Chapter 456

"It's really a difficult move!"

Tachibana Yoshihira, who was sitting alone on the sidelines resting, had a serious expression on his face. He had heard about Atobe's Ice World for a long time, and it really lived up to his reputation when he saw it today.

"That weird fluctuation is mental power!"

Tachibana Jiping suddenly had a guess in his heart.He remembered that Fuji once said in Paris that the most important thing to set foot on the realm above the country is to master the use of spiritual power.

Each of the world-class players has their own strengths and weaknesses in terms of spiritual attainments.

I have already guessed why I can't move Tachibana Jihei, probably because Atobe found his hidden flaws through his excellent eyesight and amplified the impact of the flaws on him through his mental power.

And if you want to crack the ice world, you only need to erase your own flaws from Atobe's eyes.

To achieve this, apart from special moves like Tezuka Territory, there is only one way to make one's five-dimensional and foundation stronger.

Soon, the 3-minute break passed, and Atobe and Tachibana Yoshihei set foot on the court again.

"Heh! Really good fighting spirit!"

Atobe glanced over Tachibana Yoshihei with admiration. His successful break with Ice World in the last game did not seem to have any effect on Tachibana Yoshin.Tachibana Jihei still maintains a very high fighting spirit.

That being the case!

Tracebe's gaze froze.

"Then it will crush you!"

The tennis ball was thrown by Atobe, and Atobe's body instantly bent his knees and leaned back. The strong core strength supported Atobe to bow his waist and abdomen into the shape of an iron bridge.

Ding Ding Deng!
Atobe's pupils flickered with neon light, and a violent air flow surged around him.


The long-prepared body was flattened, and the arm swung the racket and hit the tennis ball heavily.

"Tanwhisper serves!"

The perfect combination of strength and rotation made the ball fly over the net without encountering any obstacles. After landing, under the pressure of violent rotation, the tennis ball clung to the ground and rushed out of the court.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 15:0."

"Ice Empress! Ice Empress! The winner is Ice Empress!"

Atobe's goal instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the audience, especially the members of the ice emperor.

"What kind of serve is this!"

Ryoma's eyes were wide open. Although Atobe's Tanhuaiser's serve was not as good as his iron-faced vice president's zero-style serve, such a serve that would not bounce was undoubtedly extremely difficult to return.

"This is Atobe's unique technique of Tannhauser's serve. Simply put, it is to forcibly suppress the bouncing of the tennis ball with strong force and complex rotation."

Gan Sadaharu glanced at Ryoma and said lightly.

"Tannhauser serves! I didn't expect this guy to have such tricks!"

In fact, Ryoma has known for a long time that Atobe didn't use much strength when he was competing with him, but he knew that if he knew it, he would still be upset if he was unhappy.

"Go ahead, Tachibana!"

It took only one ball to take control of the game again, enjoying the attention of everyone, throwing the ball back and bowing again.

"Tanwhisper serves!"

After landing, the tennis ball stirred up the gravel and dust on the ground, and a thick cloud of dust and smoke formed a dragon on the ground and arched across Tachibana Jiping's half court.

As the dust cleared, Tannhauser's powerful power and violent spin left a deep mark on the hard surface of the court.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 30:0."

Facing such a serve, Jihei Tachibana had no choice but to watch it slide out of the field.

"This game is scored by Keigo Atobe of Hyotei Gakuen, the score is 3:1."

Relying on the powerful suppressing power of Tannhauser's serve, he scored another point and extended the lead to two rounds.

"elder brother."

Ju Xing looked worried, this was the first time she saw her brother being suppressed like this.This annoying minister of the Ice Empress is really strong!

"Oh! Thank you Atobe! It makes my whole blood boil!"

Although the score was behind, Tachibana Jiping did not give up at all, his eyes full of fighting spirit and long hair dancing in the wind were still full of oppression, and the mole on his forehead added two points of domineering to him.

The scarlet breath wrapped the tennis ball and slammed it heavily at Atobe's feet, and the impact of the bouncing tennis ball on Atobe was stronger than before.

"Freeze me!"

Atobe's eyes revealed a cold breath again, and the icicles inserted into Tachibana Yoshihei's feet to restrict Tachibana Yoshihei's movements.

Suddenly, the scarlet flames burned the icicles, and all the icicles beside Ju Jiping burst, and a golden light poured back from Ju Jiping's arena like a galaxy rewinding.

"Game, Yoshihei Tachibana, 15:0."


Atobe stared, has his ice world been cracked? !

"That is!"

Looking at Tachibana Yoshihei again, Atobe's pupils shrank slightly, the scarlet aura on the opponent's body seemed to be condensed into substance and burning, and the surrounding air seemed to be condensed.

"This is not Akutsu's!"

Kikumaru looked shocked, he had seen the state of Tachibana Yoshihei from Akutsu.

The high-level field of force!

The scarlet aura that condensed into substance is actually the manifestation of the power of power. In this state, Tachibana Jiping's five dimensions have skyrocketed again, and his strength has even broken through the shackles of the national level and reached the world level!
"Your ice world can't trap me anymore, Atobe!"

Ju Jiping's voice is deep and penetrating. How can the lion who dominates the grassland be trapped by the ice field.

"Really? Then try again!"

Atobe snorted coldly, don't underestimate his ice world, Tachibana Yoshihei!
A vigorous and powerful ball smashed down with a violent air wave, and the sound of a lion roaring could be faintly heard in Shijibu's ears when it bounced.

"Hmph! Freeze it for me!"

There was a cold light in Atobe's eyes, and the cold air approached Tachibana Jihei's arena again.


The scarlet flames around Ju Jiping turned into a dark red lion galloping in the arena, smashing the icicles one by one.

"Atobe's Ice World has been struck back!"

Xiang Riyue's expression was very solemn, Tachibana Jiping's strength was beyond his imagination.

"Don't worry, Atobe hasn't taken it seriously yet."

Ren Zuzu pushed his glasses, he couldn't be more clear about Atobe's strength.

On the field, Atobu bullied himself forward, and the side-elbow racket quickly came out from his waist, and a touch of brilliance went straight to Tachibana Jiping's bottom corner.

Ju Jiping, who was next to Hei Yan, stepped on it, and appeared in the bottom corner in the next second.

The backhand was accompanied by a glimmer of light. The tennis ball could barely scrape the net and hang down into the court of Atobu.

Atobe stepped out, bowed his legs and lowered his waist to pat the surface of the bouncing tennis ball. When he looked up again, he saw Tachibana Jihei leaping into the air.

"Don't get hurt, Atobe!"

Blast Ball Flurry!

The frame of the racket in Tachibana Jiping's hand hit the tennis ball heavily, and the tennis ball that was hit back instantly turned into shadows all over the sky.

"Tennis! Doppelganger!"

"It's amazing!"

The audience was shocked. Such a phantom ball opened their eyes.

It seems that even Atobu couldn't find out the real location of the tennis ball for a while, and the shadows of the balls flying past Atobe's body dissipated one by one, leaving only a tennis ball that hit the bottom line heavily .

"Game, Yoshihei Tachibana, 30:0."

(End of this chapter)

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