The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 505 The Fateful Showdown

Chapter 505 The Fateful Showdown

"I really didn't expect the Lihai Conference to swallow two consecutive losses in doubles!"

In the stands, Xiang Riyue sighed a little.

"Who said no!"

Ninja Yuuji said lightly.

Li Haida's two sets of doubles are not weak. If the combination of Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara in the first set is due to their own strength, then the second set is due to fate.

The combination of Nioh and Yagyu made their debut this time, and at the beginning they had a 5-2 advantage over the Qingxue golden combination.

When they lead the most, they hold the match point. No matter how you look at it, they have a better chance of winning.

Who would have thought that Qingxue's golden combination would realize the state of harmony and the infinite possibilities of doubles at a critical moment!
Indeed, everyone present saw it.

"Sorry Yukimura!"

Nioh returned to Yukimura with a bitter expression on his face.

Such an accident happened in a game that they had originally planned to be sure.

"It's not your fault, Nioh."

Yukimura sighed slightly, the infinite possibilities of doubles were really helpless.

Yagyu was silent at the side, this time he finally felt the difference between tennis and golf.

Nioh and Yagyu who left the stage ran into Sanada who had returned from warming up.

Nioh thought he would be scolded by Sanada, but Sanada just glanced at him and pushed open the gate of the stadium.

"Pfft! Really. Sanada"

King Ren shook his head and Yagyu joined Li Haida's team.

"Genichiro! Don't let yourself regret!"

Yukimura looked at Sanada beside him and said softly.

Sanada was slightly taken aback, then nodded heavily.

According to their calculations, Qingxue's singles No. [-] will be!


"The finals of the Kanto Tournament will begin soon. The representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy will play against Kanagawa Prefecture's representative Lihai University Affiliated Middle School No. [-] singles match. Youth Academy Tezuka Kunimitsu will play against Lihai University Affiliated High School Genichiro Sanada. Players from both sides are invited Play!"

Then the loud broadcast sounded at the scene confirmed Li Haida's guess that Qingxue's singles No. [-] was indeed Tezuka.

"It turned out to be the two of them! What a fateful duel!"

Mamoru Inoue sighed slightly, he had also heard about Tezuka and Sanada.

Both of them are leaders in the middle school world, but Tezuka has always been on Sanada's head.

The fight between the two can even be traced back to elementary school, but Sanada has not been able to defeat Tezuka until now.

"Vice President Tezuka, he can definitely win, right, Tao-senpai!"

Seeing Seigaku's two consecutive victories, Katsuro looked very happy, and his eyes were full of admiration as he watched Tezuka slowly enter the arena.

"That's natural! Although Senior Sanada is very strong, he has never defeated Vice President Tezuka!"

Taocheng laughed, obviously he had full confidence in this match.

On the field.

Tezuka and Sanada stood across the court.

Time flies, this scene is so similar to two years ago.

"Please advise!"

Two years of wind and frost made Sanada more mature, and he took the initiative to extend his right hand to Tezuka.

"Please advise!"

Tezuka reached out to shake Sanada's hand, and the surprise hidden in his eyes was fleeting.

"The game has started, and the match will be decided in one set. Genichiro Sanada's serve from Lihai University Attached High School!"

After the two decided on the right to serve first in front of the net, they turned and left, and then the game officially started when the referee shouted.

Sanada's eyes under his black peaked cap scanned Tezuka in front of him. Although he didn't make any vows to Tezuka like before, it didn't mean that he didn't want to win this game.

Defeating Tezuka can be said to be Sanada's greatest wish.

Therefore, this time he will do his best to fight Tezuka.

Sanada threw the tennis ball in his hand, and then his sword eyebrows condensed, and a powerful aura burst out of his body.

"It's as fast as a storm!"

The violent air flow swept across, and the mustard yellow ball shadow was instantly annihilated in the storm.

"So fast!"

Chotaro in the stands blurted out that this shot was even faster than his heavy cannon serve!

"Storm? Looks like this fellow Sanada has also achieved a remarkable evolution!"

Atobe laughed, for him this game became more interesting.

The violent wind and waves destroyed all the air along the way, and the ball smashed into Tezuka's rightmost bottom corner with almost no resistance.

Such a quick ball even Tezuka did not expect.

And once such a super-high-speed serve hesitates, it will lose the best time to fight back.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 15:0."

Tezuka silently glanced at Sanada, sure enough no one would stand still.

After meeting again after a year, Sanada gave Tezuka a disarm as soon as he came up.

But this is only the first ball will have such an effect, even the storm will be annihilated by him when Tezuka is on guard.

"It's as fast as a storm!"

Sanada switched to the left end line and dropped the ball again. After the tennis ball reached the high point, Sanada's racket swung violently.

Dacheng's standing posture like drawing a sword makes Sanada's lead and swing more powerful.

The storm swept through, and the tennis ball once again disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Tezuka stepped towards the left corner without hesitation, and aimed at the empty corner with his left hand to lash out.

A small mustard yellow ball suddenly appeared on Tezuka's racket, and flew back backwards with a crisp sound.

Feeling the numbness of his wrist, Tezuka understood that Sanada had not only evolved his unique skills, but also his physical strength.

Stab it!

A flash of thunder pierced the sky from Sanada's backcourt.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada's signature low shout sounded again, and the thunder light suddenly made Sanada's livid face even more frightening.

The racket frame in Sanada's hand slashed heavily on the surface of the tennis ball, and the huge force caused the tennis ball to deform instantly.

Strength, speed, skill, precision!

The ball was integrated into Sanada's everything, and the zigzag thunder light hit the ground in an instant, and the tennis ball still contained the terrifying aura of thunder when it bounced.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 30:0."

The referee, who was used to seeing big scenes, reported the score without hesitation.

"It's as fast as a storm!"

With the two goals gaining momentum, Sanada's aura became even more astonishing!Sanada swung his racket with the momentum of a big victory, and a bone-eating storm swept the audience again.

Tezuka's body, which was ready to go, suddenly moved, and the speed of the sprint caused the audience to exclaim.

The storm messed up the broken hair on Tezuka's forehead, but it didn't disturb Tezuka's calm heart.

The shadow of the ball hidden in the storm was accurately grasped by Tezuka, and there was a rush of sound waves when he swung the ball brazenly.

Sanada's eyes were fixed, he knew that besides Tezuka's strong strength, the rapid sound was more caused by the complex rotation contained in the tennis ball.

He didn't dare to be careless, the muscles of his legs squirmed frantically to push himself forward.

"It's as Xu as the sea!"

Sanada let out a low cry, and the backhand sliced ​​across the surface of the tennis ball like a knife.

The evolution from Linhai to Senhai means that the ball has become thicker.

The attack that was originally unstoppable has now become easy. This is not only the progress of tennis, but also the progress of Sanada's kendo.

Super fast backhand slice.

Previously, Xu Rulin could not make a high-quality counterattack after dissolving the spin on the tennis ball, but now Lin, who has evolved into Senhai, can hit an amazing storm.

Senhai, which was supposed to swallow the wind, now fueled the arrogance of the storm.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 40:0."

With the match point in hand, Sanada didn't look happy at all.

His face is still so solemn.

After switching back to the left end line, Sanada served again, and the storm once again swooped down to Tezuka with the tennis ball.

"This game was scored by Genichiro Tachikai Osanada, and the score was 1:0."

The referee's voice sounded, heralding the end of the round.

After Li Haida swallowed two consecutive losses, Sanada used his actions to prove that Li Haida is not over yet!
(End of this chapter)

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