Chapter 29
Name: Mei Qian

Constitution: 9 (human body limit is 10)

Skills: cooking (beginner), singing (intermediate), fighting (advanced), car driving (intermediate), playing musical instruments (intermediate), Bajiquan (advanced), danger perception (beginner), shrinking bone (beginner), light Body technique (primary), dragon-hunting technique (primary), mechanism cracking (primary), Yuanyuanduxingxuangong (primary), super hearing (primary), night vision (primary).

Warehouse space: 2 cubic meters (Note: It will be full soon, please clean up in time.)
Popularity value: 1534 points

Mei Qian glanced at her attributes, secretly conducted a lottery last night, and obtained the two abilities of super hearing and night vision.

Although he didn't get the firearms proficiency or assassination and absconding skills he wanted most, hearing and night vision were enough for him to use in the underground space.

At that time, relying on his skill, if he operates well, it is not that there is no chance of escaping.

Glancing at You Xiude's group, except for the two who were closely watching, the rest stood not far away, only staring at this direction calmly, as if they were convinced of someone like Mei.

Mei Qian sneered in her heart, but there was no emotion on her face, she still walked around the stone pillar slowly, patting here and there.Only Ning Chi, who was closely beside him, could see that Mei Qian's ears would move slightly every time he groped for a place.

And just when they groped to an angle far away from the stone wall, Mei Qian snorted suddenly, and her body shook as if she couldn't stand still.

Ning Chi subconsciously reached out to help, but Mei Qian turned around him and fell towards a mercenary, and then quickly stepped close to the big mercenary man, and when he lifted his shoulder, the big man flew out and hit another mercenary directly. on the mercenaries.

The two of them couldn't react in time, they turned into rolling gourds, and fell to the ground one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Mei Qian pressed on the cave wall, and a stone slab under his feet suddenly flipped up, and he and the stunned Ning Chi fell down.

Ning Chi didn't react at all, he just felt the scenery in front of him flash by quickly, and then his feet hurt, and the space he was in had changed.

He wanted to open his mouth to ask, but he saw Mei Qian kicked a stone brick next to him, the blow was so powerful that it broke several stone bricks around him.

The gravel fell very quickly, and the sound of iron chains rubbing against the wall came again.

Only then did Mei Qian take a long breath and said: "I destroyed the mechanism, they can't get in for a while, but they can't stop it for a long time, let's go." After finishing speaking, he dragged Ning Chi forward.

This is a secret passage that is neither wide nor high, and it can barely accommodate two people side by side, and the top can be touched with one hand.

But there was no obstacle, so the two ran fast one after the other.

After a while, she walked out and came to a spacious stone room. Mei Qian held Ning Chi back again, and raised her flashlight to look at the stone room.

This stone room is different from the ones I've seen before. The space is wide, and the beam of the flashlight doesn't seem to be able to reach the head. In the quiet and dark environment, I can only see that the two sides are full of mechanical dummies of unknown materials. Looking at the two neatly, it was even more strange and terrifying.

These dummies have different images, some arms are completely replaced by knives and axes, some hold crossbow arrows, and some even hold high stone hammers and shields.

"Follow me, don't miss a single step." Mei Qian first stood still, turned to Ning Chi solemnly and gave instructions, and then raised her legs and stepped forward regardless of his reaction.

Seeing this, Ning Chi could only temporarily swallow the question that came to his lips, and replied.

The ground was paved with beautifully decorated stone bricks, but Mei Qian's steps varied from time to time, and there was no rule in choosing the landing point.Every time they stood on a stone brick, they had to stop and look down for a moment before moving on, so the speed of the two of them was extremely slow.

Thinking of the weapons and equipment carried by You Xiude and the others, he knew that they would catch up sooner or later, but after all, Ning Chi was also someone who had read tomb robbery novels, and he had been warned before, so he didn't dare to urge him at this time, and followed carefully, for fear of stepping on the wrong foot Two people died.

Fortunately, this process didn't last long. After walking to the center of the stone room, Mei Qian seemed to have found a pattern, and her speed increased.

When the two heard the chaotic footsteps behind them in the open environment, the two had safely bypassed the creepy looking traps and successfully entered another corridor.

Mei Qian's expression relaxed a little at this time, and after looking behind him, she dragged Ning Chi into the depths of the tunnel.

"Brother Qian, isn't that stone wall above the real entrance?" At this moment Ning Chi finally couldn't help being curious and asked.

"I don't know, but I feel it's more dangerous inside." Mei Qian replied casually.

"Is it more dangerous than here?" Ning Chi was taken aback for a moment, just because the other party's prudent and careful look was enough to make him feel excited, did not expect there to be a more powerful mechanism than this?I couldn't help thinking of the quicksand, mercury, corpse poison and other anti-theft methods described in the novel, and my heart felt cold.

This corridor is even shorter, and it seems to end without saying a few words.

The front is no longer a stone chamber, but a natural cave, and the sound of dripping water can be clearly heard.

Ning Chi used the flashlight to shine on both sides, without any artificial traces. Suddenly, he turned his hand and cast the light beam on a large group of densely packed creatures not far away, and then shone forward. All that caught his eyes were black and red centipedes. In groups, almost covered the entire cave.

"So many centipedes?" He couldn't help gasping, feeling goosebumps all over his body.

Mei Qian didn't care, and comforted him: "Don't worry, these bugs won't attack us." Then, he quickened his pace.

Ning Chi swallowed, and could only keep up.

Sure enough, those poisonous insects such as centipedes and scorpions with terrifying shapes seemed to be afraid of something, and they avoided everything wherever they went.

At this moment, Ning Chi finally felt relieved, and instead stared closely at Mei Qian in front of him, thinking of the plot in the Tomb Raider novel, does Brother Qian have a special blood?Mosquitoes do not invade?

"Because I'm going to the Gobi desert, I brought insect repellent." Sensing his suspicion, Mei Qian explained, then added after a pause: "Well, I didn't expect it to be very useful."

Seemingly afraid that he would ask another question, Mei Qian suddenly changed the subject: "Xiao Ning, what do you think about murder?"

Ning Chi was stunned: "Murder? Never thought about this topic." After a long time, he blinked and forced a smile: "No, Brother Qian, I saw your secret, and you want to kill me? I... ..."

He wanted to go on, but raised his eyes to meet Mei Qian's extremely solemn expression, and was about to say something, but suddenly heard violent gunshots behind him, mixed with screams.

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, I actually don't want to do this." Mei Qian began to sigh.

Ning Chi suddenly realized the meaning of the other party's words.

Thinking about it, You Xiude's group of mercenaries must have triggered some kind of deadly mechanism without the guidance of Mei Qian, who is "proficient in tomb robbers".

Recalling the countless organmen in the stone room, he couldn't help shivering.

(End of this chapter)

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