The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 457 Atobe Kingdom

Chapter 457 Atobe Kingdom
"Ball and dance!"

"In this round, Yoshihei Tachibana from Fudomine Junior High School scored, and the score was 2:3."

"Both sides change game!"

Sakakitaro glanced at Atobe who was sitting next to him with a smile. He was also a little surprised by Fudo Mine Tachibana Yoshihei's outburst, but Sakakitaro believed that Atobe would definitely win.

Maybe outsiders don't know, but Sakaki Taro is very aware of Atobe's daily efforts.As the most talented person in Ice Empress, Atobe's daily training volume is also the largest in Ice Empress.

Things like relying on talent and pride will not happen to Atobe. In order to be able to better become a club that leads more than 200 members of the ice emperor, Atobe is very hardworking.

"Come on! Captain!"

"You must win!"

On the other side, Akira Kamio and others were also cheering for Yoshihei Tachibana who returned to the sidelines.


Tachibana Yoshihira calmed down after restraining his aura. Although he did have the upper hand in the last round, Atobe did not panic at all, and Tachibana Jihei still felt an abyss-like pressure constantly on Atobe's body .

This also means that Atobe must still have some reservations, and the real game has not yet started.

He has already taken the lead in making moves, and Atobu will not let him focus on the former.

After the 3-minute break, the two sides set foot on the court again.

Atobe slapped the tennis ball sideways, and it was almost time for the match to come to an end.

After throwing the ball, bend your knees, kick your legs, and swing the racket. A series of movements are flowing.With Atobe's powerful five-dimensional blessing, even an ordinary topspin serve has quite amazing power.

"Good come!"

Ju Jiping let out a loud cry, the black flames around him that had been silent burned vigorously again, and his aura suddenly became violent.

Gathering up the momentum and pumping, the tennis ball was instantly deformed by this huge force.

"Welcome to - my kingdom!"

Atobe jumped up, and the situation around Tachibana Yoshihira changed in an instant, a blizzard swept over the sky, and the thick falling snow covered Tachibana Yoshihei's calf in an instant.

Although the black flame on Tachibana Jiping's body could melt the snow and ice that fell on him, it couldn't take care of the ground under his feet.

"This is!"

Everything in front of Ju Jiping shattered like a mirror, and the crisp sound of a tennis ball falling to the ground rang in his ears.Turning his head, he saw a tennis ball behind him was rolling for a certain distance before making any sound.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 15:0."

"Oh? Not bad!"

It is also rare for Yakutsu to express his opinion. He has already stepped into the Asura Shinto, and he naturally feels the surging spiritual power from Atobe. This is a high-level field combining vision and spiritual power. Kingdom of the Ministry.

"The Department of Traces!"

Tezuka's expression was as usual, and he was not at all surprised that Atobe was able to further develop his vision.As far as eyesight is concerned, it is indeed the only one.

"Let's perish in my kingdom, Tachibana Yoshihei!"

Atobe laughed and jumped up again, a golden arc hit the handle of the racket in Tachibana Yoshihei's hand impartially, and the strong force instantly sent the racket in Tachibana Yoshihei's hand flying.

"Waltz Towards Destruction!"

Atobe jumped up and smashed for the second time mercilessly, and the mighty smash fell in Tachibana Jihei's eyes. At this time, his feet were still frozen by the chill spreading from the ground.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 30:0."

It was also after the sound of the ball falling that Tachibana Jiping broke free from the chill that froze everything.In this hot summer, Tachibana Yoshihira felt extraordinarily cold in his heart.

Bending down to pick up his racket, Tachibana Jihei took a deep breath and crouched in the backcourt again, he had to calm down.

"This game is scored by Keigo Atobe of Hyotei Gakuen, the score is 2:4."

However, how could the piercing chill be so easy to break free, Atobe easily won his serve.

"How could it be! The captain is at a disadvantage!"

Akira Kamio's face was very ugly. Tachibana Yoshihei, who had an advantage in the previous round, was obviously suppressed by Atobe in this round.Why is this annoying guy Atobe so strong!

"elder brother."

Ju Xing's little hands were tightly clenched together, she hadn't seen her brother show that kind of expression for a long time.

On the field.

Ju Jiping breathed out lightly, sweat dripping down the muscles on his body.He is not Akutsu, and he does not have the beast-like physical strength of Akutsu. Maintaining this state for a long time is a huge drain on Tachibana Jihei's physical strength.

But if he doesn't enter the state of potential, he has no way to counter Atobe.

The strong topspin ball swung from the side elbow flew over the net in an instant, and the black inflammation attached to the tennis ball made the ball look particularly dangerous in Atobu's eyes.

"It's not bad, Tangerine!"

Atobe sneered, unexpectedly, Tachibana Yoshihei could still make progress in the match against him.Tachibana Yoshihei can already use momentum to serve. If such a shot is not taken seriously, it is likely to cause serious problems.

"Don't try to break free from my kingdom, Tachibana!"

The cold air in Atobe's eyes gushed out again, and a blizzard fell from the sky and turned the entire stadium into his kingdom.

"Don't underestimate me, Atobe!"

Tachibana Jiping's voice sounded faintly, and the black flames on his body spread to the surface, dispelling the cold air that tried to get close to him.

The racket in Tachibana Jiping's hands swept away with a faint light, and there was a loud bang in an instant.

"Ball and dance!"

Bang bang bang!
Shadows of the ball danced all over the sky, falling towards Atobe's field like pop rain.

"Tennis isn't going to increase, Tachibana!"

The same trick will not always work in front of Atobe, and Atobe rushed out with quick steps.

"Be careful, Atobe!"

Seeing Atobe rushing straight into the tennis rain, Xiang Hiyake was a little worried. It would not be a joke if he was hit in the body with Tachibana Yoshihei's strength.

Atobe's body broke through the tennis balls, and the illusory ball shadow disappeared immediately after entering Atobe's body.

Thousands of snowflakes rolled up when Atobe raised his hand, and a crisp sound also indicated that Atobe had indeed caught the real ball hidden in the shadow of the ball.

"The captain's explosive dance has been beaten back!"

Sakurai Masahiro was also shocked, that was the captain's unique move across Kyushu.

Tachibana Yoshihira wasn't too surprised when his explosive ball flurry was hit back. With Atobe's strength, it is naturally impossible for the explosive ball flurry to take effect all the time.

There seemed to be the sound of a lion roaring in the field, and Ju Jiping accelerated abruptly under his feet and picked up the diagonal kick before it landed.

A golden arc shot straight down from the air once again smashed the racket in Tachibana Yoshihei's hand, and the tennis ball bounced up again under the action of force, facing it was the figure of Atobu who came later.

"You can't get away with it, Atobe!"

Tachibana Jiping let out a loud roar, his calf muscles exploded with astonishing speed, and he rushed out with his right hand like a rampage and grabbed the racket that was still circling and falling in the air.

Atobe in the air mercilessly pressed down the racket in his hand.

"Waltz Towards Destruction!"

Smashing the ball down hard, Ju Jiping, whose body was filled with scarlet black flames, had fierce eyes.The whole ground seemed to be trembling when he stepped on it.

Tachibana Jiping raised his hand and lashed, and he hit back the waltz he just played.

(End of this chapter)

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