From Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 140 Eternal White Devil and Immortal Power of Hope!

Chapter 140 Eternal White Devil and Immortal Power of Hope!
The third stage of Uranus.

Complete the ascension with Ultimate Trigger to gain the power of the mythical Phoenix.

Fist Strength: 15t
Kicking force: 18t.

The numerical value is uniform in all aspects, and the sacred flame can be manipulated to disperse the darkness. The limit trigger is connected to the earth's wireless database, so as to gain the ability to find the enemy's weak point.

It is still in the stage of T1 Gaia memory. If you need to increase the upper limit, you need to upgrade Gaia memory.

The more than ten reports above are about the third stage of Uranus.

The data has already reached the limit of Gaia's memory in the T1 stage with the help of the limit force.

However, compared to Shi Wang, build, and knights of the ea series, this data feels like the initial stage.

Fortunately, there are still directions for follow-up development.

Putting on T2, all the data should be able to break through the twentieth mark.

The Uranus equipped with a device has also undergone tremendous changes due to changes in memory, and it is now in the form of a phoenix.

In addition, Su Chen also welded the limit trigger to the drive very simply and directly.

As we all know, the trigger is to be welded to the driver, isn't it a snakeskin.

In short, after spending a few days of work, the exact situation of Uranus has also been obtained.

The future improvement is mainly in the research and development of the memory level.

After the research is done, he will come out.

As for the outside, it was similar to what Su Chen expected.

For his family, Philip longed and was afraid.

But Sonosaki Ayane is a gentle mother, at least now she is.

So Philip quickly accepted the fact.

And learn about what happened in the past.

Everything in the past, in the final analysis, was because of Ryubei Sonosaki, his biological father.

But the other party has passed away, and the museum is now in Su Chen's hands.

In addition, Sonosaki Wenyin's story about Su Chen also made Philip and Sato Shotaro accept that the other party is actually the savior of Fengdu!
After all, if he hadn't defeated Ryubei Sonosaki, then the old man at that time would have been ready to launch the Gaia impact to completely destroy the entire wind!
So in a sense, they should also thank each other.

Then there's Ryu Terui, who has a hard time accepting that shroud has suddenly become a key factor in the deaths of his family.

If she hadn't handed over the Gaia memory to Isaka Shenhongrou, how could such a tragedy have happened? !

But he was subdued by the young lady before he could do anything.

Finally, after calming down, he finally understood that everything was not Shroud's fault.

It can only be said that Sonosaki Fumin underestimated the madness of Isaka Shenhongrou.

In other words, she was buying a kitchen knife. She thought that the other party bought it for cooking, but she killed someone.

The biggest mistake was certainly not on her.

It turned out that everyone was happy. Philip had a mother, and Ryu Terui learned the truth about the year.

And Zuo Shotaro.
Do I have an extra mother-in-law?

In short, the matter of Fengdu can probably come to an end here.

Su Chen thought so.

But in fact
Southeast Asian country s.


Holding the woman I wanted to protect well, I felt her gradually losing voice.

At this moment, the man in black felt a deep and strong emotion that he hadn't experienced for a long time.

The long-lost emotion should have disappeared with death, but it is so strong at this moment.

The pain pierces through my heart, my heart aches!
It was as if a pair of big hands were pinching the heart.

It is so painful, so sad!

The surrounding companions also frowned, looking at the leader half kneeling on the ground.

"Undead monsters, you killed them!"

At this moment, the instigator of everything, the dopant manipulating the eyeballs-eyes eyes, made such an arrogant and proud voice.

As the person in charge of this proving ground, he has been arousing the experiments of super soldiers in this illegal place for several years under the sponsorship of the consortium x!
In order to better control the experimental body, it uses the memory of the eyes to imprint.

It is not only insight, but also able to deal with some disobedient experimental subjects!

But now, the corpses that fell into one piece were taken away precisely because they ran out of the limited range.

Hearing the words mixed with eyes, seeing the corpses in his arms and all over the ground.

He who wanted to save them became the chief culprit who sent them back to hell.

Something shattered in Da Dao's self-denying heart.

That was the remaining willfulness, and it was also his last kindness!

Disgusting with good intentions, he abandons his goodness completely and embraces darkness.

The white demon named Eternal, at this moment, completely degenerates into blackness!

With a maniacal laugh, Da Dao Keji let go of his body in his arms and stood up slowly.

"I really lost to you, doctor!"

"I can really think of such a cruel method."

"I forgot for a moment"

"Human beings are all demons!"

While speaking, Da Dao Keji's eyes were cold and indifferent, without the slightest emotion.

Just like a real corpse, a corpse that can move slowly turned around and looked at the adulterated body over there.

And the pure white memory, with the capital E symbol written on it, was held in the right hand.

Then it was inserted into the red and silver Lost Driver at the waist.

【eternal! 】


The golden ripples spread out in circles, and the blue phone spread all over the body.

As the strong wind blows, a pure white armor and a pitch-black cloak emerge!
The only malicious one left, the white demon named Eternal, is here!
As the manager of this base.

