Chapter 481
"The semi-finals of the Kanto Tournament will begin soon. Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy vs. Tokyo Metropolitan Representative Fudo Peak Middle School No. [-] doubles match. Youth Academy Mikadaji and Kawamura Takashi will face Fudo Peak Middle School Sakurai Masaya , Ishida Tetsugumi, players from both sides are invited to play!"

After the two sides returned to the player area, a loud broadcast sounded from the broadcasting room, signaling the start of the match.

"Come on! I can't wait!"

When Kawamura took the racket from Gan, he immediately became full of vitality, rolled up his sleeves and swung his arms like a windmill to flex his muscles and bones.

"Hmph! Are you ready to accept the move!"

Ishida Tetsu looked at Kawamichi.

"Let the horse come here, baby!"

Kawamura grinned.

"Pros or cons?"

Gan shook his head and turned his gaze to Sakurai Masaya in front of him. His evaluation of this player was actually higher than that of Ishida Tetsu.

"Go against it!"

Sakurai Masa also shrugged indifferently, as things like the right to serve are determined by luck, in his opinion, it doesn't matter which one he chooses.


The eyes of the two flicked to the end of the handle of the racket that fell to the ground, and then bent down to pick up the racket. Today's lady luck seems to be on his side.

"The game has started, and the winner will be determined in one set. Youth Academy will serve Sadaharu."

Gan Sadaharu's tall body towers over the bottom line on the right, and his height advantage allows him to have a full view of the field.

After a big toss, the tennis ball slowly climbed to a high point.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The figure of Gan Sadaharu leaping into the air was like a god under the sunshine of July, and the jumping serve shot down by his hands was like thunder, and a column of water roared from the sky in an instant. The hot air around seemed to be dispelled in an instant.

Although Sakurai Masaya and Ishida Tetsu clearly saw the ball in their eyes, their body movements couldn't keep up with the amazing speed of the ball.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

Serve to score.

"In this round, the Sadaharu Mikami of Youth Gakuen and the Takashi Kawamura team scored, and the score was 1:0."

"Both sides switch sides!"

In the first game, Sadaharu only took four serves to win directly, and at the same time, he also firmly controlled the atmosphere of the scene in his own hands.


"It's amazing! You really deserve to be Qingxue! I'm afraid this kind of serve is not the fastest serve in this conference, right?"

"The Bingdi next door also has a sophomore with an equally amazing serve. I feel that the two of them serve equally well."

The audience talked a lot, and in their opinion, even if it was not the fastest serve in this conference, it would definitely rank among the top three.


Ishida Tetsu, who was walking by the side of the court when he switched sides, seemed a little annoyed when he heard Qinggaku's praise.

"It seems that it is really impossible to hold back against Qingxue."

Sakurai Masa also let out a breath of turbid air.

"what do you mean!"

Ishida's eyes lit up.

"Hmm! Let's use that!"

Sakurai Masa also solemnly glanced at Mikadaji in the distance and said to Kawamura Takao.

After changing sides, the offense and defense switched, and it was Fudofeng's turn to serve.

"Okay! Let me show you how good our training is during this time!"

The tennis ball in Tetsu Ishida's hand made a low noise when it was squeezed. Although it was only five short days, under Tachibana Yoshihei's teaching, they finally mastered the trick that Tachibana Yoshihei gave them, the breath of a lion.

A wild aura suddenly emerged from the two of them, and even a purple light appeared in their pupils.

"Huh? This is it!"

Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses, and he was clearly aware of it standing upright in the front court.

This is the same aura as the aura on Ju Jiping's body, although it is still a little weak.

The muscles on Ishida Tetsu's arm suddenly swelled, and the palm of his hand firmly held the racket and swept it out.

"What a fierce flat serve!"

Taocheng, who was on the sidelines, was a little surprised. Ishida Tetsu's strength has improved so much in such a short period of time?
The tennis ball, which flew straight like a cannonball, hit the ground heavily, and bounced quickly after a loud noise.

"Good job! Look at me, the flames break through!"

Kawamura has never been afraid of a duel in terms of strength. He straddled his feet and swung heavily with one arm.

The tennis ball turned into a fireball and rolled back, and there was a faint smell of burnt brown in the air.

"give it to me!"

Ishida Tetsu's words made Sakurai Masa, who was going to try to volley, also take back her steps. Indeed, it was a bit too reluctant for him to come to this ball.

"Waving Ball - Burst!"

Ishida Tetsu poured all the strength of his body into the ball, and the tennis ball whizzed out with a purplish red aura, swaying the air, as if it was about to tear the sky.

"Okay! Look at me!"

Naturally, Kawamura would not give up on the ball. He drew back to the landing point of the tennis ball and straddled his feet to stabilize his body. While lowering his center of gravity, he held the racket with one hand and swept it out.

"Cut the water flow!"

"What! Ishida's wave ball was hit back?!"

Akira Kamio's heart sank, he didn't expect that the swing ball that Ishida Tetsu swung after buffing the breath of the lion was also hit back, which means that the opponent's strength is even stronger.

"Hmph! Undulating ball——the second form of bursting and breaking!"

Ishida Tetsu let out a cold snort, and once again hit a fluctuating ball with one hand, this time the momentum was even more terrifying than the previous one.

"Wave Ball!"

The muscles on Kawamura's body squirmed crazily, how could he lose in a duel of strength.

"He actually countered Ishida's second form with a single-handed wave ball, and his feet didn't move at all. It's terrible! Takashi Kawamura of Seigaku!"

Akira Kamio said calmly with a serious expression on his face, he knew that this round might have been fatal.The strength of the opponent is really too strong, even if Ishida Tetsu uses the second type of wave ball - burst broken under the blessing of the lion's breath, he is still easily counterattacked by the opponent.

After knowing that he alone could not break through Kawamura's defense line, Ishida Tetsu tried to cooperate with Sakurai Masaya to score points, but even with the breath of a lion to bless their five dimensions, it was not enough to support them to break through the dry data network.

"In this round, the Sadaharu Mikami of Youth Gakuen and the Takashi Kawamura team scored, and the score was 2:0."

"In this round, the Sadaharu Mikami of Youth Gakuen and the Takashi Kawamura team scored, and the score was 3:0."

Although Sakurai Masaya and Ishida Tetsu did not give up the game until the last moment, they still could not compete against the combination of Takashi Kawamura and Sadaharu Mikami.

"The game is over, and the Youth Academy Takashi Kawamura and Sadaharu Mikami teams won, with a score of 6:0."

When the referee's voice sounded, Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masaya collapsed to the ground powerlessly.Maintaining the lion's breath all the time is undoubtedly a huge mental drain on them. When the tense nerves are disconnected, heavy exhaustion will occupy their minds.

"Ishida! Sakurai!"

Kamio Akira and Ibu Fukaji quickly jumped into the field, lifted them up from the ground, and walked them off the field with their backs.

"Sorry, captain we"

Ishida Tetsu raised his head with difficulty and spoke.

"Needless to say, you two have done a good job, go down and rest quickly."

Tachibana Yoshihei gave them an affirmative smile and signaled Akira Kamio and Shinji Ibu to take them down.Looking at the back of several people leaving the stage, Tachibana Jiping sighed softly, there was really no way to change anything in such a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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