The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 501 Doubles 1

Chapter 501 Doubles One
"How could it be! How could Marui-kun lose! His unique move is so powerful!"

Akutagawa Jiro looked a little depressed in the stand of the ice emperor.

How could his idol lose? !

"I really didn't expect it to end like this!"

Yushi Ninzu shook his head, if it was him, he would not have taken the ball hard.

Compared with the gain or loss of a goal, the victory of the whole game is obviously more important.

"But Marui's move just now is really powerful!"

Shishido Ryo couldn't help but said.

Shishido Ryo noticed the same determination as himself in Marui Bunta.

The difference is that I vow to catch up with all incoming balls with my feet, while the opponent wants to build a no-fly barrier with my superb net skills.

The rest of the ice emperor nodded, and Marui Bunta's fantasy castle is indeed very powerful.

Jack Kuwahara took Marui Bunta to the nearest hospital for treatment, Nioh sighed and looked at Yagyu.

Now it's time for them to show up.

Liu Sheng's expression was as usual. As the president of Lihai University Student Union, he was famous for his calm mind.

"The finals of the Kanto Tournament will begin soon. The Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Youth Academy will play against Kanagawa Prefecture's representatives from Lihai University Affiliated Middle School Doubles No. [-]. Youth Academy Eiji Kikumaru and Oishi Shuichiro will play against Likai University Affiliated High School Masaharu Nio and Yagyu In the Bilushi group, players from both sides are invited to play."

Loud broadcast sounded in this huge indoor venue.

"It's time for us, Dashi!"

The racket in Kikumaru's hand was spinning on his arm like a butterfly piercing a flower. This year is his last chance to step up to No. [-] in the country with Oishi.


Oishi's gaze is also full of simplicity, and he also cherishes the last time playing with Kikumaru very much.

The four came to the field and stood across the net.

"Pfft! It's you two again!"

Nioh Masaharu chuckled, and there seemed to be some calculation hidden in his fox-like eyes.

"The winner of this game will be me and Dashi! You better wake up!"

Kikumaru loudly swore his determination to win.

"Really? Then I'll wait and see!"

Liu Sheng said lightly.

He met all kinds of people in the student union, and he could tell Kikumaru's temperament at a glance.

This is a guy who resembles Kirihara in a way.

"One set, Shuichiro Oishi's serve from Youth Gakuen."

"Yagyu Hiroshi, until last year he was a member of the Rikkai University Golf Club, and he was also the president of the Rikkai University Student Union. His strength is unknown, but it is said that he was personally invited by Nio Masaharu of Rikkai University The Lihai Tennis Club."

Gan Sadaharu doesn't have much information about Yagyu Hiroshi, because Yagyu Hiroshi has only just joined the Lihai University Tennis Club and has no record.

"Besides, his nickname is Gentleman!"

"Gentleman? He does look polite."

Kawamura, who had just come off the field, glanced at Yagyudao.

On the field.

After coming to the right end line, Dashi's mind suddenly calmed down.

Although he doesn't know who Yagyu Hiroshi is, being able to play No. [-] in singles with Rikkai Dairen Wang Masaharu is enough to prove his strength.

After thinking about this, Dashi threw the ball directly, then turned his arm inward to hit the ball, and hit the opposite corner with an arc.

Yagyu Hiroshi's glasses flashed cleanly, he jumped up violently, and then he raised his arms.

The rapid arc rewinds back, and the momentum seems to be more than that of Oishi's serve.

The big stone stepped out, and the racket hung on the ground and rubbed a little smoke and dust.

"Appeared! Oishi-senpai's ultimate move!"

"Moon Climbing Intercept!"

In the Qingxue stands, Katsuro and Katsuo shouted excitedly.

A new moon rises from the ground, and Qinghui hangs down Li Haida's backcourt.


Dashi's eyes were fixed, and Yagyu Hiroshi had already reached beyond the bottom line in his sight.

"This ball is going to be hit on the line, right?!"

Yagyu Hiroshi chuckled, then raised his hand and twitched.

"Senior Dashi's moon-climbing volley!"

"Been beaten back?"

The excited expressions on Katsuro and Katsuo's faces stopped abruptly, they didn't expect Dashi's trick to be beaten back so easily.

"Cut! Egg head!"

On the player's bench, Yajiujin sneered, he knew that Dashi's moon-climbing volley could only deal with ordinary players.

Gan Sadaharu and Kawamura's faces were a little dignified, which showed the strength of Panyue intercepting Yagyu Hiroshi who was able to fight back against Oishi so easily.

This game is not easy to win.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Although Oishi and Kikumaru kept their serve in the end, it was not so easy for them to win.

"Damn it! This fellow Nioh!"

Kikumaru was full of anger, Nioh had been interfering with his sight in the round just now, making it impossible for him to accurately grasp the timing of the counterattack.

"Be careful, Eiji! The opponent's strength cannot be underestimated."

Oishi patted Kikumaru's shoulder lightly. He knew very well that both sides were still restrained in the previous game, and the real game had not yet started.

"Well, I see!"

Kikumaru nodded, he naturally knew which was more important.

After changing sides, the offense and defense switched, and it was Li Haida's turn to serve.

Yagyu Hiroshi gently patted the tennis ball in his hand, feeling the fluff on the surface of the tennis ball passing over his palm, and then Yagyu threw the ball.

Bend your knees and kick your legs to lead the racket and swing the racket.

The action in one go is pleasing to the eye.

Although tennis is not new to Yagyu, he enjoys it.

Dashi stepped forward quickly, and the racket swept out.

Dashi, who is in the third grade, is already very proficient in technology.

King Ni moved suddenly, very quickly.

Get a head start.

The volley mercilessly pressed the ball into Qingxue's field, and the sharp vertical beam was full of the beauty of speed.

"Don't try to succeed!"

Kikumaru dived into the bottom of the tennis ball with a shovel motion, and even in such a weird posture, Kikumaru was able to maintain his balance.

His excellent sense of balance and well-developed motor nerves allow Kikumaru to easily perform actions that ordinary people cannot.

Volley to volley!
Unlike Bunta Marui's all-day volley skills, Kikumaru's volley at the net has only one way.

That is to hit the ball back no matter what posture you use.


Nioh's eyes sank, and his gaze was fixed on Kikumaru.


King Ren changed his pace, raised his hand and twitched.

The whistling sound of piercing the air rang from Kikumaru's ears.

"Hee hee! You've been fooled!"

Kikumaru, who was seen through by King Ni, was not surprised but happy.

Behind Kikumaru, Oishi backhanded everything, and the strong backspin drew a winding trace in the air.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

(End of this chapter)

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