Chapter 110
Time flows like water, and the capital ushers in the scorching sun in a blink of an eye.

During several months, Wang Hao continued to follow up and observe the Kaiteng sisters. The two cubs showed amazing adaptability.

Kaiten lives a three-point and one-line life of learning, socializing and psionics.

The hobby of farming has long since disappeared with the lunch I ate from the street to the end of the street.

The heart knot that entangled the Kaiteng sisters was untied step by step. After the two little ones visited their aunt in the small town in their hometown, they completely abandoned the past and embraced a new beginning in life.

The residents of the small town who had helped the Kaiten sisters did not show any excitement when they saw the Kaiten sisters reappearing.

The attitude was unremarkable throughout, just like facing a familiar stranger.

This reality disappointed the Kaiten sisters for a long time.

They regard each other as special people, but in each other's eyes, the two children are just children who often wander around the town. The most kind things the residents of the town have done are just giving away a few unwanted clothes. By the way, he urged the Kaiteng sisters to go to the outside world.

After this incident, the Kaiten sisters became more and more dependent on Momoa.

In order to eat the cakes painted by Tu Lan, Kaiteng forgot to eat and sleep to study, and successfully completed the first half of preschool education and elementary education during the half vacation, learning new knowledge while keeping up with the progress.

The influence brought by the slums gradually disappeared as Kaiteng entered the campus.

The article about the hidden history of the slave trade case, which has not happened in a century, will only be mentioned occasionally when a few people think of it.

In this way, the trajectory of civilization development remains the same.

The 19th day since Wang Hao entered the game No. 2201 - July 7.

Civilization is changing with each passing day, ushering in the first high-speed development period of the interstellar era.


At the beginning of the month, the capital city administrative tower, leaders tea party.

Wang Hao quietly sat in the corner of the sword bearer's office. Half a year passed in the blink of an eye, and the Gudu civilization was flourishing and on the right track of development.

In the room, a total of six leaders, Tu Lan, Moni, Ono, Garner, Kumo, and Aisha, participated in the leadership gathering.

The tea party is also getting more and more lively.

Since the advent of the incarnation of civilization, the number of civilization leaders has also increased from five to eight in a year and a half, and small circle gatherings with only three or four people who are often short of people are getting bigger and bigger.

Considering that Aisha is still investigating in the Alimaden galaxy, she just hung up a remote call video.

There are no restrictions on the tea party, you can come if you want, even if people can't come, the video is fine.

Whenever the girls' tea party starts at the beginning of the month, Wang Hao will come here to eat, drink, watch events, and listen to the recent development of the empire by the way.

The reporting period is also the time when events are triggered most frequently,
In the reporting stage before the tea party, the leaders reported the work progress and summary to Tu Lan one by one.

Mo Ni looked like a drowsy person, she was still working day and night, reporting the work progress seemed weak and slow, waited patiently for a while, the consultant's voice sounded, and the system panel suddenly jumped out of the corresponding event.

Wang Hao looked at the event pop-up panel and cherished it very much.

I haven't seen the event for three or four months, so I miss it.

Looking at a bunch of players in the forums every day can show their energy, and it is light to say that they are hungry and thirsty. Players refresh the system panel three times a day, just like in the previous life, they kept refreshing novel updates when they were free, looking forward to surprises appear.

Now, it's really coming.

And in Wang Hao's prediction, there will be two events today.

Thinking of this, his mind became active, and the attitudes that naturally emanated from around him also cheered.

[Research on ancient spaceships]

[The holy sword cruiser from the ancient pioneers undoubtedly contains powerful technology far beyond our understanding.

Our scientific researchers are very excited to get in touch with these spaceships and witness their operation. For the Gudu civilization that has just stepped into the interstellar stage, the pioneer warships are full of mystery and inconceivable, and the operation rules of many devices even violate our physics. law.

The technology of the predecessors is too mysterious, even if our technology tree is similar, it is still too obscure to understand.

The empire's physics science officer, Mo Ni, warned after unsuccessful reverse technology: "Don't reverse engineer any technology on these warships, or install our own modifications, I don't know how it is, but it can be highly efficient. work without exploding."

