From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 115 Fang Trigger!Dangerous start!

Chapter 115 Fang Trigger!Dangerous start!
Fengdu, Sonosaki's house.

At this moment, this luxurious villa that everyone in Fengdu envied has been turned into a mess of ruins during the battle!

The auditorium at the beginning had already completely collapsed, and the metal wings gleaming in the sun were inserted on the ground, and the sharp wings bloomed with a breathtaking coldness!

In addition, near the garden, because of the confrontation between Saeko Sonosaki and Kuro Isaka, the precious flowers, plants and other plants planted here have already been "bent down", and they are so dazzling that they are unsightly!

On the ground, the traces left by the explosions were extremely conspicuous!
The cold December wind danced wildly.

Seeing his home being destroyed by the battle, Su Chen's expression didn't want to continue wasting time like this!
Long pain is worse than short pain!

"Old man, if we continue to fight like this, it will be a headache no matter which one of us wins~ So, I'm going to get serious~"


Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei's pupils shrank slightly.

What Su Chen meant was that he wasn't serious at all!
But, Sono Saki Ryubei had already revealed all his hole cards and fired them all up!

Immediately, he raised his brows and eyes, his mood was extremely complicated, and his eyes became more cautious, and he looked forward very fearfully, waiting for what Su Chen's trump card would be!
So, Su Chen turned his wrist, and a special trigger-shaped equipment appeared in the palm of his hand wrapped in the blue armor.

【Fang trigger】!
A custom augmentation gear based on the tusk information obtained from shroud and the dangerous trigger prototype.

Of course, compared with the dangerous trigger or the black hole trigger, the tusk trigger is still much weaker, and the bonus on Uranus only strengthens his speed, reaction, and destructive power, but as a trump card, there are naturally other effects.

"That is!"

Sonosaki Ryuhei's old eyes showed a strange look: "Is this the hole card you prepared?"

There was some contempt in his tone.

After all, he always thought that Su Chen made a huge monster that was more terrifying than the eagle standing in the sky just now!

Unexpectedly, it was a small trigger that was completely opposite!

Noticing the old man's contempt, Su Chen smiled, and replied noncommittally: "Old man, don't underestimate this thing~"

After the sound fell, he slowly pressed the trigger to activate the power in it.

【Fang! ] (fangs)!
[hazard-on! 】(Dangerous start)!
[killing-of-end-time! ] (The final moment of killing)!
In an instant, the sound effect of the trigger sounded, and from the deep voice came a cold tone, which made people shudder, and felt like falling into an ice cellar from the heart!

The trigger is mounted on the driver.

There was a crisp mosaic sound, and suddenly a dazzling white and silver intertwined light mixed together, blooming to the fullest, engulfing Uranus' entire body as if in it.

The dazzling light made Sonosaki Ryuhei slightly stare at his eyes.

As the silver light flickered, Uranus' entire body slowly emerged with a silver tone, concentrated on the outer armor on the chest, covering it extremely deeply!
The first change, not much.

Perhaps, the bigger change is still in the momentum.

In an instant, Sonosaki Ryuhei only felt that Uranus in front of him suddenly changed from a proud eagle to a prehistoric berserk beast. With the compound eyes dyed silver by the trigger of the fangs raised, when they looked at each other , this feeling becomes more obvious!

Those eyes, which were not at all human-like, suddenly made this fearful emperor who had always immersed others in nightmares tremble, and panicked slightly!

"This power!"

His old and dry lips moved slightly, making a murmur.

At this moment, Sonosaki Ryuhei finally had the feeling that something was going to happen, and the sense of crisis kept pounding his nerves!

But at this moment, Su Chen, who had transformed into the fangs of Uranus, just slightly clenched his fists, his compound eyes glowed with an indescribable sense of oppression, experiencing the tyrannical power constantly rising from inside his body at this moment!

"Is this a brand new power!"

After using the fang trigger, the biggest feeling is the destructive urge to destroy everything.

It was as if he was going to be controlled by the power of memory and become another self!
The inner desire to destroy is completely ignited by the memory!
If you are not prepared, you will be accidentally broken through the inner defense by the power of the fangs, and then become a wild beast that loses its mind!