The eye doping body is not weak, just being able to manipulate so many experimental bodies can already spy out his power!

However, in front of the phantom god of civil war, the eternal memory, this powerful adulterant is so vulnerable.

Being defeated by this elite team with tacit cooperation!

It is only a matter of time before it is completely defeated!

"Da da da~"

At this moment, a pitch-black fighter plane took off with a bang, and climbed into the air from this small country on the South Island.

In the cabin, several consortium x members in white uniforms were sweating profusely.

No one thought that such a thing would happen in an ordinary search.

But in the middle of them, Jia Tou Shun, a young cadre of the consortium, is completely lifeless at this moment, lying on a stretcher with a grievance!
Not long ago, facing the white demon that he indirectly created, the user Utopia, he who controls the power of hope and is known as the king of memory.

But driven by the eternal extreme, it seems powerless to parry.

After losing the power of memory, he died under the flying kick of the white knight!
And Jia Tou Shun's loyal subordinates are also standing at the hatch that has not been closed, watching the battle on the island.

"The Great Way of the Undead and self-denial!"

"Kamen Rider Eternal! What a terrifying man!"

While he was thinking, the door of the cabin was completely closed, and then he turned his gaze to the officer behind him, and said to the panicked members with a serious face:

"The matter is not over yet! Mr. Jiatou Shun still has a chance, the technical information of the undead is kept in the headquarters."

"We must hurry to the Fengdu base which is the closest to here, and use the undead technology to revive Mr. Jiatou Shun before his body loses its vitality!"


The other members who were panicking and didn't know how to deal with it suddenly had a backbone.

After calming down, they each started their own work!
【Eternal! maximum-drive! 】(Eternal ultimate drive)!
Accompanied by the sound of the memory, the white demon named Eternal suddenly soared into the air.

He slammed his right foot heavily on the body doped with eyes.


Driven by the eternal ultimate drive, the power of the memory is already receding like a tide, and the body of the dopant is also faintly turning into a dope with eyes whose data has collapsed, let alone be able to resist this powerful attack!
The next moment, the white Kamen Rider jumped away with the force of the shock.

Turning around, the right hand entwined with azure blue flame patterns stretched out from the pitch-black cloak, the right hand was clenched tightly, and the thumb was pointing upside down!

"Come on, have fun with hell!"

As soon as the words fell, the body with eyes mixed with body exploded.

The body of the shape-shifter Dr. Prospect also flew upside down in the explosion, and fell heavily on the ground.

Even so, the proud doctor still couldn't accept the fact that he had lost.

"This is impossible!"

"I was actually defeated by the corpse!"

At this moment, the white knight standing in front of him spoke slowly with a cold voice.

"Unfortunately, doctor, just now, you also joined the ranks of corpses!"

A disdainful voice came from beside the ear, and the doctor's body trembled suddenly in the next second.

A strong electric current erupted from his brain immediately, burning his slapstick completely!

Lost control of the body, suddenly fell down powerlessly.

The evil doctor who had done many evils in his life ended his crime with a bang.


At this moment, along with the pure white memory at the waist, blue lightning burst out suddenly.

The armor on Dao Keji's body suddenly shattered, and the transformation was forcibly lifted.

Dao Keji, who was still in doubt, also pulled out the memory on the drive.

I saw the white memory, as if it had been burnt by high temperature, a large conspicuous hole with a wisp of white smoke, and even the complex internal structure could be seen through the hole.

"Is it a test product after all?"

"See you in the future, eternal!"

The demon who lost his emotions said so, and threw away this broken memory without any regrets!
Then he turned around and walked towards the direction where their fighter jets were parked, without even looking at Mina who was lying on the ground.

"Kenji! Turn her into an undead too!"

The only female soldier in the team, Habara Rai, couldn't bear it, and quickly grabbed Dao Keji, trying to revive the woman who had fought side by side with them.

Looking at Rei Habara's gaze, he looked at the corpse on the ground.

A hint of complexity flashed across Dao Dao Katsumi's icy expression, but he shook off Habara's hand without the slightest hesitation.

"Enough is enough, these are all in the past."

"We just need to focus on the future!"

He has been hated since before!

Even though he was already dead, he still had to be revived, but he slowly lost his emotions and gradually turned into a cold corpse!
The so-called undead are just a group of poor people who can't even die normally!

Witnessing Daiichi Katsumi's cold and indifferent expression, and the woman's delicate and sensitive heart, Habara noticed the changes in Daiichi Katsumi.

The hero who once saved everyone seems to be transforming into a ferocious and frightening demon!
"It's really courageous to act recklessly in my hometown!"

"It must be like an interesting electronics, giving the museum a little color!"

Recalling the previous communication between Dr. Prospect and Jiatou Shun, Dao Dao Keji also learned the fact that the museum regards his hometown as a testing ground!

At that time, he looked angry.

