The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 502 Double Laser Beam

Chapter 502 Double Laser Beam
"Cut! It's been put together!"

Renwang's face looked a little gloomy. Renwang, who has always liked to tease others, is now being tricked by someone. It's not a good feeling.

"Don't overdo it, Nioh!"

Liu Sheng reminded aloud in the backcourt.

You must know that Li Haida has already lost the first game now, if they lose this game again, they don't need to play at all.

"I know, I know!"

Nioh waved his hand seemingly casually, and after crouching down again, Nioh became unusually calm.

"Be careful, Eiji!"

Dashi, who switched to the frontcourt, reminded him aloud.

He was keenly aware that the atmosphere on the field had changed.


Kikumaru didn't dare to be careless, Masaharu Nioh was the most terrifying person in Li Haida.

Yagyu served again from the left end line.

With meticulous movements and standard topspin serve, he hit the bottom corner of the receiving area very precisely.

The tennis ball suddenly changed direction when it bounced, and Yagyu added a little side spin to the topspin serve, which made the ball change direction when it bounced.

Irregular serve!
"Small meaning, small meaning!"

Kikumaru chuckled lightly, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

Running like the wind, Kikumaru was fast enough for him to catch the tennis ball before it landed the second time.

Kikumaru's skill in volleying the ball was not inferior to his volley. The straight light beam swept across the net at an extremely fast speed, and the startled wind and waves shook the net constantly.

"Leave it to me, Nioh!"

Liu Sheng's words made King Ni's footsteps stop, and the corner of King Ni's mouth twitched.

He knew that Yagyu would surprise his opponent next time.

"Laser beam!"

A straight laser beam pierced through the air and nailed directly into Qingxue's field.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:15."

Liu Sheng still maintains the posture of sticking out the five fingers of his left hand and raising the racket with his right hand pointing forward, elegant and imposing.

"Straight through the ball so fast!"

Kawamura said in a daze.

"And the timing is so precise, it perfectly penetrates between Oishi and Kikumaru."

Gan Sadaharu opened his own data book, and recorded Yagyu's gestures and movements of hitting the laser beam in his data book one by one.

For Qian Zhenzhi, any player in Lihai University is eligible for him to remember.

"Laser beam!"

"In this game, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University scored the score, and the score was 1:1."

Soon, Yagyu continued to shoot laser beams in the backcourt. This extremely fast laser beam hindered Oishi and Kikumaru's offense.


Even Kikumaru's super dynamic vision can only vaguely see the shadow of the ball.

After seeing it, he could see that it would take a while for his body to respond in a timely manner.

Kikumaru served the ball again, dragging the spiral tennis ball across an arc and hitting it down.

"They turned the target of their attack on King Ni!"

Liu Lian Er said lightly.

"It seems that Yagyu-senpai's laser beam has made them helpless!"

Kirihara couldn't help recalling the first time he met Yagyu in his mind, when he was coaxed by Nioh to use the office of the student union as the office of the tennis club.

"Cut! Nioh-senpai is a big liar!"

Kirihara Chi also became more and more angry because he was bullied by King Ren on weekdays.

On the field.

Nioh was naturally aware of his opponent's intentions.

Seeing that the opponent hit the ball back in front of him again, Nioh was not going to play with the opponent anymore.

It would be terrible if Liu Sheng got angry!

"Laser beam!"

Under everyone's shocking eyes, Nioh assumed the same posture as Yagyu.

call out!
A familiar laser beam passed through Kikumaru and Oishi.

"Phantom phantom?"

In the stands on Qingxue's side, Takeshi Momoshiro exclaimed.

"No! It doesn't seem to be a phantom!"

Inoue Mamoru shook his head, what he saw in his eyes was still Nio's true colors.

That silver braid is so recognizable.

Before Yagyu agreed to join the Rikkai Tennis Club, Nio had been pestering him, and even played golf for a while for Yagyu.

With that experience of playing golf and Nioh's understanding of Yagyu, it is naturally no problem for Nio to imitate Yagyu's laser beam.

It's just a laser beam imitated by one's own technology, not a phantom.

"In this game, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University scored the score, and the score was 2:1."

"Both sides change game!"

"Kikumaru-senpai's serve was broken!"

Horio was shocked, that was a golden combination.

"It's okay, I believe that the golden combination can turn defeat into victory!"

Katsuro and Katsuo have full confidence in Kikumaru and Oishi.

Although temporarily lagging behind, they still believe that the golden combination will have the last laugh.

Fuji looked at Kikumaru and Oishi with a smile, he believed that his teammates would not be defeated by mere laser beams.

Whether it is Oishi or Kikumaru, their dynamic vision is very good. I guess Kikumaru and Oishi should have adapted to the ball speed of the laser beam.


Nio arched his waist and swung his racket inwardly to hit the tennis ball. His seemingly malnourished body actually contained great strength.

Kikumaru turned over and jumped out, then slammed with his side elbow. His slammed ball had a faint smell of laser beams in it.

"Laser beam!"

Liu Sheng's glasses reflected the light from the ball, and the light golden light completely covered his glasses.

"it's here!"

Kikumaru's gaze was fixed, and her swift footsteps kept stomping on the ground.

"What! Senior Yagyu's laser beam was shot back?!"

Kirihara Chi was also surprised, such a serve was something that even he couldn't deal with.

Of course, it's just the original cut under normal conditions.

Sanada's expression was as usual, he knew that the one who really decided the outcome of this match was not Yagyu, but Nioh.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 2:2."

After Oishi switched himself to the frontcourt, his domain had a clear view of the movements of Nioh and Yagyu.

After adapting to the speed of the laser beam, he and Kikumaru played flawlessly and easily regained the lost points.

"It's amazing! This level of tacit understanding can be achieved without any hint!"

"The golden combination even breathes exactly the same!"

The audience talked a lot. If Li Haida's double laser beams are the interpretation of personal strength, then Qingxue's golden combination is the perfect display of doubles art.

"It's really difficult!"

Niwang slightly hunched his back and curled his lips.

"The next thing is up to you, don't lose the chain."

Yagyu pushed his glasses and walked silently beside Nioh.

"Hmph! You're so slack!"

The moment Yagyu walked past Nioh, Nioh's figure suddenly seemed a little taller.

"that is!"

Taocheng yelled, and there were bursts of exclamations at the scene.

Genichiro Sanada, the Great Emperor of Likai!
Nioh's phantom appears!

"Be careful, Eiji!"

Dashi reminded aloud.

"OK! I understand!"

Kikumaru crouched down in the frontcourt, knowing that the real test was coming.

Dashi took a deep breath, then threw the ball.

In the next second, there was a crisp sound, and a pale golden light shone from Dashi's hand.

Yagyu's pace was extremely fast, and when he rushed behind the tennis ball, he raised his arms gracefully. Even when he was playing tennis, Yagyu, who was dubbed a gentleman, was so calm and elegant.

The dazzling golden ball of light rolled back and forth, and the air along the way seemed to be violently pushed away, causing waves of shock.

"Look at me, Kikumaru Beam!"

Kikumaru, who turned over and leaped into the air, gave a loud shout, and the weird gesture of pulling back his hand was amazing.

"Eat my trick, as fast as the wind!"

Sanada's muffled gourd-like voice resounded in the field, and a touch of emerald green vigor passed by Kikumaru's side.

Even Kikumaru's reaction was not able to intercept the ball.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:0."

(End of this chapter)

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