From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 139 Eternal Ultimate Drive!

Chapter 139 Eternal Ultimate Drive!

Fog blows over the mountains.

Under the circumstances of being ravaged by thunder and scorched by flames, the ground is already unsightly!

Standing awkwardly in the huge pit, Isaka Shenhongrou couldn't accept the fact.

You said that the things you tried so hard to steal from the Sonosaki family are completely worthless and can be recreated at any time.
What is he?
What a clown!
In the case of being furious, the power of memory began to respond to his frenzied emotions.

In an instant, various violent energies appeared around him.

Thunder and lightning, gusts of wind, flames, and cold air mixed together.

All kinds of violent forces continued to wreak havoc around Jingsaka Shenhonglang's body.

All of a sudden, there was a storm, lightning and thunder, as if ushering in the end of the world!
"No, we have to stay away!" Feeling that the situation is not good, and it seems that it will be affected if we continue to watch, Zuo Shotaro said quickly.

"But isn't it such a pity, this is such an unbelievable scene!" Philip was a little reluctant.

"Let's go!" Zuo Xiangtaro saw at a glance that his partner had committed an old problem again, so he simply carried him and walked away.

After Terui Ryu and Narumi Yakiko looked at each other, they left with Nagi.

At this moment, the frightening madness of various celestial phenomena is raging.

The entire Kibuki Mountain once again endured the pain it shouldn't have endured.

As if turning into a symbol of a natural disaster, Isaka Mikurō shook his flesh wings that were already covered with fiery red marks after being burned.

"Uranus, I'm not as weak as you think! I control the celestial phenomena that humans cannot control, and I control the power of gods!"

"Do you think I'm going to fall like this!"

It seems that the invasion of the Gaia memory poison is a little serious, and Isaka Shenhongrou is a little too crazy.


"Come on, if you want to take back my memory, then live from my hands first!!"

Yin Luo, he no longer restrained himself, allowing the toxin to erode crazily.

So the Fengshen pterosaur and the weather memory frantically responded to his desire at the same time.

While eroding his body, it gave him strength!
Then the violent power around him became more and more ferocious, and then intertwined together.

Flame, thunder, blend with cold, hurricane.

Obviously some are relative forces, but they are forcibly blended together at this moment, forming an astonishing ball of light, which suddenly attacked Su Chen!

Under such a terrifying sky, Su Chen calmly and slowly took out a memory.

"I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to continue wasting time with you here, so... that's it!"

He, just came to try to enter the third stage.

After all, he didn't want to waste his efforts to continue fighting with Isaka Shenhongrou.

【Eternal! maximum-drive! 】

Insert the memory into one side on the drive, force drive.

Instantly, the eternal effect of the t1 stage is activated, which is the power to seal the opponent!
As a result, the ball of light that restrained the terrifying power and made one's heart tremble just by looking at it from a distance suddenly disappeared without a trace!
Just for a moment, not even a breath.

Jingsaka Shenhonglang's last fight just disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before!
This is Su Chen's other hole card, which is specially used against Fengdu!
His drive, which had a memory slot specially set up before, was originally made to drive eternity.

Back then, what he got from Aunt Wenyin was not only fangs, but also eternal data and information!

But Eternal Memory is very compatible.

Unfortunately, he has nothing to do with that thing.

To be precise, the most suitable eternal memory is only undead like Dao Keji!
So he developed a socket that can be forced to drive once, which can force the use of eternal power once.

But the price is

At this moment, on Su Chen's drive, the eternal memory suddenly shattered.

That's right, sacrificing this memory is the price!
It was originally prepared for the old man, but it was useless.

Now it can just be left to Jingsaka Shenhonglang. If he does not successfully enter the third stage as planned, he may use this Tianke W series knight's hole card from the beginning.

So, from the very beginning, Isaka Shenhonglang couldn't make any waves.

Su Chen decides when to die!

