Chapter 28 Organs
Seeing the situation inside, Mei Qian's expression became hesitant.

It's not that some horrible trap was discovered, on the contrary, in such a small tomb, several walls can be seen clearly at a glance. The ground should have been paved with pure white marble, but now there are black traces everywhere. Like a burning legacy.

In addition, there is a half-open stone gate directly opposite, carved with auspicious clouds and lotus flowers.

"This is the first mechanism we encountered." You Xiude raised the flashlight and shined it on the roof of the room.

Mei Qian followed the light of his flashlight, and couldn't help being taken aback, because dense round holes could be seen on the top of the entire stone chamber.

"I don't know what I touched at that time. Black fire oil dripped from the roof of the cave in an instant, and it ignited when it touched the air. We lost three brothers." You Xiude seemed to recall some unpleasant memories, and sighed sadly Qi explained a few words briefly, and then walked in first.

It may be that the mechanism has been cracked, or the fire oil above the head has run out, and everyone entered the stone gate safely.

Behind the door is a long corridor, which is much wider than before, enough to accommodate a car.

On both sides of the corridor, you can see complex relief sculptures. Mei Qian casually glanced at them. The sculptures on them are quite realistic, and you can easily tell that they are depicting religious stories.

However, the mercenaries around him didn't have the intention to study these things at all. He slowed down a little and took a second look, and someone urged him from behind.

Of course, Mei Qian was not in the mood for archaeology, she was simply curious.If they refused to let me, I stopped looking to both sides and concentrated on walking.

But as he walked, he smelled a pungent smell of blood, and then saw corpses wearing robes and hoods appearing on both sides of the corridor.

The corpses were pierced by sharp knives protruding from the wall. Judging from the degree of decay, they should have died not long ago. Some corpses had their hands tied with ropes.

Obviously, these are the villagers who were captured by the mercenaries to explore the way.

"Beast!" Ning Chi gritted his teeth and cursed, causing You Xiude to look back.

Mei Qian also frowned, but immediately took a step forward, blocking the other party's sight.

There was displeasure in You Xiude's eyes at first, but after encountering his cold warning eyes, it turned into a smile in an instant, nodded slightly, and turned back again.

This is a smiling tiger, Mei Qian raised his eyebrows, and stretched out his hand to grab Ning Chi, who glanced at him and lowered his head silently.

Even if he saw the corpse again afterward, he only had a livid face, but he didn't say a word, but the clenched fists revealed the injustice in his heart.

Normal people would be outraged by this reckless act of disregarding human life.

Mei Qian is no exception, what's more, he was coerced, and these people also pose a great threat to his life.

Therefore, on the surface, they are not discreet, but in fact they have already begun to plan how to deal with this group of people.

Next, they encountered traps such as rocks and chain flippers, but they were all cracked.

Until everyone arrived at a large underground space.

The entire space is in an irregular oval shape, and the four sides are no longer paved with stone bricks, but a natural rock structure. Only facing the entrance, there is a flat stone wall, and the most conspicuous thing here is a stone wall. A huge stone pillar that can only be surrounded.

When they got here, almost everyone took their steps lightly, as if they were afraid of touching something.

Mei Qian also finally knew why this group of mercenaries with super firepower couldn't move forward.

The top of the stone pillar was densely covered with cracks, and from time to time, some sand and stones would fall from it.

Obviously, that stone wall was the correct path, but they couldn't find the mechanism, so they couldn't enter at all.

Even if blasting is used, the stone pillar supporting the entire space is too old to withstand the huge vibration. If it breaks, everyone will be buried here alive.

"Mr. Mei, I feel that the main tomb is not far away. As long as this wall is opened, the treasures inside are enough for everyone to enjoy." The mercenaries dispersed, and You Xiude walked up to Mei Qian with a smile on his face.

Mei Qian snorted: "I don't believe you didn't understand. The mechanism here is completely different from what I described in the novel. It's a big joke for you to let me, a book writer, come to rob the tomb."

"Teacher Mei really knows how to joke, do you still think we are fools? We are not the police, so we don't care how many ancient tombs you have stolen. After the incident, no one will know the story of what happened here. You go back to China and continue to be a well-known Writers, we can be a rich man with peace of mind." You Xiude paused here, still smiling, but the threatening meaning in his words was no longer concealed: "Open the entrance, I guarantee your personal safety, wait Let's get together and get together after taking the treasure, how about it?"

After being silent for a long time, Mei Qian nodded slowly: "I'll try!"

He had no choice but to agree with it first, because when the other party spoke just now, the danger instinct was triggered, that is to say, at that moment, You Xiude really wanted to kill him, and this group of people was enough to kill him.

He sighed, before he came to the stone wall, the stone wall felt as smooth as a mirror from a distance, but when he got closer, he realized that it was actually covered with reliefs.

There are many villains with exquisite facial features and weird hats carved on it. They are in a temple full of flowers, and they fold their hands together to worship a Buddha statue. temple buildings.

Mei Qian touched it with her hand, but it felt cold, as if it was not an ordinary stone.

It's a pity that he didn't know much about this aspect. After studying for a while, he shook his head and started wandering around the stone pillars.

Of course, there are always mercenaries with guns following him behind him.

During this process, Ning Chi and him could be said to be inseparable. When the two looked at each other, they could clearly see each other's anxiety and anxiety.

Mei Qian gave him a reassuring look, and then continued to grope around pretendingly.

He knew Ning Chi's worries. Desperadoes who could arrest innocent people to explore the way, their promises were worthless.

No matter whether we can find the treasure or not, I am afraid that the fate of myself and Ning Chi will not be good.

Therefore, he is looking for opportunities by relying on the mechanism to crack this ability...

 cough!At least today, I evolved.

(End of this chapter)

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