Chapter 9 Accident
Mei Qian did not let go, the archaeological team returned without success, as he said, he is a suspect, not a criminal, not to mention how cumbersome the procedure is to take the detainees out, Mei Qian will bite to death If they don't cooperate, they can't help it.

And Mei Qian was not taken back to the confinement room. At his request, the guard took him to the bathroom.

Well, before taking a bath, I even offered to shave my head bald.

After all, I will stay in the confinement room for a few days. There is no faucet there, and I can't wash my hair with cold water.

It will be very itchy on the head, it is not as refreshing and clean as this.

At last he looked like a criminal.He thought to himself.

A total of ten days of confinement passed quickly. After some inspections and in-depth discussions with discipline, Mei Qian finally got rid of the shackles and was assigned to an ordinary cell.

The new leader is good, and he has been given a good place in the bunk.The rest of the roommates were also warm and kind, and even the two felons in shackles were polite to him.Not to mention the tragic incident in which the legendary newcomers were "taught by the rules".

And there are acquaintances inside, Ning Chi, whom he met in the transitional cell, is also there.

However, on the first day, Mei Qian didn't look like she was smiling, she sat cross-legged against the wall, sometimes closed her eyes and lowered her head, sometimes stared at the top of her head in a daze.

Others thought that he was not in a good state of mind just after he came out of the confinement room, so he didn't want to ask more questions, and he was even more scruples and dared not comfort him.

They didn't know that Mei Qian lowered her head to inspect the new things in the warehouse.Looking up, he doubted his life with a few new skills that appeared on the attribute panel.

In fact, he has actually been in this state for several days.

[100-year-old black donkey's hoof X5: made of glutinous rice, shaped like a donkey's hoof, with the blessing of Maoshan's secret technique, it is the only magic weapon to restrain corpses. 】

【Spirit of Transformation: Turning grievances into spirits can protect the common people. After carrying them, snakes and insects will not be hurt, and ghosts and gods will be avoided. 】

Why don't you give me a seal, blessed by the heavenly officials, with no taboos, isn't it more like a tomb robber in your hand?
No wonder he was so slanderous, the lottery system was normal except for giving him a bottle of Big Return Pill, after that it was like having a convulsion, what kind of underworld thing is this?

Couldn't help calling up the panel again.

Name: Mei Qian

Constitution: 9 (human body limit is 10)

Skills: cooking (beginner), singing (intermediate), fighting (advanced), car driving (intermediate), playing musical instruments (intermediate), Bajiquan (advanced), danger perception (beginner), shrinking bone (beginner), light Body technique (primary), dragon-hunting technique (primary), mechanism cracking (primary), original wish crossing Xuangong (primary).

Warehouse space: 2 cubic meters (Note: It will be full soon, please clean up in time.)
Popularity value: 7653 points

Among these newly added skills, aside from other things, light body technique and danger intuition are still very useful. As for the original wish to cross the line, it is the inner power of the Buddhist sect, and he relied on this to get through the days when there is no tablet Confinement for the remaining days.

But finding dragons, cracking mechanisms, and shrinking bones are all unreasonable. Hey, add a black donkey's hoof and a spirit seal, and it's really a punishment! ! !
He touched his bald head, and had an ominous premonition that he was getting farther and farther away from a stable life...
It has to be said that ordinary prison cells have a lot less rules than transitional prison cells and are relatively more comfortable.

In the following days, apart from dealing with Zhang Yu's interrogation, he basically stayed in the cell.

After two or three days, I got acquainted with my roommates, and I was surprised to find that they are all very kind people, who speak nicely and treat others warmly.

For example, when cleaning, there will always be someone to help, especially Ning Chi, who finishes his work quickly every time and then takes the initiative to help him.

Because of a mistake, even if Mao Mao has enough money in his account, he still cannot buy snacks and daily necessities, but he is not sad.

Someone always buys it for him, instant noodles and spicy noodles are willing to share with him, and there is no shortage of cigarettes during the wind.

Sometimes he feels that his treatment is almost the same as that of the death row prisoner who is in shackles and needs to be taken care of, but he is a little embarrassed.

It's worth mentioning that when it's the night's turn, the roommates are also very polite. When they wake him up, they give him a gentle ponytail. No matter how old he is, they respectfully call him "big brother".

"Brother Qian, eat a chicken drumstick!"

It was another weekend. After dinner, everyone had their own entertainment.

Ning Chi dug out his collection and moved closer.

Mei Qian glanced at the vacuum-packed chicken drumsticks, which cost seven or eight yuan each, so they were naturally not that big.

He took it, tore open the package, tore off a small piece, and returned the rest: "Thank you, please wait until I buy it."

Counting the days, a month has passed, and he probably won't be able to go out, but then he can buy things to pay back favors.

Those who gave things in the cell can remember it.

Ning Chi chuckled, and then walked towards another person. In the end, two bags of 100g chicken legs were divided among twelve people. In fact, it was just a taste, but everyone ate happily.

If it's a different place, I'm afraid everyone in the cell will look down on this thing.

The only thing to blame is that the money that can be bought here is fixed every month, and what can be bought is limited, so it can only be exchanged for things or shared together, which is considered a pleasure in hardship.

Mei Qian has a strong ability to adapt, and now she can stare at the TV for a long time even though it is the news program she least liked in the past.

He felt that if he stayed here again, he would lose touch with the outside world.

"Brother Qian, what's so good about TV, tell us about your novel about tomb robbers, and why are you so good, you can kick through walls with one kick." Ning Chi sat down with a smile on his face.

As soon as his words fell, the people nearby turned their heads, and then there was a voice of agreement.

Mei Qian took a look at Ning Chi, she definitely couldn't talk about tomb-robbing novels, if she said it was high and bragging, and the people here made a fuss in order to make meritorious deeds, it would be just asking for trouble for herself.

But there is nothing to hide about kung fu, and he even knows a lot about it.

After all, all the skills the system draws are elementary skills, and they need to practice hard to improve them. Without his physique, others will only be able to improve their health if they know about it.

Coughing dryly, he turned his body to the crowd, ready to talk about it.

Everyone seemed very interested and came together one after another.

But before Mei Qian could speak, she suddenly frowned, made a silent gesture, and hurriedly turned her head back to the TV on the wall.

I saw that the host on the TV looked down at the script and said solemnly: "Now there is a news that an accident happened in the ancient tombs of the Warring States Period that the Dongshan Provincial Archaeological Team is excavating. Due to unknown reasons, a large number of mountains collapsed, and some people were trapped. ,specific……"

(End of this chapter)

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