The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 504 Chapter 503 The Infinite Possibilities of Doubles

Chapter 504 Chapter 503 The Infinite Possibilities of Doubles

"Li Hai is planning to end this match!"

Shishido Ryo said in a low voice.

He could feel a sense of urgency from Nioh and Yagyu's continuous fast breaks. Nioh and the others were very eager to end the game in this round.

"I didn't expect Sanada to be so talented in doubles."

Atobe chuckled, although this Sanada is not that Sanada, it can still prove Sanada's talent in doubles.

But if you want the emperor to play doubles, opponents and teammates are indispensable.


A trace of sweat dripped down Nioh's cheeks as he watched the tennis ball disappear in front of his eyes.

Oishi stepped forward sweating, and although he couldn't see the shadow of the ball clearly, he judged the path of the ball through the movement of Nio's swing.

Although Sanada of Nioh Phantom can imitate the thunder of Fenglin Volcano, but he can't make his lead shot as fast as Sanada.

"Really stubborn!"

Liu Sheng sighed in his heart, he had already received the determination of the two opponents to win.


Victory will eventually belong to Lihai University!
"Laser beam!"

At the end of the game, Yagyu's laser beam still maintained the accuracy and speed it had at the beginning.


Yuuto Shinobu sighed slightly, Nioh Masaharu of Rikai University is really amazing!

"No! Not yet!"

Atobe saw a milky white aura burst out from the bodies of Kikumaru and Oishi, and the dense aura intertwined above their heads.

that is!

Atobe, who had seen the strength of the Mutsu brothers in Paris, suddenly recalled that the so-called infinite possibilities of doubles!

"Infinite Possibilities for Doubles!"

Yukimura's heart sank, how is this possible!

Blessed by the milky white breath, Kikumaru's speed suddenly broke through his own limit.

Afterimages appeared and disappeared from behind him, and a bright golden light blasted into the bottom corner of Lihai's big duo the moment Kikumaru raised his hand.

"what is that!"

King Ni's eyes narrowed slightly, the state of Kikumaru and Oishi made him think of the realm of selflessness, but he quickly vetoed it.

It doesn't feel like the breath.

Before he had time to think, King Ni appeared behind the tennis ball in the form of lightning.

"Move like thunder!"

The racket slashed heavily on the tennis ball. No matter what, this ball will end the game.

Prior to this, the golden combination had never fought back against the thunder shot by Sanada from Nioh's phantom, which gave Nioh enough confidence.

However, both Kikumaru and Oishi rushed to the trajectory of the ball.


King Ren's eyes darkened slightly, and the trajectory of thunder is not so easy to grasp.

What are these two guys doing!
Oishi and Kikumaru took the lead at the same time, and Nioh and Yagyu immediately raised their attention.

Both Kikumaru and Oishi swung their rackets at the same time, but Kikumaru's racket stopped abruptly when it was about to touch the tennis ball. Oishi in the backcourt mercilessly hit the tennis ball with his swing, hitting a dazzling beam of light .

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:40."

Nioh and Yagyu, who were attracted by Kikumaru's action, missed the best time to defend, and Oishi's volley was as fast as lightning, which caught Nioh and Yagyu by surprise.

"There was no eye contact at all!"

Yagyu stared blankly at these two people, Kikumaru and Dashi, who seemed to have a golden flame burning in their eyes, made him feel so strange.

"what's going on!"

Nioh couldn't figure out what happened to Kikumaru and Oishi, but he knew that Kikumaru and Oishi were obviously not comparable to before, and even he felt a little out of breath under the overwhelming pressure.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 3:5."

Standing in desperation, Kikumaru and Oishi finally took the last step and fired the first shot of counterattack.

The game entered the ninth inning, and it was back to Oishi's serve.

Kikumaru stepped to the position of the center net and crouched down, while Oishi also stood on the side near the center line and prepared to serve.

"Australian formation?!"

Nioh and Yagyu's faces froze slightly. The Australian formation is the trick that Qing Xue's golden combination is famous for.

Dashi flicked his wrist, and a mustard yellow ball slowly rose from his hand.

The milky white breath continuously intertwined and scattered around Dashi.

The indifferent look in the pupils made people feel fearful even more.

With a press of Dashi's wrist, a high-pressure topspin serve shot out.

This one is faster and more powerful than any previous serve.

"how is this possible!"

Feeling the heavy weight coming from his hand, Liu Sheng couldn't help frowning slightly, he didn't understand why the strength of the boulder suddenly became so strong.

Throwing the ball in a golf-like posture, Yagyu watched Kikumaru leap from the ground on one knee.

A golden light somewhat similar to his own laser beam passed by Liuyu's side, and the startled air wave made Liuyu feel for the first time what unrivaled speed and accuracy were.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 4:5."

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 5:5."

After stepping into the realm of harmony, Kikumaru and Oishi's double play has been sublimated into an artistic performance.

"As expected of the infinite possibilities of doubles!"

Atobe sighed slightly, and wondered whether there was a combination among their Ice Empresses who had the qualifications to step into this realm.

"Infinite Possibilities for Doubles!"

Ryo Shishido's face was ugly, how would he solve such a golden combination next time he meets Chotaro!
On the field.

King Ni withdrew from the phantom, both he and Liu Sheng were shocked at the moment.

Are these two people in front of them really Kikumaru and Oishi?
It's like changing two people!
"Yagiyu is the first time he has lost his composure!"

Liu Lian'er sighed slightly, Liu Sheng, who always pays attention to his appearance elegantly, didn't even notice that his hair was messed up this time.

It can be seen that Nioh and Yagyu are under great pressure at the moment.

"Infinite Possibilities for Doubles!"

Yukimura sighed in his heart, he knew that this match might be lost again.

I have heard seniors mention this state before, and the only thing Yukimura remembers is that if you want to defeat a doubles team that is in the same state, the best way is to also enter that state and be stronger than them!
But obviously, Nioh and Yagyu couldn't do it.

"The game is over. Youth Gakuen Oishi Shuichiro and Kikumaru Eiji won the game, with a score of 7:5."

The referee's voice sounded, and the arms of Yagyu and Nioh dropped limply.

"It's really embarrassing! The opponent has won five rounds in a row!"

Liu Sheng laughed at himself, he once thought that he and Nioh had already won.

(End of this chapter)

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