From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 114 I can't hide the eyes of a person who wants to knife!

Chapter 114 You Can't Hide Your Eyes When You Want to Dao Alone!

Fengdu, Sonosaki's house.

Along with the owner here, Sonosaki Ryuhei, the fearful emperor of Fengdu, issued an order for execution.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Then, the executioners who belong to the museum and belong to Sonosaki Ryubei appear!

The number is incomparably huge, which makes people shudder.

"There are so many of them!"

The eldest lady's expression changed slightly, she didn't even know when these executioners were mobilized to ambush!
Su Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and he said with a dumb smile, "Old man, you are well prepared!"

While speaking, he raised his arm slightly, and then a humming sounded in the sky.

Then, Uranus slowly emerged!
The slender fingers clasped the mechanical flying eagle, and then inserted it into the driver that was worn at the waist at some time, and the faint sound followed the sound effect of the transformation.

"But old man, I'm not unprepared for anything!"


[An eagle in the sky, Light wings flow, overlooking the vast sky. 】(The Eagle of Nagiyu standing in the sky, with its wings of light flowing, overlooking the vastness)!
[Ride to heaven] (Royal Sky Rider)!
The elegant outer armor covers the body, and a slender blue figure slowly appears!

Seeing this, Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana did not hesitate to use the memory.

【Taboo! ] (Taboo)!
[claydoll! ] (clay doll)!
Insert two Gaia memories into the Gaia drive, and taboo and clay dolls enter!
The two of them are now using the ones that have been modified by Su Chen, and have become pure memory styles.

Taboo is still floating in mid-air like a beautiful snake like last time, but the clay doll has a different posture from before!

The young lady's memory has been specially modified by Su Chen, Sonosaki Wakana is naturally not far behind.

So he went directly to Su Chen and asked him to change it.

But now, the mixed body like the clay doll before has transformed into a relatively slender body, and its shape is close to that of a witch.

If you really want to say it, it's a bit like a stone statue of a goddess!

Compared with before, she is more attractive and more suitable for the Earth Miko.

The distance from the real earth maiden is only the limit of strength~
Seeing this, Isaka Shenhongro also directly inserted the memory into the connection port of the body.

[weather! 】(weather)!
With the fluctuation of a wave of data, the weather adulterant debuts!

"Hahaha! Then I'll start first~"

Isaka Shenhonglang didn't care about the identity of his guest at all, he raised his hands as soon as he transformed, and then waved his arms.

In an instant, a thundercloud surged, and scarlet lightning accompanied by a small thundercloud surged violently in the opponent's hand!

As he threw it vigorously, thunderclouds instantly covered and magnified, that terrifying power seemed to wipe out everything in front of him!
"You're welcome, but this kind of attack is useless!" A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Su Chen turned his hand to take out the Wing of Daybreak, and then pulled the arrow away.

But the eldest lady suddenly stood in front of him: "The king came to see the king, it's not yet time for you, Su Chen, to make a move."

After the sound fell, he slowly raised his right arm, and then a scarlet and strange ball of light emerged.

In an instant, the scarlet fireball collided with the thundercloud, and the two energies of the same color instantly clashed violently!
The confrontation between the eldest lady and Isaka Shenhongrou kicked off the prelude to the battle!

Sonosaki Ryuhei snorted coldly and waved his big hand: "Don't hurt the second lady, as for the others"

It goes without saying that apart from Sonosaki Wakana, the life and death of Su Chen and Sonosaki Saeko no longer matter to him!

"As ordered!"

Most of the executioners are mixed bodies of various shapes, most of which are camouflaged memories, while the others are lava, strange shrimps and other not too important memories!

Facing the huge number, Su Chen's deep eyes did not show any waves.

Suddenly, there was a vibration of the engine.


In an instant, it appeared from behind Su Chen and the others.

Following that, the blue and white motorcycle came running wildly, and stopped beside Su Chen.

"Okay, let's clear the field first!"

When the sound fell, it was pressing the wings of freedom.

[flight-mode] (flight mode)!
In an instant, the locomotive behind him began to change continuously like a flying horse, with both sides opening, and the metal wings unfolded continuously, lifelike.