No wonder Philip had been afraid to use it before.

But for Su Chen, who was prepared, he just narrowed his eyes slightly, concentrated his attention and stabilized his mind, and completely suppressed this violent desire to destroy, and then he completely controlled the power of his fangs!

"Okay, old man, I'm going to start, get ready~"

Raising his head slightly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Su Chen's mouth, and his slender fingers slowly placed on the tusk trigger, gently pressing a button on it!
【fang!max-drive!】(Fang! Max-drive!!)
In an instant, the silver dotted lines on Uranus' body flickered slightly, giving off a not-so-faint halo.

And suddenly, Su Chen disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Sonosaki Ryuhei reacted very quickly to guard the surroundings, but it didn't work!
Su Chen didn't play fancy things at all, and directly appeared in front of him, and then raised his right fist slightly, but it seemed as if a silver halo was following it, dancing like a silver ribbon!
This is the product of the compressed fang power!
When the ultimate is activated, all the power of the fangs compressed inside the trigger will be activated in an instant, and the result will be.
It was just that light and easy punch, but it made an extremely piercing sound in the friction with the air, and that tyrannical full force burst out in an instant.

Sonosaki Ryubei also crossed his arms together in a defensive posture at the fastest speed, covered by a dark quagmire or a halo of evil energy!
It's too late, so I can only resist!

But with a heavy punch, at the moment of pure collision, Sonosaki Ryubei realized that he underestimated Su Chen's state at this moment.

boom! ! !
There was an extremely heavy muffled sound, as if there was the sound of bones breaking.

In an instant, the arms intertwined with fear mixed with the body were defeated, and the fist that compressed the incomparably terrifying power hit Sonosaki Ryubei head-on.

The tyrannical power burst out in an instant!
For a moment, Sonosaki Ryuhei only felt that his chest and ribs were broken, and the severe pain inside and outside began to hit his nerves together.

Age is old after all!
A mouthful of stagnant blood was almost spurted out, and with the smell of blood in his chest, the body of the fear-doped body burst out like a missile, and it couldn't stop hitting the broken wall of the auditorium.

In an instant, the already overwhelmed wall collapsed instantly.

The entire shattered wall weighed heavily on Ryubei Sonosaki!
It seemed that the outcome of the battle was decided at this point.

Then, Jingsaka Shenhonglang, who heard the movement, looked sideways, and then his expression suddenly changed!

He couldn't believe it, that Sonosaki Ryuhei whom he had been chasing for ten years was about to be defeated like this?

That is the Emperor of Fear who has ruled Fengdu for decades!

Was defeated by his adopted son just like that? !

How old is he!
At this moment, Jingsaka Shenhonglang couldn't restrain the panic in his heart.

It was no longer calm and calm as before, but he just stared at the Kamen Rider who had turned into silver and blue intertwined with fear, and the fear in his body made him feel like he was being targeted by a wild beast!
Obviously, he didn't face it directly!
At this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a shadow from the corner of his eye!
Turning his head subconsciously, only then did he realize that a huge scarlet light ball had appeared above his head at some point!
"This is a battle, don't look around!"

At this moment, the eldest lady could hardly hide her inner excitement.

Finally, the father who kept her under fear and high pressure since she was a child will be defeated!
She didn't have the slightest nostalgia or strange emotions, but was extremely excited!
In this case, their enemy is undoubtedly only the weather-doped body in front of them!

It has to be said that Jingsaka Shenhonglang is still very difficult to deal with. The opponent's abilities are too versatile. Even if Su Chen adjusted the values ​​of the taboo memory to make it more suitable for the eldest lady, she still failed to gain much advantage!

But it's better now, seizing the opportunity of the other party's distraction, the eldest lady rubbed a huge ball of light without hesitation.

"As the enemy of me and Su Chen, please die here!"

When the sound fell, the eldest lady hummed softly, and then the scarlet ball of light crushed down instantly with an incomparably huge force!
Looking at the ball of light above his head that looked like the setting sun, it seemed like a natural disaster, Jingsaka Shenhonglang's face turned green!


