The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 443 Accident

Chapter 443 Accident
"Really? Okay, I see."

Fuji, who was far away in Europe, received a call from Tezuka. After learning that Tachibana Yoshihei still came to Fudo Peak as he remembered, Fuji was a little surprised. It seems that the gears of fate have started to turn, and everything will eventually return to the original trajectory.

It was no surprise for Fuji that Qingxue won the championship in the qualifiers. Even without him and Akutsu, Qingxue's background is enough to sweep.

Rome in the early morning is unusually quiet, and life in Europe is such a slow pace.

After watching yesterday's match between Italy and South Africa, the Neon team will continue to set sail today. Their next goal is Serbia, which is also a European country.

After the regional qualifiers, the schools went into intense training again.For all the schools, the regional qualifiers are just a warm-up, and the real competition will start at the level of the capital competition and the county competition.

The atmosphere in Tokyo became hot all of a sudden. As a grand tennis event in the entire Tokyo circle, there were 128 teams participating in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, and the participating players were like fish in a river.

Among these 128 schools, only the top four can be qualified to participate in the Kanto competition, which is an exaggeration to say that it is one in a hundred.

Even Qingxue dare not slack off in the slightest, this year is a crucial year for Qingxue.The unprecedented three consecutive championships are just around the corner, and all of them have worked hard for three years to achieve results, so the training volume of Qingxue will not be less than that of other schools.


Horio sat slumped on the ground panting heavily, he was so tired.

"The training here is so tiring!"

Horio looked hopeless, and Qinggaku's training volume was much higher than that of his tennis school outside.

"Don't complain about Horio, the amount of practice of the seniors is several times that of ours, and they don't feel tired!"

Katsuro wiped the sweat off his forehead. His goal is to become a full member of Seigaku, for which he must work harder.

"That is to say, there is also Ryoma. Although Ryoma is a first-year student like us, his training volume is the standard for full-time players!"

Katsuo looked at Ryoma not far away, he was a role model for the first graders.

"Ryoma is different, okay?"

Horio sighed, I really don't know how this Echizen guy survived.

In the team of official players, Ryoma followed behind Taocheng. The training programs of their official players were all simplified according to the U-17 training programs brought back by Bu Er.

Although the amount is a bit large, it is very efficient and scientific.

"It's disgusting! Why are there so many people who come to investigate intelligence this year!"

Ju Wan turned on the faucet and rinsed his face, he was speechless, don't these people know how to cover up?
"Yes, there are a lot of people! I think Agan must know the exact number, right?"

Kawamura looked to the side of Sadaharu Mikami.

"A total of 69 people have been investigated this year, an increase of 1.75 times compared to the average number of the previous year and last year."

Gan Zhenzhi said lightly.

"You really deserve to be a senior!"

Ryoma glanced at Gan Sadaharu in surprise, he didn't expect that the other party even collected such boring data.

"It's really annoying, don't you know how to restrain the voices of these cameras!"

Kikumaru was full of anger, if Yakutsu was here, these people would not dare, and now Kikumaru misses Yakutsu a little bit.

"Forget Eiji, today's club activities are over anyway, I'll go shopping with you at the store we agreed on yesterday!"

Oishi patted Kikumaru on the shoulder to reassure him.

"makes sense!"

Kikumaru nodded, his temper came and went quickly.

"By the way! Echizen, you can go shopping with me later!"

Taocheng stopped Longma and said with a smile.


Ryoma doesn't intend to do such boring things, he will go to the tennis club to practice later.Since being taught by Tezuka last time, Ryoma has been working hard. He knows that there is still a big gap between him and Tezuka and Fuji, and he must catch up as soon as possible.

"Don't be so uncute! At worst, I'll treat you to a big meal later!"

Taocheng rubbed Ryoma's head, which was his favorite thing to do.

"It hurts, Senior A Tao!"

Ryoma pushed Taocheng's hand away speechlessly, he felt that he was about to grow short.

The hot breath of midsummer lingers in this reinforced concrete city.

The sun is scorching the earth, and pedestrians can only avoid the scorching sun by taking advantage of the shade of buildings and green shades.

"Finally, after training, I was dragged here to buy things again!"

Horio walked dejectedly, not only him, but the first-year trio and Ryoma were all called by Momoshiro.

"What's the matter, it's fun too!"

Katsuro didn't care, there was nothing wrong anyway.

"I also want to buy a new sweatband, Ryoma, do you have any recommendations?"

Katsuo asked Ryoma.


Ryoma was about to speak when there was a loud noise behind him.

"Ah~~ Give it back to me! Robbery!"

A shrill female voice sounded, and then a person not far away ran towards them quickly on inline roller shoes.

"Get out of the way!"

The three little ones were startled immediately, and instinctively moved to the side to avoid it.

"pass it to me!"

Momoshiro was not afraid, he handed over his tennis bag to Ryoma and rushed towards this guy.

"Be careful, senior!"

Horio yelled worriedly.

"Look how powerful I am in Taocheng!"

The hot-blooded Taocheng waved his fist, and this punch was bound to make this guy look good.


The snatcher didn't expect that there would be a stunned head, but he couldn't stop the car anymore.

Taocheng swung his fist heavily, the man bent down to dodge, the wind of the fist flashed past his head.


Taocheng saw this person flashing past him and knew he couldn't stop him, but he wouldn't just let this guy escape and chase after him.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

The snatchers didn't expect Taocheng to dare to catch up, so they quickened their pace immediately.

"Damn it, I can't catch up!"

Taocheng's heart sank, how could it be possible to catch up with the inline skates under the opponent's feet with two legs.

Suddenly, a bicycle swept past Taocheng's eyes.

"Excuse me, lend me your bicycle!"

Taocheng hurriedly "snatched" the bicycle, stepped on it and chased after that person.

Kamio was talking and laughing happily with Ibu Fukaji, when suddenly the bicycle in hand was snatched away.

"My bicycle!"

Kamio gritted his teeth as he watched Taocheng's retreating back, someone dared to snatch his belongings from Mr. Kamio.


The four Long Ma who came up from behind were stunned when they saw these two familiar figures.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

"Damn! You car thief! Do you think you can escape?!"

Kamio handed his tennis bag to Ibu Fukaji, his gaze under his bangs was as sharp as a blade.

"Keep up to the beat!"

Furious, Kamio chased after Taocheng.

That Qi Juechen's speed immediately stunned Horio and the others.

"Ah! That's it! Kamio of Fudo Peak!"

Taocheng heard the yelling from behind and looked back, feeling very bad. He seemed to have done something extraordinary, but right now he can't care too much.

(End of this chapter)

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