Calm down!

This is the first word that comes to mind after searching the Internet for a few days.

For example, if you search for the place name of "Baishan", the first thing to appear is an electronic map, and then a large number of government websites. Even the information that the tourist area is temporarily closed due to safety issues is squeezed to the bottom corner.

The most exaggerated thing is that even the rumor refuting announcement four days ago has been withdrawn.Afterwards, about the avalanche in Baishan, only a few words can be found from sporadic news.

Those who do not believe in evil have checked hot searches and various forums again and again, and most of them can find all kinds of irresponsible speculations. At the moment when the tourist area is closed, there is no evidence, and it is just far-fetched.


This refers to Mei Qian's recent life.

Although the feeling of surveillance was still there, Mei stayed at home, so no accidents really happened.

At least the police didn't break into the house, arrest people and leave.

Not to mention that there are no relevant departments, archaeological bureaus, etc. coming to make connections. Isn't this calm?
It's not that there are smart people who feel that the official Thunder's method of "clearing up the rumors" is unusual.

There are many such things around Mei Qian. For example, a writer friend of his reminded him to be careful and keep in touch with his lawyer at any time.

Some thought that Mei Qian was safe and sound for the time being in the previous video incident, and that the Baishan tourist area was sealed off by the military according to what was said on the Internet.

Some were laughing and laughing, following a group of melon-eaters and making up countless jokes, just to make fun of Mei Qian.

What's more, the words are either cryptic or straightforward, and they just ask themselves, and keep pestering him about whether he has been to Baishan.

However, Mei Qian didn't pay much attention to bosom friends, wine and meat buddies, or even strangers who sneaked into his circle.

Although there is no clue about the new book, "Mythology" is still difficult to produce, and the two scripts have not been sold in Mao Mao's rush, and he has no latest moves.

In the eyes of outsiders, or the police, his life is no different from before, even more homely.

Otaku, as long as you don't go out, it's basically the same...

But from the perspective of Mao Mao and Ning Chi, who are close to him, although his boss is not as panicked as those outsiders with malicious intentions guessed, he is also keenly aware of the slight differences he has shown in recent days. place.

For example, disrupting the plan of not going out until the end of "Mythology", I took the initiative to apply to participate in a small symposium in the south, and started to prepare my luggage two days in advance. It seemed that I couldn't wait.

Regarding this, Ning Chi didn't say anything. Anyway, he was tired of staying in Xiadu. As long as he followed the boss, it didn't matter where he went.

Maomao explicitly objected, not because she was reluctant to separate, but because she really thought about Mei Qian.

The enthusiasm for the adventure video hadn't dissipated completely, and then there was another Baishan avalanche incident. At this time, he suddenly wanted to go out again, for fear that he would cause some trouble again.

It's just that as Mei Qian's boss, the two assistants have no right to change his decision, they can only arrange it with all their heart.

So, did Mei Qian really have a convulsion?

In fact, if at this time, the news of the Baishan Avalanche still spreads all over the Internet like it did on the first day, causing the police to start an investigation and even arrest him and send him to the detention center, Mei Qian would not panic.

But the government intervened in time and began to clean up the Internet vigorously.

Therefore, he immediately checked whether his overseas account was safe.

It doesn't mean that Mei Qian has already made up her mind to abandon her famous career and her hard-earned family business and run away, she still needs to wait and see.

You must know that the life of fleeing incognito is not easy, and besides, there is still a dog system doing things.

If everything is safe and sound, this trip is really good for pure relaxation.

Even if things were not going well, it would be more conducive to his performance than the inland Xiadu. After all, Xiaguo has a long coastline and a long border. According to his ability, smuggling is really easy...

So, on the afternoon of April 4rd, Mei Qian and her younger brother Ning Chi, who was dragging a suitcase, boarded the high-speed train from Xiadu to Shencheng.

Fast and stable, comfortable seats, good signal, as long as there is a mobile phone, the journey will never be boring.

After the car started, Mei Qian immediately asked to have a chicken with Ning Chi, but was ruthlessly rejected.

Surrounded by people, it is not easy to beat the employees, so he can only put down the backrest resentfully, and use short videos to pass the time.

Ning Chi, on the other hand, had no self-consciousness about being a younger brother. After a round, he even held it in front of his eyes as if showing off.

"You really don't know how to write the word dead?" Mei Qian squinted at the other party, then simply put on the blindfold, and fell asleep without looking at the phone.

When he woke up, the car was still driving, but Ning Chi beside him was no longer playing games, but was watching a TV series with his mobile phone.

Scan casually, and see that it is a war drama, the picture quality is good, watching Ning Chi's enthralled appearance, it should be a very good movie.

Mei Qian was also bored, so she grabbed it arrogantly, and after reading the name of the TV series clearly, she returned the phone to the other party.

Then he also put on the earphones, and found this TV series called "Soul Breaking City" to watch.

In other words, Mei Qian is actually somewhat interested in war-themed works.

It's just that this world is a little different from the earth. No, it's strange to say that the ancient myths here are not the same as the earth.

What is strange is that until more than 2000 years ago, the history of the Xia Kingdom here, to be precise, completely coincided with the history of China on Earth.

It wasn't until several hundred years ago that deviations reappeared.

For Mei Qian, if he wants to write novels about wars, especially wars in modern history, he no longer has the advantage of a large amount of information, and it is really difficult to even check a lot of materials that are extremely unfamiliar to him.Therefore, the war novel is only a plan, which has never been realized.

It is also for this reason that he can't empathize with many plots when watching works of this type of subject.It's like watching a fantasy drama, there is no sense of substitution.

However, certain plots in this TV series made Mei Qian feel extremely shocked, and even couldn't help trembling all over her body...

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