Chapter 479
As soon as the ball swung down, the violent air current made Kentaro's eyes squint slightly.

Akutsu's offensive did not frighten Kentaro. He stepped on a steady pace and came to the back of the ball, holding the wooden racket in both hands and sweeping out.Papa's special wooden racket with a long handle absorbs part of the impact of the impact, which makes Kentaro a little easier when facing Akutsu's counterattack, but Kentaro's grip to swing such a bulky wooden racket is naturally not enough. weak.


With a roar, Kentaro pushed the racket out forcefully.

When the golden light rolled back to the sky of the net, Akutsu's figure suddenly appeared in front of Kentaro.


Kentaro was startled, and immediately retreated.Kentaro judged from Akutsu's actions that this would be a very sharp volley.

"You're so naive, brat!"

Yakutsu sneered, and then quickly flipped his wrist down.

"It's a short ball!"

Saeki on the sidelines exclaimed, he didn't expect that this guy Akutsu's current style of play has become so delicate.

"Game, Akutsujin, 30:0."

After hearing the referee's verdict, Kentaro stopped abruptly, turned his head and stared blankly at the mustard yellow ball shadow on the ground.

"Really, it was completely set up by you, senior."

Kentaro patted the back of his head in embarrassment and smiled.

"whispering sound!"

Akutsu glanced at Kentaro and turned back to the baseline.

Although Kentaro is very energetic, he is obviously not Akutsu's opponent.

"This game was scored by Youth Academy Akutsujin, and the score was 1:0."

"This game was scored by Youth Academy Akutsujin, and the score was 2:0."

"This game was scored by Youth Academy Akutsujin, and the score was 3:0."

"Both sides switch sides!"

Akutsu didn't give Kentaro any chance at all, and the stormy offensive smashed three points from Kentaro's hands in just a few minutes.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Qingxue! Must win! Qingxue! Must win!"

Amidst the cheers of mountains and tsunami, the two sides began to rest. After a short break, the game will start again.

"Father, Qingxue is really strong!"

Kentaro's face after the game was still full of excitement, even though he was behind by a big score, he still felt very happy.


The old man kneeling on the bench squinted his eyes and glanced at Kentaro. What he likes most about Kentaro is this kind of love for tennis, which is incomparable no matter when and where.

This passion for tennis reminded him of a person, a guy who also had great enthusiasm for tennis.In the end, this guy relied on this enthusiasm to explore an unprecedented path, the limit of seamlessness.

After the 3-minute break, Kentaro and Akutsu stepped onto the court again after switching sides.

Just when Ya Jiujin walked in front of the old man, the old man's cloudy eyes slightly opened a gap.Daddy felt a trace of familiarity in Ajiujin's body, which made him think of the blond boy who was recommended to him by his apprentice Mifune Isudao two years ago. He heard that the other party has also broken out in the world now It's famous.

"This game was scored by Youth Academy Akutsujin, and the score was 4:0."

"This game was scored by Youth Academy Akutsujin, and the score was 5:0."

The game soon came to Akutsu's match point. Facing such a powerful Akutsu Kentaro, there was nothing he could do.

"Come on, come on! Senior, please don't hold back, let me see your strongest side!"

Kentaro crouched in the backcourt and shouted excitedly.

"This guy!"

Akutsu curled his lips, he had a good impression of Kentaro.This kid's fighting spirit reminded him of his former self, and he seemed to have the same look in his eyes when facing Fuji.

That being the case.

The aura on Yakujin's body suddenly became terrifying, and the powerful aura made the surrounding air seem to thicken.

"Are you coming!"

Kentaro's heart froze, but the corner of his mouth did not decrease at all.Playing tennis is Kentaro's favorite thing, no matter how strong the opponent is, no matter how badly he is repaired, he feels very happy.

It is his honor to be able to fight against the stronger, and Kentaro has never been afraid of the stronger.

Akutsu's gray short hair stood straight up there, adding a bit of power to him.The muscles on Akutsu's arm outlined a perfect arc in the sun, and the racket turned inward and hit the tennis ball heavily.

The straight trajectory gallops out, and although the extremely violent flat serve does not have too many fancy skills, it is also very pleasing to the eye in the hands of Akutsu.

A faint light pierced the sky and fell heavily on the ground. Before Kentaro could react, the faint light bounced off the ground and directly hit the racket in his hand.


In a flash, the racket in Kentaro's hand was swung away by a strange force, and it fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

Although he admired the little ghost of Kentaro, Akutsu would not be merciful because of this.Ajiujin's eyes were wide open, and the aura of his body rushed out, and his arms were pressed down heavily to form a golden curve.

Although Kentaro tried very hard to catch up with the ball, the power of Akutsu's ball was beyond his ability to compete. This time, even the long-handled wooden racket with the special characteristics of the old man could not help him.

"The game ended, and Youth Academy Akutsujin won, with a score of 6:0."

"So far, in the second round of the Kanto Tournament, the Tokyo Metropolitan Representative Youth Academy played against the Chiba County Representative Rokkaku Middle School. The Youth Academy won with a record of 3:0 and successfully advanced to the semi-finals."

The loud broadcast sounded, announcing that the overlord Liujiao Middle School from Chiba County had once again fallen in front of the national overlord Qingxue.

"I lost, senior, you are really too strong!"

Although he lost the game, Kentaro didn't mean to be depressed. Maybe for him this was just a game to ask Akutsu for advice.

"Tch! You brat!"

This time Akutsu finally reached out his hand and shook Kentaro's. Although Kentaro's strength was still too weak in Akutsu's view, Akutsu admired his belief in never giving up.

Akutsu has always only shake hands with people he has eyes for. In the first grade, besides Ryoma, Kentaro is the second kid who can be seen by Akutsu.

(End of this chapter)

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