Under the hysterical roar, the figure of the weather doped body was completely submerged in the berserk energy.

After one shot, the eldest lady floating in the sky took a slight breath.

She also felt very tired after gathering such a majestic energy!

Fortunately, the battle is over!

Sonosaki Wakana, who has been watching the battle of the eldest lady from the corner of her eye, was immediately upset when she saw Isaka Fukuro being knocked down.

She didn't manage to deal with these few executioners, but it was all done over there!

It's all the fault of Isaka Shenhonglang, who obviously liked to pretend so much all day long, and thought he was so strong, but was defeated so easily!
Secretly planning that a certain guy is not strong enough, the little princess also accelerated the progress.

Poor Isaka Shenhonglang is going to cry to death in the toilet!
At this moment, it seems that the battle field of Uranus and the fear mixed body has been divided.

After punching, Su Chen withdrew his fist slightly, did not stay but slowly took a step forward.

"Old man, you shouldn't have been knocked down by me so easily!"

Looking ahead, he said slowly at the ruins piled up by rocks.

As an opponent, he still knew very well that the blow just now could not defeat Sonosaki Ryubei so easily!
Sure enough, before Su Chen took a few steps, layers of black energy like a quagmire suddenly appeared on the ground, instantly engulfing all the falling rocks on the surface that were pressing Ryubei Sonosaki.

His body instantly relaxed, and the figure of the old man slowly appeared in Su Chen's sight.

"Cough cough!"

Staggering and slowly standing up, the Emperor of Fear at this moment is already like a defeated king defeated by a brand new challenger. His whole body is covered with all kinds of dust, and he looks a little embarrassed!
"It's really a powerful force!"

Standing up again, the old man looked slightly at the adopted son in front of him, his expression became complicated.

"Su Chen, you have become stronger, far stronger than before. I can rest assured that the museum is entrusted to you!"

Although the words seem to be similar, the old man's thick tone does not sound like he wants to stop at all. Sure enough, the next sentence becomes——

"But ah, it's still not your time! The museum is mine, no matter how long it has been!!"

In an instant, with him as the center, a large number of dark mires and swamps suddenly appeared around, covering the ground in an instant, and it was completely different from before.

At this moment, the evil quagmire is full of manic feelings, as if responding to its master, frightening forces are constantly surging.

All of a sudden, the quagmire exploded completely, turning into a layer upon layer of waves, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, the danger level was instantly full, and it was crushed with full destructive power!

In that layer, only the silver brilliance is still shining.

Looking at the constant terrorist attacks, Su Chen stood there calmly, and slowly raised his arms slightly, followed by a silver halo that turned into lines!

"Old man, now is my time! In any sense!"


The sound fell, and the silver brilliance bloomed!

In the next second, under the overwhelming mire, dazzling brilliance bloomed.

Vaguely, Sonosaki Ryubei seemed to see a photon spiral towards his own attack.

The blue spiral that runs through the entire pitch-black light curtain has silver power attached behind the surface, and Sonosaki Ryubei's full-strength blow was completely crushed in an instant!

As for himself, the familiar figure was reflected in his eyes.

The silver lines moved accordingly, a majestic force erupted in an instant, and a punch full of destructive aura struck!
The power of the compressed fangs was fully released with the ultimate drive, and the back punch dragged the silver brilliance.

He hit the face of the fear-dominated body head-on, and after the right fist, the left arm was also quickly raised, and they staggered out!

boom! boom! boom!
In just a few seconds, the fist that was dragging the silver streamer slammed on the fearful emperor's body continuously, and all the majestic power poured out, so Sonosaki Ryubei's body became unbalanced and swayed with the fist, and he was even almost tilted. The fist that came down hit the ground directly!
Accompanied by a muffled sound.

Sonosaki Ryubei, who had already been defeated by this stormy attack, had no time to react and breathe.


The figure of Uranus disappeared again, and several photon spirals appeared around Sono Sakiryubei!

(End of this chapter)

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