualifier, Youth Academy defeated Fudo Peak Middle School with a record of 3:0 and won the championship!"

In the end, Ryoma still won the game, which also meant that Qingxue won the championship of this regional qualifier.

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

"Chang Sheng! Chang Sheng!"

Although it was only a regional qualifier, everyone in Qingxue was honored, especially the first graders who worked extra hard.

"Sure enough, Qingxue won the championship!"

Shiba Saori used her camera to record the moment when Qing Xue won the championship again. She has recorded such scenes countless times in the past three years.

"It is inevitable for Qingxue to win the championship, but Fudofeng's strength should not be underestimated. They are a very promising team."

Mamoru Inoue looked at Fudo Minemichi who was accepting the runner-up award with some sighs.

According to the news he got, this Fudo Peak team was reborn after a violent incident. All of them are tightly united by the captain Ju Jiping. One hundred percent trust.

They are like a rock with Tachibana Jihei as the center, and they will keep in mind any guidance Tachibana Jihei gives them.What they have to do is to use their own efforts to continuously become stronger and keep up with Tachibana Jihei.

"See you at the competition."

Tezuka shook hands with Tachibana Yoshihei. Although the two failed to play against each other this time, Fudomine Middle School led by Tachibana Yoshihei also qualified to participate in the Metropolitan Competition as the regional runner-up.

"See you in the competition!"

Tachibana Jiping glanced at Qingxue's team and asked his doubts.

"Why didn't you see Fuji and Akutsu this time?"

These two are the two trump cards of Qingxue, so something happened, right?
"Ajiujin has something to do temporarily, as for Fuji, he went to that place."

Tezuka looked at Tachibana Yoshihei and said.

"that place?"

Everyone in Fudo Peak was a little puzzled, what is that place?
"So that's the case. As expected, he has gone farther than us."

Tachibana Jiping felt a little bit emotional, it really deserves to be the best.

On the way back, Yiwu Shensi suddenly asked: "Captain, what is the place you just mentioned?"


Tachibana Jiping stopped and groaned.

"It is a place where all the elite high school students in the country are gathered. It can be said that everyone who can enter there is carefully selected. Although I have not been there yet, the tennis level there is undoubtedly the best in the country. highest point."

Tachibana Jiping looked into the distance, he had only seen the seniors of U-17, and had not really been to the training camp of Neon U-17.

"National elite high school students!"

The people of Fudo Peak squatted in amazement, and Fujitsu Zhouzhu of Qingxue seemed to be a junior high school student like them, right?
The news that Qingxue won the regional qualifiers did not cause much disturbance, and it was a matter of course in everyone's eyes.

"Atobe, Aigaku won the regional qualifier championship."

Shinobu Yushi pushed open the door of the club office, and Atobe was sitting on the throne that belonged to him with his legs crossed.

"Huh? So what?"

Atobe chuckled, isn't this a normal thing?
"Their opponent in the final is Fudofeng Middle School."

Ninja Yuuji pushed his glasses and said.

"What are you trying to say, Ninjazu?"

Atobe put down his right foot, how strange is Shinobu today.

"Do you know who the head of Fudo Peak Middle School is?"

Ren Zu gave a mysterious smile, he guessed that the Jibu must not know the news yet.

"Fudo Peak Middle School?"

The Fudo Peak in Atobe's impression is just a weak school that can hardly even enter the competition. He really doesn't remember who the head is, but he remembers that this group of people is a group of very bad guys.

"The head of Fudomine Middle School Tennis Club is Tachibana Yoshihei!"

Yushi Ninazu no longer kept his secrets, and told Atobe the news he had inquired about.


Atobe is a little surprised now, Tachibana Yoshihei?How did he become the head of the Tennis Department of Fudo Peak Middle School.


Shinozu handed the newspaper in his hand to Atobe. It stands to reason that a small regional qualifier would not get much coverage, but who asked you to participate in Qinggaku.

With two consecutive championships in hand, Qingxue, which is heading for an unprecedented three consecutive championships this year, is undoubtedly the most popular school in the entire junior high school circle.

"It's really Tachibana Jihei!"

Tachibana Yoshihira's iconic appearance was instantly recognizable.

"It seems that we have one more opponent in the capital competition this time!"

Atobe's knuckles tapped lightly on the table, no matter what kind of school Fudo Peak was before, with Tachibana Yoshihei joining it, it is qualified to be Hyotei's opponent.

However, in order to know ourselves and the enemy, Atobe still asked people to collect information about Fudo Peak Middle School. Atobe had no interest in other schools in the competition, but now it is different.Atobe really wanted to compete with Kyushu Lion King Tachibana Yoshihei.

After learning that Fudo Peak Middle School has been reorganized, Atobe included Fudo Peak School in the list of Ice Emperor's opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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