The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 482 Winning streak

Chapter 482 Winning streak
"It seems that you are very happy in Fudo Peak, Tachibana!"

Fuji smiled slightly. He could tell that Fudo Peak's players respected Tachibana Jihei from the bottom of their hearts, and Tachibana Jihei also trusted his team members very much, and taught them all his unique skills.

"Heh! After parting with Chitose, I thought I would never play tennis again, but I never expected to gain a group of friends in Tokyo."

Tachibana Yoshihei recalled the first time he met Kamio and the others in his mind, even he himself did not expect that he would embark on a journey to conquer the whole country in Tokyo again.

"But you can't beat us."

Fuji's voice came, waking up Tachibana Jiping from recalling the past.

"How will you know if you don't try it! No two!"

Although he knew that the winning rate on his side was really slim, Tachibana Jiping wouldn't lose out in words.

"The semi-finals of the Kanto Tournament will begin soon. The Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Youth Academy will face the Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Representative Fudomine Middle School's doubles match. The Youth Academy Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Shuichiro team will face Fudomine Middle School Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji. Team, please enter the field!"

While the two were talking, the loud broadcast room sounded again in the court, signaling the start of the second doubles No. [-] match.

"It seems that you have placed all your bets on the first three games. You should be the one who plays in the top three in singles, Ju."

Fuji smiled slightly, all of this was within his expectations.

After learning from Tezuka about the formation of Fudo Peak in the last match in the Tokyo Grand Prix, Fuji knew that this time Tachibana and the others would still repeat the same tricks, because otherwise Fudo Peak would have no chance of winning. .

"Who knows!"

Tachibana Jiping smiled noncommittally.The Kyushu Lion King who came to Tokyo also began to become smooth, but this is a good thing for him.

Akira Kamio looked serious, and Fukasa Ibu was originally a deadpan person, and the moment the two of them came on stage, the audience felt that the atmosphere began to become a little depressing.Compared with them, the expression of the golden combination is much more natural, or more confident.

"The match begins, and the match will be decided in one set. Youth Gakuen Kikumaru Eiji's serve."

"Okay! Dashi, let's go!"

Kikumaru said with a smile on his face.

"No problem, Eiji!"

Oishi in the frontcourt is also smiling. For him, he cherishes every second of playing with Kikumaru.

The racket in Kikumaru's hand swung across the head, and a streak of golden streamer roared and smashed into the inner corner on the right side of Fudo Peak.

"Keep up with the rhythm, rhythm!"

Akira Kamio's familiar mantra resounded, and then he quickly caught up with the bouncing tennis ball and drew a straight curve with his backhand.


Akira Kamio focused his eyes, and Kikumaru in his line of sight suddenly shot out from behind Oishi, and the afterimages behind him became disillusioned while running.

What a great speed!

Kikumaru is the fastest person Kamio Akira has encountered so far. Even their captain Tachibana Yoshihei cannot compare with him, but he will not admit defeat in the speed comparison.

"Look at my sonic bomb!"

Akira Kamio exerted all his strength, and the resistance of the air during his running made his clothes roll back.As soon as the footsteps were stepped on, the soles of the shoes rubbed violently with the ground to create sparks, and Akira Kamio's arm made a large loop, relying on the inertia and the weight of the body to swing an extremely powerful kick.

The tennis ball whistling out made a sharp and piercing sound like a sound barrier, and it flew to Qingxue's court in the blink of an eye.

"Sorry, sorry, this road doesn't work!"

But Kikumaru turned around and appeared at the point where the ball landed, and when he jumped up, he hit the ball under the crotch and stopped the ball firmly.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji couldn't react to the straight straight through the ball. Both of them were still a long way from the center line of the court, especially Kamio went to the bottom corner in order to hit the sonic bomb. No matter how fast the speed was, he couldn't catch up with the ball.


Tachibana from the sidelines looked worriedly at the field. She never thought that Akira Kamio, who was the fastest at Fudo Peak, would one day fall into a disadvantage in terms of speed.


Kamio Akira and Ibu Fukasa looked at each other without hiding their glances, and a wild aura also emerged from their bodies.Even Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masa have initially mastered the lion's breath in the past few days, and Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji, who are more talented than them, naturally also mastered it.


Kikumaru frowned. Although the aura of Akira Kamio and Fukasa Ibu looked very intimidating, Kikumaru, who was determined to become the number one doubles team in the country with Oishi, would not be intimidated by this aura.

Kikumaru served again, and the fierce topspin hit Ibu Shinji's feet like a bullet.

Ibu Fukasa looked at the bouncing tennis ball expressionlessly, and the racket in his hand quickly slashed down with a twist of his wrist.

However, all of this was seen by Dashi's wide field of vision, and he stepped out to block the trajectory of the ball.

Kamio Akira and Ibu Fukasa tensed their bodies and were ready to go. Their eyes were closely watching Oishi's movements, and a faint purple light flashed in their pupils from time to time.

Suddenly, Dashi leaned back and got out of his way, and the galloping tennis ball passed over his waist and abdomen.



Kamio Akira and Ibu Fukaji were shocked, they both raised their heads in unison, and Kikumaru leaped out behind Oishi one step at a time and swung his racket.

"Game, Youth Academy, 30:0."

"It's a perfect fit."

Mamoru Inoue sighed slightly, this is the strength of a national doubles team.Kikumaru and Oishi didn't communicate much at all, and they completed this wonderful cooperation as if they were in the same mind.

In the final analysis, doubles is still a two-person game.

"The game is over, and the team of Youth Gakuen Eiji Kikumaru and Oishi Shuichiro won, with a score of 6:0."

Twenty minutes later, the news of the golden combination's victory resounded through the radio, and there was a burst of cheers at the scene.

The absolute gap in strength and cooperation between the two sides made many people know the outcome of the game as early as the first game. Although Fudofeng can be regarded as a dark horse in the Kanto competition, after all, it is not as good as Qing Xue two years ago. That kind of strength that goes all the way to the end.

"Qingxue has advanced to the final!"

This is what many people are thinking at the moment. For Qingxue, the two doubles victories have already declared the end of this semi-final, because the next singles session is the most terrifying moment for Qingxue.

Tachibana Yoshihei stood up from the coach's seat on the sidelines, and lightly patted the shoulders of Akira Kamio and Shinji Ibu.Before the game, he told Kamio and the others that even if they lost the game, there was no need to be too depressed. Losing to Qingxue was not something to be ashamed of.


Fuji smiled and shook his head, then stood up from the coach's bench and moved his body lightly.

"The semi-finals of the Kanto Tournament will begin soon. The representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy will play against the representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Fudomine Middle School. The match will be played by Fujisuke from Youth Academy against Fudomine Middle School Tachibana Yoshihei. Players from both sides are invited to play .”

The voice from the radio stunned everyone, Qingxue's Fuji Zhousuke actually appeared on the third singles?

Unexpectedly, the number three singles was actually a duel between ministers from both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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