Then the whole locomotive turned into an enlarged version of the Uranus vehicle!

Airplane mode is on!

I saw the blue flying bird in the sky, when the wings were vibrating, the white lines danced along with it, the metal wings were released instantly, and then all of them burst out suddenly!
All of a sudden, the special white metal wings poured down like a torrential rain, covering the executioner in front of him in the blink of an eye!

Boom boom boom!
Dangdang Dangdang!
In an instant, terrifying and frightening attacks continued to pour out.

This time, Su Chen was well prepared. He had prepared more than a dozen rounds of launches for the wings alone.

But this has reached the limit, no amount of Wings of Liberty can support it!

When the Wings of Liberty turned into a huge eagle and released the wings that covered the sky and the sun, the executioners who were originally imposing were all stunned in place.

But those many pupils have exactly the same look——


Unfortunately, this is not a dream, but a real thing!
With the sudden fury of the countless wings, everything in front of him was easily torn apart without hindrance!
At this moment, it was as if millions of light crossbow volleys were shaking the sky, especially these special metal wings were even more powerful in terms of power!
The result presented was that all the executioners were instantly defeated!

Just like the terrifying power displayed by Wings of Liberty in its first appearance, the huge number of executioners were swept away by Wushuang in an instant.

Very few survived.

The auditorium, which had been rebuilt with great difficulty, was completely destroyed again, and the ground was covered with hard wings pierced with doped bodies!

The blood seemed to be mixed together!
For a while, the audience was silent and there was no still picture!
Everyone at this moment has been shocked beyond their control!

Even Sonosaki Saeko and Isaka Mikuro who had just started the battle couldn't help but stop in place.

The latter swallowed his saliva very easily. At this moment, Jingsaka Shenhonglang, who always felt that he was outrageous, was completely frightened.

Can this kind of weapon be developed by normal people?
Sonosaki Ryubei couldn't hold back his serious face anymore!

Everything was too sudden, and his powerful troops were completely wiped out in an instant!

You know, these are all subordinates who are loyal to him, and they are all wiped out now? !

At this moment, the man who wanted to dao could not hide his eyes!
Sonosaki Ryubei was really furious. With such a heavy loss, what if he took down Su Chen?

Now, the museum is seriously hurt!
Lost two cadres, plus so many executioners!
"Su Chen!!!"

"Don't look at me like that, old man!" With a calm expression, Su Chen sighed slightly seriously.

"This is a life-threatening battle!"

It has been like this since ancient times, the struggle for power is always accompanied by the blood of countless lives, and it happens that he is also experiencing it!

After all, this is not a script written for review, nor is it to satisfy the younger-age plot pursued by the market.

Here, is the Kamen Rider world where the world may be destroyed at any time!
One careless, life will be ruined here!

Su Chen has been prepared for a long time, after all, the massacre of a city in Kongwo World will actually happen here!
There are not a few lives that died before his eyes~
Of course, Sonosaki Ryuhei was not angry at the loss of his life, but was yelling that he had lost his subordinate, a subordinate who could help him deal with things!
Instead of wasting time, Sonosaki Ryuhei directly used the fear memory, and then with a burst of dark light curtains flickering, the fear doped body slowly appeared!

With a low shout, the dragon monster above the fear-dominated body revived instantly.

It was a pity last time, before Su Chen came to destroy the damage, the old man was gone!
But it doesn't matter, after all, he is defeated, and it is impossible to win against him who has evolved again!
And he wasn't going to end in person!
In the sky, the Wings of Freedom in flight mode brazenly shook its last wings and headed towards the evil dragon.

In an instant, the two behemoths collided together, and a heavy sound followed.

Seeing the two monsters returning to the original fighting in the sky, Sonosaki Ryubei's eyes gradually became cold: "You are well prepared!"

Shrugging slightly, Su Chen replied with a noncommittal smile: "That's natural, to express the greatest respect to you~ If you don't show enough strength, I'm worried that you won't trust me to hand over the museum~"

Even in this situation, he is still joking with ease~
At this moment, under the drastic change in the situation, Jingsaka Shenhonglang's face became ugly.

