Chapter 85

With the heavy landing sound, everyone's eyes were unconsciously drawn to the ground ahead.

Even the remaining four monsters stopped moving.

As soon as the gunfire ceased, only the echo and the softer sound of the wind remained.

Not long after that, there was only an eerie silence in the narrow passage of the valley.

But Mei Qian didn't stay where she was and pretend to be aggressive after one move, accepting everyone's admiration and admiration.

Before the monster could react, he tapped his toes on the ground, quickly bypassed the soldiers in front of him, and arrived in front of another monster in an instant, followed by another flash of cold light...

When she was on the ghost ship, Mei Qian had fought with monsters before, so she had some understanding of this kind of species, whether it was transformed from humans or evolved from bugs.

Although he pierced the chest with a knife last time, he had long suspected that the opponent's weakness was in the throat, but unfortunately it was blocked by the long chin, and the bullet could not penetrate.

And all these conjectures have just been verified.

Although monsters will subconsciously protect their own vital points, as long as Mei Qian swings the knife fast enough to defeat the enemy with one move, it's just a matter of slightly tilting the dagger at an angle when making the move.

This posture is definitely awkward, and you can't use your full strength.

But the sharp dagger is enough to cut open the monster's neck, no matter how deep it is, the goal has been achieved anyway.

Because of close combat, the special police didn't have confidence in their marksmanship, so they didn't dare to shoot at will.

That's how they enjoyed a killing show by the beam of the flashlight.

The identities of the hunter and the prey were successfully exchanged. This process did not give people visual stimulation, and it was not bloody. Even the movements of the killer could not be seen clearly by everyone present, which was even more unscientific.

However, the person in front of him was simply waving his hands. In less than a minute, he solved four monsters that gave the special police a headache and even thought of fighting to the death.

Most beings are born to understand fear, and are afraid of death, and monsters are no exception. Amidst the short low whistle, the last monster stared at Mei Qian who was walking towards it, while slowly backing away.

Immediately afterwards, the monster that was still approaching ferociously wailed, turned around and ran towards the mountain wall.It seems that he intends to climb away from the killing star in front of him.

How could Mei Qian make it wishful?

The figure was three points faster than before, and it was almost a dodge to get behind the monster. Unlike the previous fatal move, this time he first kicked the fleeing monster to the ground, and then took advantage of the opponent's fall In an instant, the dagger pierced the monster's exposed throat...

Not long after, after confirming that there were no more lurking monsters around, the team began to rest on the spot.

Xie Shao walked up to the corpse of a monster and kicked it with his feet: "I'm afraid this is a new species, right? It's a pity. But it's good, so this guy won't sneak up on him secretly."

As for the words "pity", it's just a talk. He is not a scientific researcher, and any new scientific discoveries are obviously not as important as the safety of his own team members.

Mei Qian smiled, pulled out the dagger, intending to return it to him.

Xie Shao shook his head again and again, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "I see you off." He said and handed over the scabbard.

The other party's smile was blunt, but Mei Qian felt that kind of kindness. This dagger was well-made, and it was not ordinary at first glance. It was probably the other party's treasure. It was necessary to be polite, and after a little hesitation, he thanked him and put the dagger with its sheath in his arms.

Seeing this, Xie Shao was really satisfied, nodded at him, and went to see the team member who sprained his ankle due to nervousness.

Zhang Yu also leaned over, staring at Mei Qian as if meeting him for the first time, with admiration in his mouth.

But before he could ask what he wanted to ask, Ning Chi, who was behind Mei Qian, stared at the country bumpkin stabbed him internally, and forgot all the words that came out of his mouth.

But he didn't know that after being baptized by the ghost ship, Ning Chi was familiar with everything.

After thinking hard, I finally came up with a sentence: "Just now I had an illusion that you are more like a monster than those on the ground."

He knew that Mei Qian was very skilled, and he had witnessed the other party fighting a group of mandrills alone, but the speed and decisiveness that Mei Qian showed before completely surpassed his cognition, even if he knew the other party very well, he couldn't help but sigh.

"You dare to scold me, I will remember." Mei Qian was in a good mood at the moment, and also made a joke casually.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his ears moved suddenly, and he shouted again hastily: "Everyone, leave quickly, there are insects coming."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, but Ning Chi trembled, as if thinking of some uncomfortable scene, his complexion became a little ugly.

