Chapter 84 Prey?

While many were attrition, the break didn't last long.

After recovering a little bit, the team leader Xie Shao gave the order to set off and told everyone to speed up.

After all, there are still suspects at large, and they must be caught first.

And it was almost evening, and they had lost contact with the rear for too long, and they didn't know what the consequences would be.

Furthermore, there are still monsters in the valley staring at them. If it is really dark, it will be more beneficial for sneak attacks, and it will be a big trouble.

The soldiers present, including Mei Qian, a blind soldier, were very aware of this, so they didn't have any complaints.

It has to be said that this valley is really long. Mei Qian thought that after tossing around for so long, she should see the exit, but she didn't expect that after 10 minutes of rapid march, the two sides were still vertical and towering mountain walls.

What's worse, the road became narrower and narrower, and at the end, there was only a small crack left on the top of the head, and the light coming through was weak and dim, making it impossible to see the way forward at all.

The soldiers had to turn on their tactical flashlights and slow down.

The dark passage had no effect on Mei Qian, she could clearly see the bones that appeared on the road from time to time, and occasionally there were unknown bugs wandering around, and then she was frightened and quickly hid in a corner.The sound of their crawling made the silent space even more eerie and terrifying.

Suddenly, the ears of the two police dogs flicked and they barked uncomfortably.

"Everyone be careful." Xie Shao warned, and the next moment, all the soldiers raised their guns and stared closely at the front.

But the crisis didn't just come from the opposite side. On the mountain walls on both sides, several black shadows flashed like lightning.

Not to mention that the flashlight beam can't keep up, even Mei Qian's night eyes can't see the real appearance of things climbing on the mountain wall at this speed.

But after all, he had seen similar monsters before, and he couldn't help but be vigilant secretly.

To his surprise, knowing that he was going to face an unknown monster, except for the small commotion at the beginning, under Xie Shao's strict order, everyone reacted quickly and formed a defensive formation.

Mingming Mei Qian could clearly see that the faces of many soldiers were already covered with nervous sweat, but the hands holding the guns were still steady, and their tactical movements were executed meticulously.

What's more, without anyone's orders, the special police beside them spontaneously protected the three of Mei Qian to the innermost side.

Mei Qian lowered his eyes, and the light flashed in his eyes.

In the morning, they accidentally stepped into the range of firefights. Regardless of their safety, the special police ran over to support them under the hail of bullets, and later distributed the bulletproof vests and helmets to him.

This is why he would rather take the risk of being exposed than help these people in front of him.

Regardless of whether the other party is out of public interest or acting habits, good intentions and favors, he has long kept it in mind.

And as the barking of the police dog became more and more urgent, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

However, it seems that because of the large number of people in the team, although the environment is favorable for sneak attacks, those monsters did not attack immediately, but hid themselves in the dark, making shrill calls from time to time, as if they were communicating remotely.

Taking advantage of this time, Xie Shao called the cruel team leader to his side, and after a few whispered instructions, he patted the other party on the shoulder and walked from the leading position to the middle of the team. The player's pistol was drawn from his body.

He didn't say anything until he got close, and gave one of them to Ning Chi, who was unarmed, then turned to Mei Qian, hesitated a little, and handed over his own gun.

Mei Qian looked down at the gun that was obviously different from the other team members, and with a twist of his mouth, he refused embarrassingly: "Well, can you give me a dagger?"

"Pfft!" A chuckle came from behind, needless to say, it must be that bastard Ning Chi.

At this time, Mei Qian didn't have the heart to care about it at all, so she could only write it down in a small notebook.

He is very self-aware, and feels that it is safer to be empty-handed than to accidentally injure someone with a gun.

On the contrary, Xie Shao looked at him with some surprise, then retracted the pistol expressionlessly, drew out a dagger for him, then returned to the periphery of the defensive circle without looking at him.

Mei Qian watched him leave, but secretly sighed in her heart, just now the voice of the other party and the cruel captain was very low, but he heard clearly.

Because Xie Shao had fought monsters before, he probably felt that this mission was more ominous, so he asked the team leader to escort Mei Qian and the three of them back as soon as possible if something went wrong.

As soon as this order came out, the squad leader was obviously broken, and could no longer maintain his cold appearance, looking devastated.

But Xie Shao kept his face straight, not showing any emotion, fixed his eyes on a dark place on the mountain wall, waited for the monsters to approach, and ordered to fire.

Mei Qian also had contact with monsters, but she didn't find anything difficult to deal with.

However, just listening to the cries, there were five monsters around. He was confident that he could deal with them one by one, but he was not sure that the others would be safe after killing them.

He was thinking about possible solutions in his mind, and he didn't know whether it was the snarling of the police dog that broke the fragile balance, or the monster's communication ended.

Without any warning, five shadows jumped down the mountain wall almost at the same time, attacking the crowd.

Their speed was extremely fast. Under the strong light of the tactical flashlight and the light from the sky, the black armor glowed with a strange streamer, and they arrived in front of them in an instant.

The gunshots that shook the entire space also sounded at the same time.

Although, the monster's armor is hard, bullets can't do much damage at all.

But the dense bullets still played a role, and among the countless shining sparks, those monsters were successfully resisted outside the defensive circle.

Of course, everyone present knew in their hearts that as the prey of this hunting operation, human beings did not actually have an advantage in the face of such powerful monsters, even though they possessed powerful weapons.

It is worth mentioning that these monsters seem to have dealt with firearms before, and after the first wave of attacks were blocked, they slowly chose to retreat.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Mei Qian suddenly reminded loudly.

But before his voice fell, one of the five monsters fell to the ground with all four limbs, and then suddenly jumped, the black figure flew high, turning into a black arc in the air, landing right in the middle of the team, it Actually want to avoid the outer defense, know how to break through the defense circle from the inside.

The crowd subconsciously exclaimed, their guns were pointed in mid-air, but unfortunately the monster moved too fast, even with Mei Qian's reminder, it was half a step too late, and all the bullets missed.

At this moment, a figure reacted faster than the others, jumping up with a height and speed beyond the limit of human beings, just in time to meet the monster about to land in mid-air, and saw a flash of white light.

The soldier who saw this scene only thought that his eyes were dazzled, but at the next moment, with a mournful howl, the monster backed up with splashing black blood, hit the ground heavily, rolled a few times and passed away. No more sound...

 Well, there's one more chapter!But it will be early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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