The little irritability finally made him calm down after throwing something to vent his anger.

Sighing, he had to get down to pick up the phone.

Send a voice message to Wei Wei: "A message in the middle of the night without a picture, who knows if it's true or not, don't worry about it now, you should go to bed early, and talk about it tomorrow morning if you have anything to do."

In his mind, even if all of this is true, it has a great connection with him, and it might not ferment until dawn.

Staring at this time, it's just empty spirit.You might as well get a good night's sleep before making plans.

After leaving the message, he simply covered himself with the blanket and used his inner strength to force himself to fall asleep as soon as possible.

As for the continuous vibrating sound next to the pillow, I didn't bother to care about it...

When I woke up, it was already bright outside, and it looked like it was another sunny day.

Mei Qian pressed the phone, but seeing no response, she lazily walked to the first floor.

There was no movement in the villa. At this time, Ning Chi should have gone out for morning exercises.

Normally, he would have to run around the neighborhood a few times, but he definitely wasn't in that mood right now.

He plugged his phone into the data cable, washed up a bit, and made himself another cup of coffee.

Phones that run out of battery only restart.

Turn on the Weiwei, and the message notification will beep non-stop.

It turned out that Maomao was not the only one who didn't sleep most of the night.

Many of his writer friends, publishers and editors of various websites, so-called friends who have only met once, and even readers who added him as friends through some channels, all sent messages. The latest one was half an hour ago .

Mei Qian glanced at it, and it was all about the discovery of the ancient tomb in Baishan.

There are messages of various tones and purposes, and most of them have a string of links below.

He didn't rush to reply one by one, but opened the link and took a look.

There are web pages and videos, but the content is almost the same.

An avalanche in the tourist area of ​​Baishan has exposed a mausoleum buried below.

There are many speculations in it, but unfortunately there are no pictures and no truth. Even the video is a patchwork of various film and television drama clips. I don't know why it has been seen by so many people.

Mei Qian summed it up, and estimated that this matter is likely to be true, but the news on the Internet is really exaggerated, far-fetched and hyped, and it is actually not as serious as when I saw it for the first time last night.

Perhaps Xue Beng really popped up a tomb, and it might not be a large-scale tomb as described in his novel.

Even if it is really a big tomb, it may not be the same as what he wrote in his novel.

Thinking about it more deeply, if the tomb is also a system, the layout and monsters inside are really as written in his novels, and he is also involved.But the videos of the tomb robbers have appeared before, isn't it also calm?
So all of this can't be used as proof that he, Mei, has robbed someone's tomb.

So he relaxed a little and thanked his friends one by one for their concern.

As for those comments that are malicious, gloating, or even fanning the flames at first glance, delete them as soon as they should be deleted, let alone respond to them.

However, it took a long time even to reply to messages expressing goodwill. After all this work was over, Ning Chi came back with breakfast.

This guy obviously also knew what happened in Baishan last night, and he looked hesitant while eating.

But before he could open his mouth, Mei Qian, who was not in a good mood, glared back, and immediately became extremely honest.

Maomao and Mei Qian had the same opinion, and they were not as eager as last night. They just made a phone call and chatted a few words, and they were busy running the script.

Mei Qian felt that staying at home was boring, so she strolled to the back of the community.

While walking, I began to think wildly.

Perhaps because he was used to being cheated by the system, he no longer bothered to plan his future because there were too many variables.

No matter what happens in the future, he is mentally prepared to bear it.

Therefore, throughout the morning, what came to mind the most was the plot outline of the new book.

As for the dystocia "Mythology", he no longer struggles with it, and it will not be too late when he has inspiration.

It's a pity that he is destined to not have any big gains today. After walking along the mountain road, the phone in his hand never stops, which always disturbs his thoughts.

The Baishan avalanche incident took a turn for the worse, and more and more news came out.

It is said that the businessmen and staff in the tourist area were urgently dispersed overnight.