However, relying on his strong combat power, Mei Qian already had a great say in this team. As soon as he said it, Xie Shao didn't even think about it, so he stopped reprimanding a certain team member and ordered the whole team to set off.

But before leaving, Mei Qian asked the team doctor for medical alcohol, sprinkled some on each monster's corpse, and lit them one by one with a lighter.

Sure enough, no matter how hard the monster's skin was after death, it quickly turned into a big fireball when it touched the flame.

Then, a familiar vision flooded into his breath, Mei Qian waved his hand quickly, and everyone left quickly.

But not long after they left, the black tide formed by the swarm of insects covered them behind them, rushing toward the burning flames like suicide.

Mei Qian doesn't have mass phobia, but he doesn't want to watch the sea of ​​insects again, anyway, he just finds those insects that can eat people not pleasing to the eye, and he hears the rustling sound getting louder and louder behind him, and together with the others, he quickens his pace again .

Don't even think about it, how much mistake he has made for the progress of science by killing monsters and setting fire to the corpse.

Fortunately, there are no biologists here, otherwise, because of the debt, he, Mei, would really become a public enemy of the scientific community! ! !

Without the hidden threat of monsters, the two police dogs leading the way also behaved extremely cheerfully, and everyone walked out of the valley without any risk.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is out of the valley, but it is not as narrow as before, and the mountains on both sides are even higher, but because of the open space, the sun is pouring down.

But with the scene in front of him, even Mei Qian, who was practicing Buddhist Kung Fu, couldn't help but stop breathing for a moment.

It was already evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun gave everything a faint blush.

Even the sky is red, and the clouds seem to be pressed very low in the strange environment until they fall down, as if adding another crown to the Buddha statues on both sides.

Yes, the cliffs on both sides were carved into huge Buddha statues by the ancestors. I don’t know what material these two mountains are made of. Not a single blade of grass grows, and even the whole body of the Buddha statue is black. They stand with their palms together and look down at their feet at a slightly inclined angle. The faces of sentient beings are hidden in the shadow of the backlight, and they can't see clearly all the time.

All of this looks sacred but horrifying, with weirdness in the peace.

This kind of contradictory fusion gives people a visual and spiritual impact, which cannot be described in words.

And in this weird atmosphere, the only ones who were not affected were the two police dogs.

They still lead the way dutifully, perhaps because they were surprised that the Twolegs behind them stopped, and then turned around and barked twice.

All the people finally came back to their senses and sighed one after another. Fortunately, they were resolute and easily got rid of it.

"I have an ominous premonition. I have encountered so many difficulties before I arrive at the place. How huge is the cemetery of the lord of the Great Changhe Kingdom? Once I go to the tomb, will there be many traps and dangers?" Zhang Yu's worried whisper came over.

Mei Qian's heart sank, no wonder the old man Bai said that he sent several waves to come here before and there was no news, it was the Lost Forest and the swarm, and even five monsters appeared.This time, if I didn't have the spirit seal, I'm afraid I would have to confess to the valley.

Indeed, as Zhang Yu said, the periphery is so dangerous, one can imagine how terrifying the real tomb must be.

At this moment, even Mei Qian, who considers himself a young master of tomb robbers, is at a loss...

However, they didn't allow them to think for long. Under the leadership of the police dog, everyone just passed by the feet of the Buddha statue and saw an open black hole in front of them.

"It was blasted." A soldier pointed to the scattered stone slabs and said.

"This should be the entrance of the tomb. The suspect has already entered?" Xie Shao frowned, and then solemnly told everyone: "I don't know what's going on in the tomb, but there must be many risks. Everyone should stay vigilant and follow the instructions. People must not mess with anything inside, understand?"

After getting feedback from the team members, he arranged for half of them to guard the entrance of the cave as a backup support force.

Originally, Mei Qian and the other three were not allowed to go to the tomb, but even Xie Shao knew the great name of the tomb-robber patriarch. After being persuaded by Zhang Yu, he agreed to accompany the request.

And Ning Chi, who was eager to fight, could only stay outside depressed because he was an "insignificant" assistant.

Before leaving, Xie Shao gave another instruction, and then walked into the entrance of the cave first.

As soon as you enter, there is a corridor, but it can only allow two people to walk side by side, and there is no decoration on the walls, which looks extremely simple.

But the team entering the tomb didn't dare to be careless, and they all moved forward carefully and slowly, for fear of touching some deadly mechanism.

Probably because of the fact that she had just entered the tomb, although Mei Qian was always vigilant, she was not as nervous as others.

