Chapter 8 Rejection

Coming out of the confinement room, Mei Qian was taken directly to the director's office without any time to tidy up.

At this time, six or seven people inside were gathered in front of the computer, pointing at the surveillance records inside and discussing in low voices without stopping.

Police officer Zhang Yu shook the mouse with a solemn expression, several scenes of Mei Qian kicking in the video were played repeatedly.

After a long time, he calmly said: "Who would have thought that Mei Qian is definitely a dangerous person after looking at a gentle writer, so..." He turned his head to look at the middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses beside him, and persuaded : "Captain Yang, I personally object to the proposal of your archaeological team. Mei Qian wants to escape, but there are not many people who can stop him. What if there is an accident in the middle? Although you are protected by our police, if the other party is caught by surprise , it is difficult to guarantee your personal safety. Even if you wear restraints, I don't feel at ease."

"But the excavation work has come to a standstill, and we are also in a hurry." Captain Yang pushed his glasses, with a sad look on his face: "If you can't get in, you can't know the damage of the cultural relics inside. If Mei Qian can help, the progress will be sure." It will be faster."

"I know, since the higher authorities have approved it, there must be considerations, but I reserve my opinion. And Mei Qian has not admitted that he has robbed the ancient tomb until now, I guess..." Zhang Yu sighed and shook his head, wanting to persuade him again.

At this moment, a "report" came from outside the door, and the director of the detention center responded, and with the sound of iron chains, Mei Qian walked in.

After a brief introduction by the director, everyone sat down one by one.

However, Mei Qian was sitting far away on a bench against the wall, while the rest of them were sitting on a soft sofa, with a coffee table and a few meters away in the middle, clearly distinguishing each other.

Captain Yang, however, stood all the time, waited for Mei Qian to sit down, and went straight to the point, explaining his purpose of coming.

It turned out that he was the deputy captain in charge of the archaeological excavation of the Dongshan Warring States Tomb. The earthquake last month found an ancient tomb site in Xinglin Mountain, Dongshan Province. According to the survey, the ancient tomb should belong to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

However, the only thing exposed by the earthquake was the accompanying burial pit with an astonishing scale, and the main tomb has not yet been identified.The progress was obviously delayed.

"So, I came here this time to ask Mr. Mei if he has any clues to provide since he is so familiar with this ancient tomb."

Before he knew it, Captain Yang had already walked in front of Mei Qian, bent down and handed over a stack of photos.

Mei Qian was silent, and held it in his hand after a while, but he didn't look at it, but looked up at the other party: "How do you think I'm familiar with that tomb of the Warring States period, just because you found a 'corpse'? Then you But I asked the wrong person, I’m just a bad book writer, so I don’t know anything about ancient tombs.”

"The location of the ancient tomb, the scenery and even the layout of the burial room are exactly the same as those described in your novel. How could you not understand?"

"Since they are exactly the same, why are you looking for them according to the novel? Why bother to ask me." Mei Qian somewhat hated communicating with such a condescending person, it was too tiring.

"This... there are still some differences, and we can temporarily bring you into the archaeological team, which is also good for you, and you will get a corresponding opportunity to reduce your sentence based on your contribution." Captain Yang said in a comforting tone.

"Sorry, I'm just a criminal suspect, not a criminal yet. Would commuting my sentence help me?" Mei Qian raised his eyebrows. He didn't believe that there were no capable people in the archaeological team. Even if there were none, wouldn't it be hard for them to find real tomb robbers ?Isn't it easier to ask yourself?Since no one else could do it, it was a waste of effort for him to go alone to write a book.

And it's okay if you can't find the main tomb. If you find it, wouldn't it confirm your identity as a tomb robber?It's hard and thankless, only fools go.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Zhang Yu, who was silent on the opposite side, and said seriously: "Again, I won't fight tomb robbing Feng Shui, it's useless for you to find me."

"Mei Qian, we found several robbery holes in this burial pit, and there was an earthquake before. The protection and excavation of the ancient tomb is urgent. If you can provide useful clues, or even help us find the ancient tomb yourself, that would be great." The great achievement is beneficial to you personally and our Archaeological Bureau, I hope you don't get angry and seize this rare opportunity." Captain Yang frowned, and his voice became louder.

Mei Qian stuffed the stack of materials back to the other party, then lowered his head, no matter what others said, he just closed his eyes and did not speak again.

It was police officer Zhang Yu who invited the others out, saying that he would stay and try to persuade him.

"Come and sit." Only Zhang Yu and the recorder who had glared at Mei Qian were left in the room. He stepped forward to pull Mei Qian up and brought him to the sofa. After he sat down, he offered a cigarette, lit it, and asked with a smile. :"How are you?"

"It's not bad, it's quite clean." Mei Qian took a puff greedily, he wasn't too addicted to cigarettes, but after all, he hadn't touched it for several days, so it was strange.

"Beating someone will definitely be punished. This is the rule, and no one can do anything about it." Zhang Yu obviously knew his situation, lit cigarettes for himself and his companions, and said: "But this time the opportunity is good, I think you should cooperate a bit."

"Look, am I not cooperative enough?" Mei Qian raised her hands, showed her handcuffs, and smiled: "To be honest, this is really not a place for people to stay, there is no freedom, no human rights, the food is unpalatable and there are many rules. I have to call for a report, and it’s rare to be able to smoke in the wind, and several people have to smoke a cigarette. When the guard interrogates, I have to squat while others are sitting, which is too disrespectful.”

Mei Qian put out the cigarette butt, and sighed: "I'm counting the days on my fingers, and I really want to go outside to get some fresh air, but Captain Yang can't do what Captain Yang asked, maybe you can force me to identify the scene, But I am not a grave robber, so there will be no results."

Seeing that he had finished smoking, Zhang Yu took out another cigarette as a signal, and then handed it over to light it after seeing him nodding: "Then I won't persuade you anymore, but you are so stubborn, it wastes our energy and our time, why don't you know Tell us everything, let us handle the case quickly, and you can be convicted earlier, the prison is much more comfortable than here."

"In your eyes, I am a criminal, but I believe that I will walk out of this door innocently." Mei Qian pouted: "Thinking about it from another angle, at least the work and rest in this crappy place are on time, and the food is light. The bad things I have done can be cured. It’s good to just live like this. Anyway, I have time and can afford to accompany you, and your case-handling agency has money and can afford to pay. This is a rare experience. Maybe after I go out, I will I will write a novel based on my own experience, called "The Diary of a Killer", and then you will not arrest me again, will you?"

Zhang Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, then suddenly glanced at the computer in the distance, and laughed again: "That's not necessarily true..."

(End of this chapter)

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