Civilization of the Stars: I loaded the mod

Chapter 117 Proposal to bless the world

Chapter 117 Proposal to bless the world
"Abba aba aba."

Ke Xicai, who was hit hard, squatted under the table, thinking that he had finally discovered the blind spot of the big brother's knowledge, but as soon as he said it, he was hit backhanded.

Immediately, the psychic tradition felt mediocre.

"Okay, get up."

Regardless of Kexi cuisine's disappointment, Wang Hao continued to check the civilization of Kexi cuisine, his brows slightly frowned.

"Your luck..."

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it. There are two green and two red on the star map, four livable planet signs, and two archaeological sites.In one and a half years, so many things have been explored in Greek cuisine.

"Kexi Cai, you look like a European emperor!"

Wang Hao gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation. There are five galaxies explored by the scientific research ship at the beginning, four of which have habitable planets, two guaranteed grassland planets, and two tundra planets.

Originally, the guarantee planet was a hidden mechanism.

According to the thousands of players he analyzed on the Stars Forum, less than 5% of the players will encounter a guaranteed ball of the same type as the parent star within the distance of the galaxy within two jumps of the opening.

And this kind of players who encounter the bottom ball basically start with a special origin.

It can be seen from this that in this world where most players can only fight for character, how lucky is the Greek cuisine.

"That's why I'm more entangled."

With his head down, Ke Xicai shook his head, speaking respectfully.

"God, you said that if there are many livable planets, the main thing is to expand. Idealism also recommends to follow the tradition first, and technology is also the top priority. Born in our Blue Star civilization, I have known since childhood that 'science and technology are the primary productive forces'. In a word, I am extremely idealistic, I have multiple goals, and I also want to develop technology."

"Ah~" With a tangled face, Ke Xicai sighed in annoyance.

"Aren't you ashamed to say that!?"

Hearing that the Greek cuisine is so Versailles, the mysterious cat next to him couldn't hold back.

"A full man doesn't know a hungry woman!"

She didn't even see the shadow of a living planet for a year and a half, and she sighed when she found four balls. If it wasn't for the boss Gudu, she would have chopped the grams of vegetables on the spot.

"'s really hard to choose."

After thinking for a moment, Wang Hao was also a little uncertain. "No matter what, your mineral monthly is only +15, so it's right to create a mining division first."

"What about after that?" Ke Xicai continued to ask after silently remembering Gu Du's suggestion.

"Whether I build a research laboratory, or an industrial district, or a temple."

What he really cares about is the follow-up development plan. With the productivity of civilization, the resources to create a mining area need to produce 20 months of mineral surplus income.

Even if the mining district is built well, and new mineral output is added, it will take 16 or 20 months to rebuild the second building or district.

An average of one and a half years is very long.

At this stage, which player dares to misuse the time of the stars? After the technology summit a few days ago, many players have begun to consciously learn the knowledge of civilization in the game.

After staying in Qunxing for more than a year, it is enough for players to adapt to the new life and think about it.

"Tell me about the ascension you can choose in the first stage."

Wang Hao also had a headache when he didn't face the problem of fighting against the grain, so he decided to change his mind.

In the past, the time of playing games was fleeting, and there was no such a situation of being so fussy. But when the game becomes a reality, it can also affect your life and even civilization. Who can care less, so he also tries his best to recommend the most suitable route to the group of friends.

"Ascension? Let me see."

Although I don't understand why Gudu mentioned this, Kexicai opened the system panel as usual.

The gray Ascension Gauge cannot be used, and when you click on the Ascension Talent interface, there are only three options.

"Efficient Administration, Central Privileges, Bless the World."

Ke Xicai told all the contents of the Feisheng interface one by one.




Taking a deep breath to suppress the desire to complain in his heart, Wang Hao covered his face to express his helplessness.

Although I have seen the poor options of ordinary players on the forum, but I was deeply touched when I heard the self-report of the optional ascension of the Greek cuisine.

Terrible, worse than the original.

Ordinary players are far from traditional and ascension, but they still have to be handled by the system, and those with a low adaptation rate will not be used.

Fortunately, I am hanging on the wall...

In this case, you should focus on expansion and assist in cohesion. "

The thought storm in his head was spinning wildly, and Wang Hao suggested with a solemn expression.

"Expansion and cohesion? If you don't develop technology and fleet, what if someone declares war and I can't fight?"