It is said that the surrounding area of ​​Baishan was blocked by the army, and they kept claiming to see a large number of military vehicles passing by...

There are also many self-proclaimed archaeologists making messy inferences. The ancient tomb on the snow mountain has gone through several dynasties in just one hour.

And no matter what kind of remarks, they were all spread uproariously.

Like a carnival of gossip, compared to last night's no pictures and no truth, now and then I can occasionally see some not-so-clear video evidence.

Of course, these things can't cause trouble to Mei Qian at all, because even if the officials really enter the venue, according to his guess, they won't do anything to him.

However, the subsequent changes were beyond his imagination.

Just when he had thought of the protagonist's name and background and was about to record it with his mobile phone, the phone started to ring again in the silent woods.

It's just that this time it's not a message, but a call from Maomao.

During the phone call, Maomao's tone was urgent: "Brother Qian, quickly take a look at the links I sent you, all of them have been cleared..."

After putting down the phone, Mei Qian quickly clicked on the link above. Sure enough, as Mao Mao said, most of the unreliable and specious news disappeared. He had accidentally opened it in other people's links ten minutes ago. The news webpage seemed to be blank in an instant.

Occasionally, the fish that slipped through the net can still be seen in the last second, and as soon as it is refreshed, it will be transferred to the entertainment news about a celebrity cheating.

He opened the search bar again and entered the word "Baishan". The first message was an official announcement to dispel rumors.

The announcement was very long, roughly meaning that there was indeed an avalanche in Baishan, but there were absolutely no ancient tombs under the snow.The emergency dispersal of the staff is indeed true, but it is to prevent the recurrence of geological disasters. All the news on the Internet are all false. Please don't believe in rumors or spread rumors.

There is also a notice that the Baishan tourist area is temporarily closed due to potential safety hazards.

Mei Qian didn't give up, and searched carefully, and found that the caliber about Xue Beng and ancient tombs on the Internet had all changed.

Such a change made his breathing gradually quicken, and his pupils shrank slightly.

He was silent for a while, opened the banking software, and carefully checked his account balance.

Seeing that there was an additional income from above, he couldn't help letting out a long breath, and then he entered the Weiwei Group of the Writers Union leisurely, and carefully screened the venue and date of the meeting on the meeting notice, and after a while I chose one, followed the contact number above, and submitted an application for participation...

PS: The following content does not count as words.

The first chapter of water is a transition, this chapter is to make up for yesterday, today, that is, on the 2nd, I will update another chapter.

Unknowingly, it was early in the morning, and suddenly I wanted to say something.

Recently, well, not recently, but not long after the book was put on the shelves, I can always see posts accusing me of plagiarism.

Let me clarify here that the writing ideas and themes have been borrowed, but the content of this book is absolutely original, except for a passage in Chapter 1 that was taken from Baidu and the lyrics.The rest of the content was typed out word by word by myself.

I once said in my testimonials that the reason why I wrote this book was inspired by "Northern School". It is not a novel, but the experience claimed by the author of the Northern School.

Before that, I was obsessed with stealing pens, and I didn't read much serious tomb-robbing novels, but I actually read a lot of them.It was also during this period that I came into contact with some novels about "Wen Duo was misunderstood as a tomb robber", but I found that the author who wrote this kind of article did not dig deep into the element of "tomb robber" at all, but just used it as a gimmick Attracting attention, and then transferred to the re-creation of the same people, not too special.

It's like scratching the surface of one's boots, and you can't see it anymore.At least for me, that's why "I Heard I'm a Tomb Raider" appeared.

In fact, I first wanted to write the second part of "Buddhist Gate", but I couldn't hold back, so I published this book first, and the results were good, so I continued to write.

You don't have to worry about my eunuch, let alone me looking for a ghostwriter.

Although I am lazy, handicapped, mentally unhealthy, and mentally ill, I take every book and every character I create seriously, and the plot is well thought out, and I will not let others About my heart and blood.

Looking for a ghostwriter?nonexistent.

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