But at this moment, Isaka Shenhonglang, who had been sentenced to death, suddenly had enough strength in his body to recede like a tide.

Whether it's the weather or the Fengshen pterosaur, unfortunately they were all sealed at the same time because of their fusion!

So Jingsaka Shenhongrou, who was still looking crazy just now, suddenly panicked.

"How is it possible! My power!"

"What the hell did you do, why is my power disappearing!"

"No, no!"

He caressed frantically on his body, trying to retain the force that had gone madly away.

But unfortunately, Eternity is a pure bug since it was developed!

Before t2 was developed, he was the absolute king!
The t1 stage can eternally seal a single target, and the t2 stage can already seal all the t1 stage memory, no matter how many there are!

Only t2 can counter the power of this bug!
But Jingsaka Shenhonglang obviously didn't!

The body stiffened suddenly, and at the same time as the strength dissipated, what was displayed was the electric current that symbolized a fault, the electric current he had seen on W before!

And the huge fleshy wings behind him also slowly dissipated, and the body began to become unreal.

It switches continuously between the human and dopant states.

"Okay, it's time to give you the last blow!"

Not planning to waste any time on him, Su Chen slowly pulled back the Wing of Daybreak in his hand.

Accompanied by the convergence of light on both sides.


An arrow was shot, and the fiery red arrow instantly engulfed Isaka Shenhongrou's body.

The memory is sealed, and Isaka Shenhongrou, who can't even maintain the transformation state, can withstand such an attack.

It was directly thrown away by the flames of the explosion.

Coincidentally, he landed not far from Zuo Xiangtaro and the others.

They just went to the distance to watch the battle, but when they looked back, they found that the devastating attack suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Then Jingsaka Shenhonglang fell directly in front of them.

"Cough cough!"

Laying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, Isaka Shenhonglang, whose body was already covered in flames, coughed violently.

He barely opened his eyes, and met Ryu Terui's complex eyes with mixed flavors because of his revenge, but not his own revenge.

Suddenly he grinned grimly.

He may be dying, but he doesn't have too many regrets in his life!
Yes, he got power.

Yes, he got the desired Aeolian pterosaur!

Yes, he had his own highlight moment!
Although, he encountered a bug, a cheating player that he couldn't beat at all!
But these don't affect his previous highlights!
Such a sound, although there is no perfect solution, but there is no big regret!

He has already tasted great power! !
"what are you laughing at?"

His laughter was so weird that Shotaro Sato couldn't help but shuddered and asked.

And slowly Jingsaka Shenhong said in a weak voice:

"Do you think the wind is so safe?"

"As everyone knows, this city has always been under the shadow of the Sonosaki family!"

"And you Teru Jinglong, you have been manipulated by that woman all the time, hahaha!!"

He deliberately brought hatred to the Sonosaki family.

Although, I don't have too many regrets in my life.

But for those who beat themselves to death, of course, they will go to death if they have the opportunity!

When he finished speaking, the expressions of Shotaro Sato and Ryu Terui changed instantly, and they looked at him in horror.

"What do you mean?!" Ke Zhaojing Longgang finished.

The deadline for Jingsaka Shenhonglang has come.

Suddenly, a large amount of pitch-black toxins appeared all over the body, so densely packed that people looked like they wanted to vomit out!


With a choked sob in pain, Jingsaka Shenhonglang's whole body seemed to be biting by ants in the next second, and the curtain came to an end in incomparable pain.

The body dissipates directly, and there is no residue left!
This is the price of recklessly absorbing memory!
Toxins in memory are very dangerous. Direct use by the human body will lead to the accumulation of toxins, which will invade the nerves at a certain moment.

It can be said that Isaka Shenhonglang has persisted for long enough!
And now after being knocked down, it is completely irresistible!
The disgusting scene also caused a huge psychological shock to Shotaro Zuo and the others.