But at this moment, with a wicked sneer on his face, he looked at his companion as if he had found some fun:


"The destination of the next stop has been decided!"

"That's my hometown - Fengdu!"

Time flies by so slowly.

Over in Tokyo, it is said that the Zerg has a new move.

However, Su Chen has no time to worry about it for the time being. He has just completed the research and development of the T2 Bird Gaia memory, and is adapting to the new memory.

Because of the relationship between Uranus's carrying equipment, there is no need to go through the three stages in a tedious manner, just need to spend a little effort to get used to it.

In addition, there was news about consortium x two days ago.

They sent a special person over there, and it seems that they have already arrived in Fengdu.

This matter needs to be handled by Su Chen himself.

After all, Sonosaki Ryuhei's previous cooperation with Consortium X was about the impact of Gaia.

Consortium X is also very concerned about the impact of Gaia, and after the museum failed in the original plot, they took over everything that followed and continued to implement the plan.

But Su Chen didn't have that kind of thought.

Therefore, for the current museum, it is almost time to terminate the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

With the Tokyo market, and even the nationwide electronic product market that has spread, the museum is no longer short of money, and there is no need to hand over its research and development results to the consortium x!

DG Corporation.

Jia Tou Shun just came here, and I have to say that the technology of consortium x is really good.

Jiatou Shun was fully resurrected so quickly, but the characteristic of the undead is that the price of resurrection is to sacrifice emotion.

Corpses are emotionless, they will slowly lose all emotion.

Family affection, friendship, love, etc., will be gradually lost with the continuous injection of special cells, and finally become a pure corpse.

This is also the biggest flaw of the undead.

But being able to bring the dead back to life is already an outrageous technology, so what bicycle do you need? !

And now, Katou, who has completely become paralyzed, meets his dream lover - Saeko Sonosaki by the way!
That's right, Jia Tou Shun has been in love with the eldest lady since a long time ago.

After all, the eldest lady Yujie is full of charm, with fair skin and beautiful long legs, and she is still in charge of the Sonosaki family, she is definitely a top rich woman!
Jia Tou Shun has liked the eldest lady for a long time, but he has never been good at expressing his feelings.

So I never said it out.

In the president's office, Jia Tou Shun tried his best to make his tone gentler: "Miss Saeko, I don't know why Mr. Liubingwei didn't see me?"

About the Gaia impact plan, in fact, even the eldest lady doesn't know much.

It wasn't until after Su Chen came to power that she heard something by accident.

Because of this, she had a headache when facing Jia Tou Shun.

If this kind of consortium likes to throw money and has a lot of money, it really doesn't want to terminate the partnership!

After all, there is so much free money, who can refuse?

But there is no other way, since Su Chen wants to cancel, she will not object.

Of course, she had to wait a while before her dear brother came.

"I'm sorry, something happened to my father recently, so I can't see you for the time being." The eldest lady smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Is that so?" Jia Tou Shun always felt something strange.

Mainly, he remembered that he never seemed to give him a good face when he met this mature goddess before. What happened today?

"Then when can I see Mr. Ryuhei, because there is something very important that needs to be discussed with him in detail!"

He thought about it and asked a serious question.

"It should be ready in a few days." The eldest lady raised her red lips slightly, evoking a charming smile, and tried her best to fool around.

"And Mr. Jiatou Shun, you just came to Fengdu, so there is no need to be so anxious."

"Fengdu is a very good place, you can treat it for a while."

Jiatou Shun: "."

Not right.

His goddess never paid him much attention.

Why did you say so many irrelevant things today? What is going on?

He is a dog licker, but not a love brain!
I like Saeko Sonosaki, but he instinctively cares more about his mission.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he asked again: "I'm sorry, but I still hope to see Mr. Liubei as soon as possible."

"If there is any inconvenience for him, I will come back tomorrow, but I hope to see Mr. Liubei tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

Hearing this, the eldest lady's face changed slightly.

Meimou looked out the door.

Su Chen, if you don't come again, I won't be able to delay it.

Sensing the change in Missy's expression, Katoshun was sure that something had happened to Sonosaki's house, something even their consortium X didn't know about!
He stood up abruptly, stared at Saeko Sonosaki sharply, and asked in a low voice:

"Miss Saeko, please tell me if something happened to Mr. Ryuhei!"

"Or what happened to the museum!"

Consortium X has invested in too many organizations, and it is impossible to pay attention to each one.

I didn't know that the changes that took place in the museum not long ago were normal. After all, such things were strongly suppressed by the eldest lady as soon as they appeared.

But now, it seems that nothing can be hidden.

Saeko Sonosaki raised her brows slightly, and her red lips moved slightly, just when she wanted to be tough.

Suddenly the door opened, and a voice sounded with the sound of "squeak".

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiatou Shun, because of some things, the museum is currently in charge of me."

"As for the old man, you should never see him again!"

"Then. Talk to me about something, Sister Xiezi, please give me a cup of coffee."

Then, that indifferent and peaceful voice sounded slowly!
(End of this chapter)

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