Originally thought that they had the chance to win this time, but the situation was completely different from what they had imagined!
As if aware of the change in his mood, Saeko Sonosaki snorted and said, "Your failure is already doomed. As an outsider, why do you want to meddle in our family's affairs!"

"It's such a headache! You're so confident and you look like you've got everything under control, but you've turned into this, heh~ that old gentleman is nothing more than that~"

Isaka Shenhongrou shook his head helplessly,

Originally, Sonosaki Ryubei's unhurried movements made him feel that the opponent was very sure, but he turned into this ghostly look!
But that's okay, it would be troublesome if he absolutely crushed him.

The more chaotic it is, the more he can fish in troubled waters!
Without further ado, he raised his whip slightly and took out his long whip from behind, then swung it violently!
"Sorry, I was entrusted by someone!"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko didn't want to say much, and threw out the ball of light in her hand.

Seeing the young lady show off her might, Sonosaki Wakana is naturally unwilling to be left behind like this, but she has no other opponents. Could it be possible to find her father?

But at this time, Sonosaki Ryubei couldn't bear it anymore, and took the initiative to attack Su Chen.

Well, she seems to have only other miscellaneous soldiers left to deal with.

Looking at the executioners who survived the volley of wings, the little princess moved her nose slightly, and then walked towards them!

In her hand, a ball was slowly rubbed out. Ah bah, it was a ball of light, a ball of light as thick as the earth floating in her palm.


As a result, the entire Sonosaki family was in complete chaos.

Su Chen and Sonosaki Ryubei also fought together, the old man ruthlessly manipulated the quagmire of fear, and the layers of dark and strange swamps struck, engulfing them like boundless waves and tsunami.

Seeing this, Su Chen stood on the spot, without any intention of giving in, slightly opened the Wing of Daybreak in his hands with both arms, and then aimed at the pitch-black quagmire covered in mid-air!

The rays of light converged, and then an arrow condensed into shape, burst out without the slightest linger, and collided with the quagmire brazenly!
The arrow pierced into the sky, stirring up the strange swamp tide, spiraling and bursting into waves!
Ryubei Sonosaki's attack was wiped out with one blow, and Uranus disappeared from Ryubei Sonosaki's sight in an instant.


The moment Su Chen disappeared, the old man cautiously stared at his surroundings!

For his adopted son, he still takes it to heart, and has been studying the opponent's fighting style all the time!

But as Su Chen said before, if you want to deal with the acceleration ability, you either have it yourself, or you are strong enough to far exceed the opponent's level!
But obviously, Sonosaki Ryubei has not reached that stage yet!

When the thunder-like afterimage criss-crossed, suddenly a cold light flashed, and the dazzling brilliance suddenly struck!


The sound of the blade colliding with the metal resounded instantly, and a striking spark shot out from the two of them, reflecting on the compound eyes of Uranus.

The Emperor of Fear is old after all.

After being stabbed, sparks shot out from his chest, and his body couldn't help but retreat slightly.

However, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so the old man should not be underestimated. He quickly stabilized his body and then raised his arm suddenly. A dark quagmire was attached to his arm, restraining the evil power!
"Su Chen!"

With a shout of hysterical anger, the fist that shone with pitch-black light rushed towards him!

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't dare to underestimate him, and quickly raised the Wing of Daybreak in his hand.

In an instant, the Wings of Daybreak roared!
Even if he loses the ability to attack mentally, Ryubei Sonosaki, who has mastered this memory for a long time, has already developed it to a very high level, and the data in all aspects also exceed the data at the beginning of the memory!

It's just that he hasn't fought for too long, and his aging makes him a little uncomfortable!

But now, stimulated by Su Chen, the power hidden in the old man's body also burst out, it is a power that must not be underestimated!

Of course, it's just not to be underestimated.

This battle, from the time Su Chen returned to Fengdu, had already decided the end!

With the help of the other party's strength to open the distance, Su Chen shook his arm, and then sighed faintly.

"Old man, you are really immortal~"

"However, now is our time, please enjoy next time. The hole cards I prepared for you will save you from wasting time!"

(End of this chapter)

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