For a moment, they were all immersed in the scene of Jingsaka Shenhonglang's words and death.

For a long time, no one spoke.

Fog blows the wind on the mountain is very strong, blowing past several people, the body is cold.

My heart is even colder.

"What does it mean that Sonosaki's family is the shadow that covers Fudu?!" Shotaro Sato said abruptly.

Philip also withdrew from his curiosity about Uranus, thought for a while and replied: "Uranus is the adopted son of the Sonozaki family, so the Sonozaki family may be the organization"

"What do you mean!" Sato Shotaro reacted suddenly, showing a surprised expression.

"Probably, anyway, it is certain that Yuzonosaki's family must have something to do with the organization!" Philip sighed, and then he thought for a while and looked at Ryu Terui.

Just now Jingsaka Shenhonglang also said that one person controls everything about Terui Ryu.

At this moment, the person involved, Ryuu Terujing, also had a complex expression, his face changing from cloudy to cloudy.

that woman? !
Do you mean shroud? !

What exactly does that mean?
Probably aware of Philip's gaze, Terui Ryu shook his head: "I don't care, no matter what, Isaka Kuro has already been defeated! Let's get out of here first."

"Ahhh! It's really annoying, damn it, why are there so many mysteries left when they're all dead!" Zuo Shotaro, who was frantically pulling his hair out, was a little annoyed.

"Okay, Shotaro, we should go." Philip patted him on the shoulder.

Sighing, he took a deep look in the direction of the top of the mountain, Shotaro Sato was just about to leave.

Suddenly a fiery red mark appeared in the distance.

"Hey, what's that!" Shotaro Sato subconsciously murmured with his pupils shrunk.

Philip heard the voice, and followed his partner's gaze towards the distance.

Then the fiery red starlight flickered in his sight, and a figure rushed over in the next second!


Shotaro Zuo yelled in horror, and reflexively stood in front of Philip.

Terui Ryu hurriedly put on the driver, ready to fight at any time.

The atmosphere instantly became dignified!

"What do you want to do!" Philip's eyes were serious.

But then his expression changed instantly.

Because Uranus in front of him actually canceled the transformation directly.

"I'll take you home, come here~" Su Chen slowly stretched out his hand, revealing a loving smile that he decided should be regarded as a brother.

It's just that in Philip's opinion, there is a bit of nuclear cancer.

His expression froze, he stared at Su Chen in a daze, his brows furrowed into a ball.

"Sorry, I probably don't know you, and besides, my name is Philip!"

"Sure enough, I don't have any memory at all." Wei Wei sighed, Su Chen withdrew his hand, and then looked at Philip quietly:
"Your name is not Philip. That name was given to you by Narumi Shokichi. Your real name is Come, Sonosaki, and you are my younger brother!"

Philip: "."

Ryu Terui: "."

Satoshi Taro: "."

"How is it possible! Are you kidding me, Philip's surname is Sonosaki?!" The half-hanger was dumbfounded.

Naruhime Yakiko was even more surprised: "No way, Philip is the younger brother of Uranus."

"But Uranus is a member of the organization. Doesn't this mean that Philip's family is our enemy?!"

Terui Ryu looked at Philip suddenly turned into pity.

He thought he was miserable, but Philip seemed even more pitiful, caught in a dilemma between his family and friends!

At this moment, Philip was also dumbfounded, and his body trembled slightly.

His dry lips pursed, his unacceptable pupils tightened, and his fists were subconsciously clenched.

Barely raising his head, Philip's voice trembled when he met the man in front of him.

"Sorry, I... I can't accept it very well. How could I be from the Sonosaki family! Back then, the organization used me as a tool!"

"I'm sorry, I'm also very helpless about this point. That matter can also be said to be the dark history of the Sonosaki family." Su Chen sighed.

What can the old man do?

He was really a student sitting in the window seat in the back row.

"But you are my younger brother, but because of some accidents, you became Philip. But I promised Aunt Wenyin to take you there. So come with me."

