Civilization of the Stars: I loaded the mod

Chapter 118 What bad thoughts can a 1-year-old child have?

Chapter 118 What bad thoughts can a one and a half year old child have?
"This, what is this, boss."

Raising his hand, he was a little at a loss, Ke Xicai couldn't touch the back of his head at all.

It’s the kingdom of heaven and a prophet. It sounds very powerful, but I can’t understand it at all. "Does what I do in the early stage have anything to do with these things?"

"That's right!"

The plan may be silly, but it works!
Wang Hao wrote down the names of the four holy land planets with a smile and showed them to Kexi Cai. "Crane, do you have the name and location of the holy place of the guardian of Avanrit in the teachings of your civilization?"

holy place...

Suddenly thinking of the doctrine that civilization originated from the beliefs of fallen empires, Ke Xicai shook his head. "No."


Hearing this, his smile deepened.

At first, I was a little afraid that the Holy Land of the Fallen Empire would have a strange and unseen name, so Ke Xicai had never heard of the four Holy Land Gaia spheres he mentioned.

But since Ke Cai has never heard of the reputation of the fallen holy place, everything will be easier.

The last obstacle removed.

As early as when Kexicai used to operate the official account of the Blue Star official player group, he mentioned the teachings of Kexicai civilization.

And the name "Zaklan" was mentioned in the pile of teachings inherited from the Fallen Empire.

Having a dog's head means that this idealistic degenerate is genuine, and Wang Hao can basically confirm that the four holy places of the guardians of Avanrette are the four in his impression.

This depravity can deceive...where!

"It seems that the holy lands of the two of you who believe in the same civilization are separate." Wang Hao's words were a bit mocking of the idealistic holy guard.

"Well, the Holy Land of the Fallen Empire has nothing to do with the Civilization of the Greek Cuisine. The only civilization that can be regarded as a Holy Land now is the place where I live." The Greek Cuisine was quite helpless.

"Well, the plan is highly feasible."

With a lot of thoughts, Wang Hao smiled for a short while and then stopped his expression, his face became solemn and serious.

There is a certain probability of failure for the trick he gave to Ke Caizhi, although the probability of success is not low.

"I have a plan. If it succeeds, you can get good income, but there is also a probability of failure."

"What about the probability and punishment of failure?"

"The probability is unknown, but there will be no loss if you fail."

"Then tell me, boss." Ke Xicai listened attentively.

Give it a go, the bike turns into a motorcycle.

Although I don't understand which tricky route Gudu took to give me an idea, but there is no loss in failure, so why hesitate.

"First of all, after you go offline, you need to communicate with the guardians of Avanrite."

"Communicate, understand." Ke Xicai stared blankly, rehearsing the steps in his mind.

The guardian of Avanrite had left a communication device on Keleia, and he would exchange feelings with the Avanita psychic who taught him at the beginning basically every few months.

"Then, in the dream last night, you were guided by fate."

"Well, ordered... eh?"

Ke Xicai stopped thinking in astonishment. "Boss, have I not been guided by any fate?"

"No, you have."

Wang Hao stared at him silently, and said in a deep voice, "As long as they can't read your thoughts, then there are."

"...Okay, I have."

Sensing the pressure from Gudu's eyes, Ke Xicai raised his hands in surrender, shouting out of nothing following the boss's train of thought.

"Last night, the incarnation of a civilization that could not dream abnormally began to sleepwalk in the dreamland. This is very weird and unbelievable. Maybe it has encountered an indescribable influence in the dark. I need some help from the suzerain country."

Everything I encounter is destiny, rounded up, I met a big boss Gudu, and if the big boss guides me, it is also the guidance of fate.

"A child can be taught." Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction.

Ke Xicai seems to have a talent for acting, and he cooperates very well.

But if you think about it, being able to sit in the position of the deputy leader of the core player group, and also be a tool person with peace of mind, the ability to play on the spot is definitely not bad.

"Then what should I see in my dream?" Ke Xicai was so embarrassed that he was immersed in playing a weak role on the surface.

This is being forced into prostitution by the big boss, obviously he just wants to be a good family member.

"There are four Gaia planets in the shining galaxy. They are born sacred, and their names are [Walled Garden], [Emerald Mausoleum], [Pure Treasure], and [Prophet's Hermitage]." Wang Hao replied without thinking , persuasive and persuasive, pitted and depraved without mercy.

Don’t you guys like to be a magician if you are idealistic and depraved, then he will make Kexi cuisine even more magical.

In the eyes of the guardians of Avanrette, the Greeks, who were not supposed to know about the Holy Land, suddenly learned about their own Holy Land. What would they do?There is a high probability that it will be regarded as some kind of divine revelation, and then the godson will become a real son.

The Greek cuisine then blessed the Holy Land to win the favor of the corrupt, and the master and servant loved each other.

The ideal script is the path that Wang Hao has in mind.

Although I don't know why the Greek cuisine civilization of the human race was chosen, but it is 100% related to 'fate', maybe it will also add keywords such as gods, psychic powers, and prophecies.

He doesn't even need to guess the idealistic and depraved thinking, his mind is definitely a little bit of God, and the selection of younger brothers is not based on big data random selection.Using data analysis and rolling the dice to draw the children of the ancestors is something that only the degenerates of extreme materialism will do.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile, Wang Hao continued to arrange the script.

It may be a beautiful thing to fool people.

"In the dream, the four planets floated one by one from the depths of the sea of ​​stars, appearing and disappearing from time to time. You can vaguely see the divine light flowing and commanding, and you can still hear some calls in your heart. At this time, You have to show a look of disappointment."

"Saw it……"

Lowering his head in a deep voice, brewing his emotions for a moment, Ke Xicai raised his head and looked up into space again.

Sadness frowns between brows, frustrated and melancholy eyes, sad and dejected, as if something has been lost but can't remember, fingertips lightly grasping to grasp, unable to touch anything other than air, if that empty heart generally.

The listener was sad, and the one who heard it was sad, not to mention that Aiwanruite was still an elder.

Under the performance of words and expressions, Avan Ritter would be upset if he is not a robot.


Clapping and applauding, Wang Hao took the opportunity to take a screenshot and show it to Ke Xicai.

"I hope you can perform like this on the spot. If you do, your future prospects are limitless. Blue Star Civilization owes you an Oscar statuette."

"Hope it..."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Ke Xicai shrugged helplessly. "Also, name those four planets, what should I do."

"The next step is much simpler. You just need to tell them that you want to adopt [Bless the World] for the first ascension talent of the Greek civilization. There is no reason. You just think that everything should be like this."

After the procedure was completed, Wang Hao put on a familiar smile on his face.

"Then you don't have to do anything."

Although he doesn't know what the guardian of Avanrette will do next, there are only a few things he can do. The situation of his holy land is mysteriously learned by his younger brother, and the news will be uploaded layer by layer.

Maybe there will be professionals to interpret dreams, and there will be prophets who go deep into the virtual world to predict something, or ask the gods of the virtual world for help.

But after all, I can't extend my tentacles into reality.

It has been sunken for hundreds of millions of years, and the technology of the fallen empire has been forgotten. Perhaps even the former Wotaum can't compare.

What the Ke cuisine needs to do is to return to its original job—the incarnation of Mengxin civilization. The guardian of Avanruite has guarded the civilization of the Ke cuisine for thousands of years.

After all... He is only a one-and-a-half-year-old child, what bad thoughts can a child have.

"The more you talk, the more mistakes you make. Your goal is to show your willingness to bless those four planets, and the rest of the Avanrite Guardians will do it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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