In his opinion, the institutions do exist, but he doesn't know whether they are poorly preserved or too old. Except for a few sporadic ones, they are all stuck.

Even if there is a fish that slipped through the net, it is likely that the old man will destroy it. The scattered arrows on the ground are evidence.

Surprisingly, this corridor is not long. Even if everyone walked forward cautiously and approached at the slowest speed, within a few minutes, they saw an open stone gate.

A police dog that was brought down suddenly barked, and everyone stopped in a hurry, raised their guns, and faced the empty stone gate with vigilance.

Mei Qian frowned lightly, and stared forward in amazement.

Because, at this moment, there is a strange sound coming from the stone gate.

The voice seemed to be crying or laughing, with soft whispers and the sound of smashing things.

"There seems to be light!" a soldier whispered.

Indeed, although the space inside seemed large, the flickering light source could be clearly seen.

But out of caution, Xie Shao did not order to rush in, but squatted in place, waiting quietly.

"It should be very safe inside. It's been a long time. If there is an accident, the old man Bai will have already yelled." Mei Qian listened attentively, and after a long time his complexion became extremely strange.

"Go!" Xie Shao gave an order, and everyone rushed in hastily.

The space inside is indeed very large. Under the light of a dozen tactical flashlights, it is clear that there are old wooden boxes all around. Most of these boxes have decayed, and the cloth and copper wires inside are presented in front of everyone.

In the center of the hall, the one with disheveled hair was the old white man, but he turned a blind eye to the special policemen rushing in at this time, and was still smashing a corpse with a flashlight.

While smashing, a series of strange sounds came out of his mouth, like crying or laughing.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but there were still two soldiers who stepped forward and took a lot of effort to completely subdue him.

But even though he was handcuffed, the white old man kept struggling, his face was ferocious, his cheeks were full of tears, but he was smiling like crazy.

"He seems to be crazy!" Xie Shao raised his hand and shook it in front of the other party, and couldn't help frowning.

"Could it be bewitched?" Zhang Yu leaned close to Mei Qian's ear and asked in a low voice.

Mei Qian froze, glared at him angrily, and sighed in her heart. She ignored everyone and walked around the hall, and finally confirmed that this is really the tomb of the chief and the king, and there is no burial at all. chamber, ear chamber or secret chamber.

Finally, he turned his attention to the funerary objects around him.

Except for a few pieces of gold in the open-centre chest, the rest of the wooden chests undoubtedly contained cloth and copper coins, eh?There are more than a dozen boxes of shells in the corner?
Probably because more than 1000 years have passed, the original color of these can't be distinguished clearly, and the weathering is extremely serious, it seems that it will be blown away.

As for the rusty copper coins, the strings on them had long since disappeared, and the copper coins fell to the ground without any rules.

It turns out that this is the treasure that the Dachanghe Kingdom relies on to restore the country...

Thinking about it, the old man spent a lot of energy, killed so many subordinates, and went through untold hardships to enter the tomb, but in the end...

It's like you have prepared your mind well, gritted your teeth and prepared to welcome the arrival of heavy objects, but unexpectedly, what you got was actually a light feather, but due to too much preparation, under improper force, you flashed your waist .

Mei Qian suddenly understood the old man's state at this time, and looked at him with sympathy.

In fact, seeing everything here, he also wanted to laugh.It's just too ironic.

"It's better if there's no danger, we can go back sooner." Zhang Yu seemed to be in the same mood as he was, with a strange expression on his face, as he said something resembling comfort.

Naturally, it was not Mei Qian's turn to take care of the finishing work. He didn't know what the special police would do with these cultural relics, and he was not in the mood to look at the "trap" in the tomb, so he walked out with the soldiers escorting the old man.

However, in the corridor, originally he wanted to see how crazy the old man was, but he didn't expect the other party's next murmur, which made him froze on the spot.

Perhaps because he was far away from the bones and burial objects, the old man Bai is not as crazy as before, but he still keeps mumbling: "Where is the seal? Where is the seal of Hualing hidden? Why isn't it here, why isn't it..."

Repeatedly, that's it.

Mei Qian came back to her senses very quickly, and followed the special police out of the graveway as if nothing had happened, and sat down on the gravel board, facing the red clouds in the sky, and lit a cigarette for herself...

 Originally, I only wanted to code [-] characters, but it was confiscated...

  Is it a big chapter?

  Scrolling for all kinds of tickets
(End of this chapter)

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