"I do not want!"

Philip refused directly with excitement, his body was trembling, and his voice was trembling.

"My family is Shotaro Sato and Akiko!"


Sa Shotaro behind him was very moved when he heard this, but his mood was also very complicated.

He often saw Philip alone in a daze for his family, but he actually cared about it, his family!

So, as a partner, he should also stand up and say something.

"Sorry, I want to know, what do you mean by accident?! Also, what did Isaka Fukiro mean when he said that your Sonosaki house is the shadow that enveloped Fudu!"

Zuo Xiangtaro raised his head seriously, and met Su Chen's sharp eyes without the slightest fear.

"Huh? That guy Jingsaka is really boring, do you think this will cause me trouble?" Su Chen naturally saw through Jingsaka Shenhonglang's little scheme at a glance, curled his lips and said.

"Forget it, you guys come with me, it's almost time for you all to know the truth about Fengdu."

Now, there is no need to hide anything.

Anyway, I have basically understood the affairs of Fengdu, and at most there are Dao Keji and Consortium x who don't know the situation!
So he dialed the number of the eldest lady, called a special car to go to the research institute, and asked Aunt Wenyin to explain to them about the past.

When the special car came before him, Su Chen got on the car first.

Behind him, Philip hesitated, or panicked.

Is this going to meet his family?
His father, mother, and even brothers and sisters
There were too many thoughts in his mind at once, and Philip felt very stiff because of his feeling of being close to home.

"Philip, let's go." Shotaro Sato patted him on the shoulder lightly, indicating that he was here.

"Yeah..." He took a deep look at the half-baked man, never feeling that the other party was so reliable, Philip took a deep breath, and got into the car.

Terui Ryu was not ready to get in the car, he was comforting Nagi who was rescued by him.

But that Aunt Wenyin also seemed to want to clarify the matter with him, so Su Chen coughed lightly and opened his mouth.

"Ryu Terui, you can come too."

"Me?" Ryu Terui was stunned for a moment, he felt that he should not need to participate in Philip's family affairs, could it be that he was going to be a bodyguard?
"Yes, about your family, Aunt Wenyin, no, it should be said that Shroud has something to say to you, so let's come together." Su Chen beckoned.

Hearing this, his expression suddenly changed, and Long Zhaojing immediately got into the car without any hesitation.

"Akiko, please take care of Nagi!"

"Huh? But I want to too." Of course Yakiko wanted to go with her, but seeing Nagi who was alone, she could only nod helplessly.

"I know!"

So, just a few cars drove away and went straight to Fengdu's research institute.

The Fengdu Research Institute was established on the east side of the city.

It was not very far, and after a while, everyone came to the front of the research institute.

"Come with me, the truth you want to know is here!" Su Chen shrugged and said.

So, the three of Philip looked at each other in blank dismay, and then stepped into the research institute together.

Over there, Sonosaki Fumin is ready to welcome her child and welcome the visitor back!
Of course, she was also prepared to apologize to Teru Jinglong.

But Su Chen didn't follow.

Because he still has to deal with the situation of Uranus.

The upgrade was completed, but it didn't mean he was fine.

Regarding various data, actual combat tests, weapon effects, and the evolution of the vehicle, he needs to test it himself.

This is what a scientist must do.

Instead of being like an iron-headed baby who has a new form and doesn't know how to use it correctly, continue to develop.

And it's better to leave the truth to Aunt Wenyin. At most, he contacted the eldest lady to protect her, mainly to prevent Teru Jinglong from getting out of control.

He doesn't care about the rest.

It is enough to have the eldest lady.

In short, the matter of Fengdu can come to an end for the time being.

Except for consortium x, which needs to be paid attention to, don't worry about the others.

After arranging everything, Su Chen directly entered the research state and started testing various data of the third stage of Uranus.

(End of this chapter)

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