Fortunately, research on the Excalibur is not in vain. 】

【Ι: Great creation! 】

[Effect: Get physics research points * 2000; get engineering research points * 2000]

Worth a small technology research point, Wang Hao turned his head to look.

The little Mo Ni at the table took a step back to make room after the report was finished, and began to let go of her thoughts, and her mind became more blurred.

From a distance, he could feel Mo Ni's struggle, wanting to forcefully rest but unable to rest.

Wang Hao is already very satisfied to be able to figure out the scientific research point. Dabai once clearly stated that the follower civilization has also conducted reverse research on the Holy Sword. Unfortunately, the above technology is too mysterious, and in the end it can only be parked in a museum.

T6-level dark matter technology, psionic technology and other extremely high-span technologies cannot be researched, which is normal.

However, in addition to the special technology of the Holy Sword, there is also the ordinary technology of [tachyon sensor] [neutron launcher], and the follower civilization that has developed to the T4 antimatter technology can't reverse anything. This cruiser of the Holy Sword is definitely [Tianji Engineering] Ascension has been blessed.

After a while, Mo Ni stepped back, and Ao Nuo stepped forward instead, starting with impeccable etiquette.

The mental outlook of the two science officers is one in the sky and the other in the earth.

Wang Hao stayed quietly in the corner of the room, his eyes lingering on the system panel and Tu Lan.

The event of the system interface pops up again.

If the first incident comes from Dabai’s mount—Holy Sword, then the second incident comes from Dabai himself.

【Military Intelligent Man—Dabai】

[Not long ago, at the invitation of Mr. Gudu, a military intelligent humanoid positron artificial intelligence from the pioneers gladly joined the Gudu civilization.

When the administrative tower announced that a new robot advisor had been added to the army, we were extremely shocked, but then the identity of the pioneer intelligent man caused a frenzied response from the public, and people were curious and fond of it because of its military status. It is generally believed that 'Dabai' has abundant Wude.

After more than half a year of adapting and getting along, Dabai has already entered the atmosphere of integrating into the military society.

According to an intelligent person who did not want to be named, coming to Gudu Civilization feels like going home. The ladies and sisters are all talented, and they speak nicely. I like it very much.It's boring to be alone on the Knum planet, and you don't have any friends to play with.

At present, the war theory shared by Dabai has been basically understood by our military fleet.

But it is regrettable that the cabinet has no plans to expand the fleet in the near future. 】

[Ι: Good! 】

[Effect: Acquire Technology [Doctrine: Space Combat] [Doctrine: Smart Formation] [Doctrine: Star Wars] [Doctrine: Mobile Fleet Template] [Doctrine: Fleet Formation] [Doctrine: Fleet Support] [Doctrine: Support Fleet] [ Doctrine: Interstellar Logistics] [Doctrine: Fleet Liaison]; Militarism Thought +50% (for 10 years)]

Nine technologies!

Wang Hao's hand trembled violently, and he tried to poke the screen several times but failed.

Even if he had expected it in advance, he was shocked by Dabai's handwriting.

Good guy, Treasure Intelligence, it was right to save Dabai back then. There are a total of nine technologies that cover all the military theories and general theories in the civilization tree of the stars.

Dabai shares technology, and the Academy of Social Sciences sorts out and absorbs the military theories of the pioneers and applies them to the military system of Gudu Civilization.

Doctrines have the effect of increasing naval capacity and fleet command cap.

The military doctrine will adjust and supplement the theories and applications of the Imperial Navy's supply, support, logistics, communication, coordination, etc., and optimize the military carrying capacity of Guduren.


With the confirmation click of the event, the naval capacity of the fleet on the system panel increased from 22 to 154, and the command limit of the fleet changed from 20 to 120.

Among them, the naval capacity has a 10% bonus due to the extreme militaristic trend of thought and the current military service mode in peacetime.

If it wasn't for his image, Wang Hao would have laughed wildly on the spot.

If this is a screenshot, there is a high probability that it will be regarded as P.

After admiring the sudden increase in numbers for a moment, Wang Hao was in a good mood, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

that's nice!

Another step closer to peace. Although the number of their own fleet is still pleasing to the eye3, but the military technology has been paved, what bicycles are needed.

(End of this chapter)

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