Ke Cuisine is a little worried.

"Come on, follow my train of thought... Think about it, why you want to develop technology is for the combat effectiveness of the fleet, right?"


Ke Xicai nodded sharply, and then listened to Gudu continue to analyze.

"The gap between us and potential enemies of other civilizations lies in technology and economic strength. The higher the technology, the higher the combat effectiveness of the fleet, the stronger the economic strength, and the larger the size of the space fleet. The quality of technology is guaranteed, and the economy is guaranteed, right?"


"But if the technology is two levels higher than the opponent's, the quantity doesn't matter anymore. At the same time, the strength of technology and economy both need population as the foundation, right?"

"Yes! That's right bro!"

Every sentence made sense, Ke Xicai also showed excitement on his face.

"So you mean to let me transition halfway?"

After much deliberation, this is the only way he could think of, first take [Transcendence to the Holy] Ascension, the direction of civilization development will change, and rely on the power of psionic power to overtake in curves.

"As expected of a boss, he arranged for me clearly! But is psionic power really that strong?"

"Of course not." Gu Du immediately shook his head, and Ke Xi Cai lost his voice.


"I don't mean to say that it's unrealistic to let your technology surpass the level of the enemy by two generations by relying on psionic power and population."

"...Then what should I do, bro."

"Call your big daddy!"


"Ah!" The mysterious meow who eavesdropped on the side responded with a smile.

"you shut up!"

"You murdered me?"

"...If you talk too much and annoy the boss, there will be no one to help us." Unsure of the girl's character, Ke Xicai could only bring out the boss and return to the topic.

"Boss, if you are talking about the guardians of Avanrite, I can only remind you with regret that the Avanrites have made it clear that they will not interfere with the development of the civilization of the Greek cuisine. And they are still talking It is said that destiny is predestined, and what has been done will be done again."

"If there is a war, there is a high probability that they will only watch the Croatian civilization sink, and finally help me collect the corpse out of vassalism."

In the past, Kexicai also thought that he would rather be shameless than hug his thighs. After all, compared with survival, face and the like can't be eaten.

It's a pity that Aiwanruite rejected him sternly.

"I also know this, the attitude of those lost empires has always been like this."

There was a glint in his eyes, and Wang Hao did not forget to take the opportunity to say bad things about depravity.

Other people's families are all younger generations cheating the elders, but every time I played the origin of [Ancestors] in my previous life, I always fell into my father and cheated my younger brother. What happened to the Lost Empire was blown up by a young general AI? Wang Hao was forced to be beaten because of his status as a vassal state. More than once.

The vassal has suffered from the suzerain state for a long time.

"But your first ascension can point to [Bless the World] talent!"

"Bless the world?!"

Ke Xicai widened his eyes and let out a cry, unable to keep up with Gudu's train of thought.

"But boss, didn't you say that the consecrated world is very weak, and the income of having a livable world is not as high as directly colonizing it, and it is only in the middle and late stages that this ascension can be used as a toy."

"The reason is this, but for your civilization, there are other variables."

"Other variables..."

Muttering and repeating, Ke Xicai tentatively asked: "The guardian of Avanrite?"

"Yes!" Wang Hao nodded to confirm his thoughts.

"But I still don't know how to operate it." Ke Xicai wrinkled his forehead. "Boss, you'd better not sell the lawsuit."

"Then you can remember it well."

Wang Hao blinked, and then said something Ke Xicai also couldn't understand.

"Walled gardens, emerald mausoleums, jewels of purest purity, hermitages of prophets."

 In order to meet the workload of readers who update hundreds of pictures every day, I took advantage of the moonlight and the beautiful early morning time to brush pictures while listening to songs.

  I don’t know why, but I came across the pictures of Honkai III: Delisha, Banya, Hill, Paramecium, and there were not many pictures of them, all of which were beautiful pictures with knives. knife……


  My playlist just broke through 1145 songs a few days ago, and the songs were randomly played to the background music of Sakura Samsara, reminding me of the days when I opened the world to pick up garbage four years ago.

  Forget about the background music of Sakura Samsara. After playing this song randomly, I will play "Sky Meteor", Jizi's last lesson on paramecium.

  Give me a broken defense, my heart is broken and broken.

  As expected of you, Wang Yiyun!Do all the bad things!
(End of this chapter)

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