Civilization of the Stars: I loaded the mod

Chapter 109 Event: Popular Opinion Rush

Chapter 109 Event: Popular Opinion Rush

"I'm not Dore Amon, and the information doesn't come from the wind."

Wang Haorao rolled his eyes amusedly. Although Ao Nuo couldn't understand what Dore A Meng was, he could still hear Master Gudu's tone.

"Then... since it is a habitable world of the Gaia type, Mr. Gudu, is there any indigenous race on it, and when are we going to colonize it?"

Ono tried with a serious face.

Colonizing alien planets has been fantasized by Gudu people hundreds of years ago.

The planet Gaia in the X galaxy already had an owner, coupled with the history of the homologous human species of the isolated star cluster and the responsibility of the "Nirvana Project", they did not rush to occupy that habitable planet in the end.

Of course there are other reasons.

Such as: Raising the massacre knife to the weak is not allowed by the glory of the Gudu people, the physiological difference between the indigenous people and the Gudu people is too large, the technological gap is too large, and the Gudu civilization has no experience in integrating the indigenous people into the interstellar civilization...

These are the problems that invade indigenous civilizations.

It is easy to start a war, and it is also easy to rely on war to occupy a planet, but taking over the mess of the natives after the war is a difficult problem.

Fortunately, the Gudu civilization seems to be very lucky. There is also a new habitable world in the second unknown galaxy that is explored outward, but it is not known whether there is a human race.

"There are no indigenous species on it, so we can move around with confidence."

Wang Hao glanced at the system panel. On it was the star map of the third star system investigated by the Gudu Civilization—the Elimaden Galaxy.

"Elimaden's habitable planet is located in the orbit of the third planet. It is about the same size as the Magic Star in the X galaxy, and there is no indigenous civilization."

"But we won't be colonizing for a short time, you just wait to receive the data after the scientific research ship."

Colonization cannot be colonized temporarily.

The fact that there are livable planets in the Alimaden galaxy will take a while, and it will be announced after Aisha’s investigation is completed. Recently, public opinion has been drawn to the slums with great difficulty. Some effects will be greatly reduced.

What's more, the empire's alloys are pitifully low, and consumer goods are also insufficient. Gudu civilization is still a long way from the first colonization.

"It's good for you to know this first, it's not time for colonization yet."

"Okay, I've said what I have to say, you can continue to work, I'll go shopping after a while."

"You walk slowly."

One last thing to mention, under Aonuo's salute, Wang Hao disappeared immediately.

After leaving Ono's office, he went straight to the hospital in the city after a brief stroll.

Wang Hao is going to appease poor Dabai.

Relying on the convenience of civilization incarnation, it is easy to find directions.

When Dabai was found, somewhere in the central hospital, a spherical Dabai was floating in the air. Under the embarrassing expression of the doctor's lady, she tried to get the disease certificate issued by the doctor.

Seeing Gudu appearing and not seeing him for a few weeks, Dabai suddenly stepped forward and cried.

Of course, it was not really sick when it came to the hospital, it just wanted to avoid Ono. After sharing the materials of those military theories, it was forced to do mental and electronic mental tests. .

With a few words of comfort, Wang Hao told Dabai that he had already warned Aonuo, and it gradually stabilized his mood.

After repeated assurances, Dabai soon returned to the Academy of Social Sciences.

After wandering around the scheduled route, Wang Hao also became idle again.

I can't find anything I need to do, so I spend my days browsing forums, playing games, admiring the daily life of Momoa, Vasini and Kaiteng sisters, and trying to catch fish.

Time flies for a few days, and the final trial day of the criminal gangs in the slums in the central court of Siqingzhou arrives.

The harmonious and prosperous Siqingzhou City suddenly changed its scene.

Huge crowds took to the streets to parade, angry and excited, and their aggressive mood intensified, strongly exerting the influence of public opinion on the slave hunting group.

The military troops cooperated with the police officers to maintain law and order. Calls for the death penalty, shouts of venting, and voices of anger were heard endlessly.

Thanks to Gudu civilization, there is no tradition of parading condemned criminals through the streets, otherwise criminal gangs would probably drown halfway.

Wang Haozhai watched the entire live broadcast in the administrative tower.

After this wave of incidents, the Gudu people's impression of the slums will no longer be "freedom", but "a place where crimes are hidden". In the corners that the public cannot see, some of the four green islands are related to criminal gangs. Officials were thrown into prison, and after a while, the turbulent Siqingzhou ushered in a long period of high stability for the first time.

Gang executions also had a sort of deterrent effect on ghetto residents.

Surprisingly, this kind of action was also recognized as an event by the system.

【Public opinion surging】

[Besides the long-term loitering and control of the Siqingzhou slums, countless criminal incidents have covered up their traces. As the darkest and most filthy place in the empire,

Once the slave-hunting gang was exposed and announced, the situation ignited the flames of public opinion and aroused widespread concern from the public.

As small as the abandonment of illegitimate children, as large as the abuse and trafficking of slaves by criminal gangs, the cruelty hidden in the dark is torn off and thrown in front of the public. With the execution of the final judgment, most people have fallen into contemplation of freedom.

But... the tragedies that happened are irreversible. Some of the same young children enjoy their lives in normal society, while others are abandoned in the slums by the "birth mother" who pursues freedom, and are chased by the end of life.

Equality, law, morality, discipline, freedom... The tragedy of children begins with the "little evil" of Gu Duren who pursues freedom.

We need to become more united, more aligned. 】

[I: Everyone is equal!It is extremely irresponsible to entrust the future generations of our civilization to individual upbringing! 】


Compared with the cohesion of previous event rewards, the number this time is pitifully small.

Wang Hao didn't know whether it was the exhaustion of the civilized people caused by the excessive number of people's hearts gathering or what.

But so far, the incident has come to a perfect conclusion.

The clearing of land barriers in the slums was also successfully completed in early March, and the [-] million Gudu people in the slums basically returned to the civilized Gudu society to engage in production.

At present, the population of Guduxing has 29 units, and the available population and jobs are also 29 units. The jobs are currently at full capacity.

In another two months, the population of Guduxing will exceed the 30 billion mark.

Gu Duren's [rapid reproduction] trait, the two convenient reproduction methods, and the correction of the Gaia planet make the population grow very rapidly.

The immediate goal of a civilization then becomes to construct districts or buildings to provide available population jobs.

The matter of colonizing the planet is not in a hurry. The empire's alloy reserves are not enough to build a colony fleet, and there is not enough consumer goods. Moreover, the game has just started for more than a year, and the colonization operation is not in a hurry.

After some consideration, Wang Hao chose [Mining Division]. The empire's mineral resources were seriously insufficient in the early stage. The more you farm, the more minerals you will lack.

It is not obvious in the early stage, and the number of district buildings that need to be built is not large.

In the mid-term, every colonized planet is a baby waiting to be fed, and it needs to go through the investment stage before it can start feeding back to the empire.

Following Gudu's order, the administrative tower issued an order, and the government agencies of the entire empire began to operate at high speed, and some minerals were first transported to [Baoxiaozhou] on the four continents of Gudu Star.

There is a [Prosperous Pingdingshan] landform that stretches for hundreds of miles, rich in various minerals.

Minerals are needed to build districts, and the empire's current minerals do not meet the needs of building complete mining districts. .

But the reality is not a game, and the construction process will not be completed overnight. While building, wait for new minerals to be fully feasible. The empire’s minerals are enough to build 2/3 of the divisions, and the resources will definitely be in place before the progress of the later stage of the project.

The first division and construction after the civilization entered the interstellar civilization was officially put on the agenda.

(End of this chapter)

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