The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 480 Semifinals

Chapter 480 Semifinals

Soon, the games in various stadiums came to an end, and the four schools that finally advanced to the Kanto semi-finals were all released.

Qingxue, Lihaida, Bingdi, Fudofeng.

The three schools other than Fudo Peak are all favorites to win the Kanto Competition and even the National Competition. Their qualifying is expected by everyone, but the qualification of Fudo Peak's school has surprised many people.

However, it is no surprise when people who are interested know that the minister of Fudo Peak is the Kyushu Lion King Tachibana Yoshihei who has been famous for a long time. No matter what, the name of the national master Tachibana Yoshihei is still very famous. He can win in Fudo Peak A ticket to the national competition is not an accident.

And Qingxue's next opponent is Fudo Peak.

The semi-finals and finals will be on the weekend of next week, so there are still five days left for the four teams.

"Captain! Please spur us hard!"

In Fudomine's new tennis club office, Akira Kamio and the others looked at Tachibana Yoshihira with serious expressions.

For them, next Saturday will be an unprecedented tough battle. They have already experienced the strength of Qingxue in the previous capital competition, and now Qingxue welcomes the return of their president Fujisuke. If they want to challenge such young students, they must become stronger.


Tachibana Jiping stared blankly at his companions who looked at him pleadingly.Although the team was centered on him in Shizile, it was obviously not as united as it is now.Now everyone in Fudo Peak is tightly united around Tachibana Jiping, and everything they have is brought to them by Tachibana Jiping.

"I know, let's give it a go!"

Tachibana Jiping suddenly laughed out loud, what was he worried about, did he not trust his team members?

Although there are only five short days left, these five days are enough for them to fight again, and no matter what the outcome is, they will have no regrets.

As for Qingxue, they naturally wouldn't be too nervous.Fudo Peak is far less threatening to them than Bingdi and Lihai, not to mention that now that they have returned with the best, no matter how powerful Tachibana Jiping is alone, he cannot be the best opponent.Compared with Fudo Peak, Fuji has more important things to announce to everyone.

"So so, so so"

Going back to the office of the Qingxue Club, Buer told everyone that after the Kanto competition, the U-17 camp would specially invite them, junior high school students, to settle in and train.

"What! Do we have a chance to go to that place too?"

The mysterious training camp that has always existed only in Fujikou has now opened the door to them, and now Kikumaru is in good spirits.

"Don't be so excited, Eiji."

Oishi hurriedly pushed Kikumaru back on the chair, but he hadn't finished his words yet.

"That's right, because our Qingxue team has won two consecutive national championships, so all of our Qingxue can enter the U-17 training camp."

Bu Er smiled slightly.



Qingxue's social office is filled with youthful smiles, as long as they are together, no matter what kind of challenge they will not be afraid of.


Tezuka's eyes were also rarely moved, and he couldn't help but think of those seniors when he was in Paris.Is it finally going to fight side by side with these predecessors this time?

"whispering sound!"

A blond man could not help but appear in Yakujin's heart, and the degree of disgust of that guy has even surpassed Budu in his heart.There is no way, when the Byodoin Institute pointed out Yakujin, he was not lenient in his mouth, and the rebuke was so sharp, which also caused Yakujin to usually attack the juniors with bad mouth.

After all, I came here like this back then, and now I can't make these juniors happy.

The five days passed in a flash, and in a blink of an eye, it was the beginning of July.

In the hot summer, a large number of tennis fans gathered in Tokyo by Shinkansen.

Tokyo Central Four Seasons Tennis Sports Garden.

This place they are familiar with will hold the semi-finals of the Kanto competition today.

"It's finally the semi-finals. Senior Inoue, I'll go to the stadium of Yamato Rikai and Hyotei first."

Shibasaori raised the digital camera in Yang's hand and said to Mamoru Inoue.

Due to lack of skills, Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba, who will start at the same time in the two semi-finals today, can only choose one game to collect the materials needed for reporting.

And as Aigakubuki, Mamoru Inoue will naturally go to watch Aigaku's game, not to mention that this time not only because of Aigaku, Fudo Peak is also a team he cares about very much.It has nothing to do with the strength of the team, but he has never seen any team that is tightly united around the core of the team like Fudo Peak.

Inoue Mamoru believes that even if Fudo Peak loses this year, as long as they continue to work hard next year, they will definitely achieve something.


Outside the park, a group of young men in black team uniforms hurriedly got off two orange taxis and hurried towards the park.

They are Tachibana Yoshihei and his team who just finished the training camp.

On the other side, it was already late when Fuji led the Qingxue people to the stadium, but they didn't expect that the people from Fudo Peak hadn't arrived yet.

"Strange? Where is Qingxue's opponent today?"

"Could it be that you're afraid, and you're hiding?"

"This is also understandable, after all, the opponent is Qingxue. Who would like to participate in a game that is destined to have no chance of winning!"

Many people on the sidelines started to discuss. Affected by these remarks, many people thought that Fudofeng was going to abstain.

"Damn it! Brother and the others won't be afraid!"

Ju Xing's face was filled with displeasure, and she was very upset by the unfavorable remarks in her ears.She looked at the time and began to feel a little anxious.

"Why don't you come! Is there some accident?"

Ju Xing couldn't help but start to worry.

At this time, Tachibana Jiping and others rushed to the competition venue after reporting at the reporting office.

"Sorry we're late!"

Tachibana Jiping and others bowed to the referee team to apologize, because they went to a relatively distant place for training, and the tram on the way was delayed, which led to their lateness.

Then a referee came to Fuji and asked if he wanted to start the game. According to the rules, Fudo Peak, who was late, would be directly judged to lose, but if Qingxue agreed, the game could continue.

For this point, Budu naturally agreed to continue the game. Anyway, he believed that no matter what, the final victory would still belong to Qingxue.

"Thank you very much, Budu!"

The two teams came to the net and stood across the net, Tachibana finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter, I hope there will be a wonderful game today."

Fuji smiled slightly, and surprise appeared in the eyes of the team members who glanced at Fudo Peak.Fuji was keenly aware of the aura hidden in the bodies of Fudofeng and other players, but he didn't care. This level of strength is not enough for them to reverse the situation of the game.

"Hmph! Qingxue! Although we can continue the competition this time thanks to your consent, don't think that we will be soft!"

Akira Kamio stared in his heart and said inwardly.

With the unique move given to them by the captain, he believed that this time, these guys from Qingxue would definitely be surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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